£500 Activity Gift Token

If you want to splash out and buy someone you love a really fabulous gift   but you don’t want to which one to pick these £500 Activity Gift Tokens are the highest value single tokens available to buy directly from the Into the Blue website.

In the £500 category there is a whole raft of gift voucher ideas available including a two night spa break for two wing walking flights alongside spitfires and a whole lot more. Typically for this sort of spend friends family and colleagues have clubbed together to create a ‘kitty’ and we think £500 is a superb amount of money that definitely goes a long way.

In fact there are simply hundreds of activities that are priced at £500 or less and indeed choosing lower priced activities means they lucky recipient can do more of them. We’re thinking quads one day a trial flying lesson the next a drive in a tank and then a rallying session to round it off.

Or how about going completely epicurean and indulging in a short break gourmet meals pampering and even tickets to a West End show? Whether you’re craving adrenaline a bit of relaxation or just want to indulge yourself you can have it all if you have a £500 IntotheBlue token at your disposal!

Trading in your £500 Activity Gift Token from Into the Blue
Once you’ve presented your £500 token as a gift all the recipient has to then do is browse and make their choice of which activity or activities they’d like to do. This can be done by having a look through the intotheblue.co.uk website. 

So now they’ve compiled their very own ‘bucket list’  they can go online and exchange their monetary token into the voucher for the activity chosen. All that remains then is for them to contact the supplier and get themselves booked for their very special day out. Simple easy to use and flexible – that’s out £500 activity gift token for you!

What happens if the activity doesn’t cost £500?
In the event of the token recipient choosing an activity that costs less than £500 an Into the Blue credit note will be issued. If what they want to do costs more than £500 (we have some once in a lifetime sort of activities such as Formula 1 driving or a personal Spitfire display in front of your home) the difference can be topped up.

Find out more and book your place today!

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£500 Activity Gift Token
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