Chocolate Street Challenge

This brilliant chocolate street challenge is all about strategy clue solving photo challenges and blagging goodies – with lots of chocolate treats to keep you going! These team-based games will have you dashing around London with chocolate prizes galore.

Running on selected Saturdays and Sundays it’s a fun way to spend a couple of hours in the capital testing your lateral thinking your problem solving and even your creativity during your street challenge. Your dedication to chocolate will be constantly rewarded with little cocoa-based treasure treats as you find the answers to the questions and move step by step though the challenge.

You will be given your street challenger chocolate hunter pack containing clues riddles and maps. From that moment on it’s a fast-paced challenge for chocolate against the clock around East London taking in the likes of Hoxton Shoreditch Brick Lane and Spitalfields Market.

Along the way there will be an array of street challenge games to get you working together as a team. You’ll have a stash of chocolate coins to help with a bit of gentle bribery when it comes to procuring the items on your scavenger list. Then there’s a chance to get creative with photo bonus points. Follow the instructions take those funky selfies and send them to the all-seeing chocolate street challenge team at HQ for extra prizes!

And yes the prizes lined up for these treasure hunts are all about the chocolate. Delicious Belgian chocolate of the highest quality at that. Surely that has got to be just reward for all your clue crunching route finding and scavenging? The more clues you solve the more chocolate you and your fellow challengers win. But of course no-one leaves empty handed as you all leave with a bag of Belgian chocolates to chomp on.

We think these fast furious creative and witty chocolate treasure hunts discovering the historic streets of East London are a great idea for a group of friends colleagues or family. And if your detective work culminates in lots of lovely choc what’s not to love about this very tasty street challenge?

Find out more and book your place today!

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