Big Grizzly Monster Truck Drive

When is a truck a US Monster Truck? When it’s around 12ft tall that’s when! If you’re looking for the ultimate supersized driving gift this could be the one. When you meet this full-size American monster truck you’ll be in awe. And when you try and climb aboard you will literally have to get the ladder out.

Your experience starts with an introduction to ‘Grizzly’ the ginormous one from the States complete with 6ft tyres custom paintwork and full-on American pick-up body styling. Underneath the bonnet there’s a full-size engine too. It’s a 7500 (!) cc Chevvy engine that produces more power and noise than any driver could wish for.

Once you’ve been shown the controls in Grizzly’s sky-high cab it’s time to turn the key in the ignition. Having taken a moment to listen to that roaring motor you’ll then set off on the purpose-built course that has been created to be suitably worthy of such a massive monster truck from the US of A.

This full-size monster is like nothing you’ve ever driven before. The truck has a seriously elevated driving position that takes some getting used to. And you’ll feel every knobble on those huge chunky tyres too. As you complete your first warm-up lap in Grizzly you’ll be grateful for the expert advice from your instructor.

Then it’s a question of driving control and spatial awareness as you try and reverse the beast that is Grizzly into a coned ‘garage’ area. We think you’ll agree this task takes parking to the next level as you try and manoeuvre this full-sized monster from the US into a pretty standard-sized parking space!

After another practice lap to master the steering and gas pedal you’ll attempt the big finale. Psyche yourself up for steering this incredible USA monster truck they call Grizzly over not one but two saloon cars. Honestly whoever left them there right in the middle of the monster truck driving circuit must’ve been out of their minds. And look at the cars now – all squished and squashed by that 8-tonne Grizzly giant!

Find out more and book your place today!

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