4D Baby Scan

Share a tender loving moment as you watch your baby in your tummy live on a 4D scan in Manchester or Lancashire at these wonderful scanning boutiques! Whether it’s a bonding moment for reassurance or to celebrate with your loved ones the miracle growing inside you these private ultrasound appointments are becoming increasingly popular with future Mums.

All pregnant ladies will know about the usual black and white 2D scans that you have in hospital for diagnosis and medical reasons but these private baby scans are all about bonding with and discovering your little one before they’re born with an ultrasound room that has been beautifully furnished and is more akin to a spa treatment room.

Opposite you is a large 40” screen where you’ll be able to watch bubba in glorious 4D. In essence the ultrasound machines at both the Manchester centre and the sister centre in Chorley are exactly the same as ones in medical establishments but have the powerful software that transforms images into 4D; a moving version of 3D images. We have to say it’s totally mesmerising and magical to watch a 4D scan made all the more poignant when it’s accompanied by the sound of baby’s beating heart.

Maybe he’ll suck his thumb perhaps she’ll yawn or even blow bubbles. And what is totally amazing (even though you might not appreciate it until they are born) is just how the babies look like their 3D printed images. You’ll find yourself saying things like ‘She’s got definitely got Daddy’s nose’ or ’She has that same cupid’s bow mouth like Mummy’. And the details of these images can be that good that you’ll be able to see if they have already developed a full head of hair or even if they’ve got their eyes open during the scan.

As we mentioned the 3D prints this ultrasound machine produces are incredibly realistic and with all packages you get to take home printed images of your baby so make sure you keep them safe so you can look back in wonder with your son or daughter in years to come. You also get a CD with all the images on. To complete the Little Monkey 4D scan gift package parents get a gorgeous mini bear complete with an adorable heartbeat recording inside them whilst the luxury Cherub package gives you an extra framed photo and large and very cuddly heartbeat bear too.

Whether you’re a first time expectant Mum or adding to your family brood a 4D scan in Manchester or in Chorley is sure to bring your pregnancy to life in the most wonderful way.

Find out more and book your place today!

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