Big Cat Photography

Find yourself just a whisker-length away from these gorgeous species on our Big Cat Photography days! These experiences are a true privilege for any wildlife or photography fan as you will enjoy a unique level of access to the big cats and other animals at either Woburn Abbey or Knowsley Safari Park.

What makes this photography day out even more special is that fact that you’re not just taking pictures of big cats at close quarters you’ll also learn lots about photography from composition and ISO settings to histograms and JPEG vs RAW digital image formats. As well as the tutoring from your photographic guide the keepers who look after the big cats will also be alongside you for the day so you get a real insight into their work caring for these majestic animals.

At Woburn in Bedfordshire you and your camera will be snapping away as you are driven through the very large enclosures home to prides of Lions and Amur Tigers. The cats may well be the biggest draw in the enclosure but in a true safari style expect to be photographing a sloth of bears a pack of wolves a tower of giraffes or even a crash of rhinoceroses.

Over in Merseyside at the Knowsley Safari Park you’ll be exploring over 200 hectares of countryside transformed into over five miles of safari drive. These wonderful reserves give you the opportunity to photograph families of big cats in their natural surroundings with exclusive access sessions to the Lions and the Tigers who live at Knowsley. You will also have time to capture the comical Baboons on film too.

Every half day big cat photography workshop is fully guided and accompanied to ensure maximum safety whilst still allowing you to get sufficiently close to the cats for some big impact portrait-style photos as well as composing more landscape-based shots. Every step of the way you’ll get help with creating and setting up the best possible shots and what technique to use to get the most impressive results.

Find out more and book your place today!

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