Exclusive River Thames Fishing Day

Take time out for a day of traditional Thames river fishing! Far from the hustle and bustle of city life you’ll find the ultimate in tranquility in these private fishing experiences on the Thames in Berkshire. 

Your host will be expert angler Steve Roberts who knows these waters well. In fact as a six year old boy he caught his first fish from the Thames. It’s still his favourite place to go fishing in particular the weir pools at Pangbourne. 

What makes these Thames fishing experiences so unique is that they are in homage to the Thames Professional fishermen of years gone by who took their gentleman anglers fishing. Everything is authentic right down to the split cane rods and centrepin reels Steve favours. You’ll even be sat on a traditional wicker seat basket too in the very punt owned by the previous ‘last Thames Professional’ fisherman.

Steve is a superb host. He certainly knows his stuff and is an Angling Trust qualified fishing coach and associate member of the Game Angling Instructors Association. He’s a friendly and softly-spoken chap who loves nothing more than to show you the delights of ‘old school’ fishing using equipment that could be up to 100 years old which ‘still works as well as it’s always done’ as Steve will show you.

There are some great fishing places on this part of the Thames. Steve will take you to a part only accessible by boat and secluded by picturesque islands.  He’ll row you into a private weir pool and using over 30 years of local knowledge have you fishing for the chub pike perch and roach that abound there. With a skilled guide you’ll fish the deeps and shallows the rushing streams and the quiet corners your boatman knows so well.

As you’ll be spending all day fishing the Thames with Steve lunch is included. And it’s a ‘jolly good lunch’ as Steve would say.  Made with produce from his own kitchen garden you’ll tuck into pork pies cheeses cured meats sandwiches and pickles in the fishing punt under the shade of the overhanging willow trees.

If this Thames river fishing day sounds idyllic that’s because it is. As soon as you’re out on the boat time somehow seems to slow down with Steve at the oars relax with  Steve’s calm and patient manner which is the perfect atmosphere for getting you in a laid back fishing mood!

Find out more and book your place today!

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