24 Hour Family Survival Course

Be prepared for an outdoor adventure for grown ups and kids on this family survival adventure! When the chips are down you need someone like Bear Grylls. This survival camp aimed at families has been designed by Bear Grylls (himself a father of three) to appeal to parent and child combos who want to see if they can survive together in the wild for 24 hours.

As Bear himself says: ‘Never Give Up’ as you wade through chilly waters try and catch bugs for you tea and attempt to navigate harsh terrain after nightfall. Indeed let’s not mince our words. You have to be fairly physically fit to be able to participate in a Bear Grylls survival camp – but there’s the mental challenge of it all too. It definitely takes a certain type of person to survive a whole twenty-four hours outside.

But these family survival courses are special because they are just that – for families. The idea is that you function as a duo with one parent/adult over 18 and one child (8-17 years) making up each team. Your survival camp hosts will instruct you on all the skills you’ll need during the first half of the course which starts at midday. Having foraged set traps used knives lit the fire and finally fashioned your shelter for the night you’ll bed down…

The next day sees the pair of you working together using the skills you learnt to operate in ‘self-rescue’ style to get you back to civilisation before midday. It’s going to be a perilous journey in the wilderness. You might need to use ropes to secure your passage over difficult terrain you’ll need navigation skills and be pretty dynamic with it all too. And of course this wouldn’t be a Bear Grylls survival camp without a few gnarly river and lake crossings!

If you and your offspring are right up there on the Bear Grylls scale of braveness you’ll love the chance to go on a family survival adventure like this. And remember it’s not a military boot camp and it’s so much more than just bushcraft. This is outdoor adventure with the daring dial cranked up to the max!

Find out more and book your place today!

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