Gorge Walking in South Wales

Gorge walking in Wales. We’re the first to admit we had blank looks on our faces when it was suggested Into The Blue should offer this outdoor activity. Does it mean hiking in a pac-a-mac with soggy sarnies and a map? Nope! The gorge walking offered in South Wales is pretty gnarly and you’ll need a ‘full on attitude’ to succeed.

All you need to bring along with you for your gorge adventure in South Wales is your nerve as all safety equipment is supplied and your experienced guides will ensure that you will make the most of your high thrills experience safely. After introductions and listening to the on-land briefing session it’s time to take a deep breath and go for it!

The walks take place in spectacular Welsh gorges with Mother Nature offering up some incredible challenges and obstacles. It’s fair to say that normally when you see a nice waterfall you’d stop and take a picture of it. On this gorge walking outing in Wales you might well be abseiling down it. You may also find yourself traversing along rock walls leaping across boulders or even partaking in a spot of underground hole exploration and bog jumping!

And remember this is your gorge walking experience so there is no pressure for you to have a go at all the challenges that this part of South Wales can throw at you. But believe us once you start on that adrenaline rush you can’t stop and you’ll be amazed what you dare try when you’re in the flow of it all.

The grand finale (if you dare!) when gorge walking around Wales has to be the water plunge affectionately known as Loonies Leap. Seeing as it’s the last challenge on your wild day out in South Wales you might as well get wet as warm clothes are only a few minutes away – just choose from a 5ft 10ft or 18ft leap!

Find out more and book your place today!

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