4×4 Gloucestershire

Combine gears with a ratio of fun when you drive a 4×4 in Gloucestershire on these Wye Valley off roading sessions! A fleet of Land Rovers and Range Rovers is lined up and ready to tackle the unique tracks and trails of this quarry-based training centre. Let’s see if you can make the grade behind the wheel…

Whitecliff 4×4 is headed up by Borda and Lantra qualified Geraldine alongside Bryn and a team of instructor drivers all ready and waiting to teach you the ins and outs of off-roading. It’s a great place to learn too as this is a former stone quarry just outside the town of Coleford that closed in the mid 1980s and as you can imagine the place is filled with rough and rugged terrain that’s the ideal playground for these equally rugged 4×4 vehicles.

The way 4×4 experiences at this Gloucestershire base are organised ensures all participants get in-depth training on off road techniques and gives a real insight into what these Landys and Range Rovers can do. After a classroom briefing you’ll head out on site where each section is walked before being tackled in the vehicle. This method means you can physically see what you’ve got to do before executing the manoeuvre from a driving position where often you can’t even see the obstacle once you’ve approached it!

We are offering these 4×4 courses as either shared small group or exclusive one to one experiences. If you go for the group camaraderie of the half day shared session you will be tackling a variety of different off road sections of this Coleford course taking it in turns in the 4WD vehicle. And when you’re not driving you’ll be on the sidelines watching the action. Upgrading to the full day shared sees you working your way around 10 sections of this quarry site.

Our one to one 4×4 Gloucestershire courses are fully adapted to you and with loads of driving time you will cover the same six sections on the half day and those 10 on the full day but you’ll have the chance to repeat sections and even tackle them from the opposite direction to mix it up just that little bit more to test your motoring skills to the max.

Find out more and book your place today!

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