Exclusive Drifting Course

When the operators of this drifting course tell you to ‘wear your brave hat for this one’ you know it’s going to mean business! Billed as the most intense drift courses in the UK you’ll have the undivided attention of your drift instructor for the duration as these drift experiences are on an exclusive basis.

The drifting courses are run like a proper training academy rather than just a taster experience. You as the student get to immerse yourself in the world of drifting. As well as running these courses your hosts also compete in drift events so it’s a proper motorsport outfit with a dozen school drift cars and two full-blown drift racers. And if you’ve never seen how it all works at the track it’s fascinating.

As you’ve got access exclusively for three or six hours you’ll start to get a real understanding of what it takes to run a drift car. It’s the full package here so as well as the tuition time your car and the fuel is included. So are the tyres. That might sound obvious but when you think a set of tyres on a car out on the dry surface will last between five and 10 minutes when driven hard it can be costly motorsport!

And indeed if you do go out onto the dry you’ll need to allow time for tyre changes. But that’s OK it’s a chance for you to marvel at the mechanics at work chat with your instructor to answer any questions or have a break and a cuppa before heading out to attack the drifting circuit again. If you choose to drift on the wet course your tyres will last between one and two hours before a change is needed.

With the drifting course being exclusive the syllabus is adapted to you. If you’ve never done it before you’ll start with basics and move through different modules. The great thing is if you want to go back a re-do a section you can do all within your time limit. Perfect if you want more time practising those impressive Scandinavian flicks for example!

It’s also worth noting that with these drifting courses you’re essentially buying the track time in the car with the instructor so you are welcome to invite up to two other budding drifters to join you and share the time behind the wheel. Personally we’d be hogging the experience all to ourselves – it’s not every day you get to be a student at the drift academy for this many hours!

Find out more and book your place today!

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