Gyrocopters Perth

Gyroplanes – probably the most unique way to get airborne over the gateway to the Highlands! These gyro flights out of Perth Airport are designed to give you an insight into this amazing form of flight with a good dose of stunning Scottish scenery included too.

If you’ve never seen a gyrocopter in real life before get ready to meet Big Nellie. We could say she’s just a bigger sibling to the famous Little Nellie in the James Bond film but she most definitely has her own personality. 

It’ll be Kevin who will be taking you up over the is gorgeous part of Scotland for your inaugural gyroplane flight experience. He is a wonderful pilot instructor with a bucket loads of enthusiasm for the fine art of gyro flying and is also very patient with all his pupils.

After a safety briefing in the pilot’s training room you’ll head out to the apron to meet Big Nellie in all her gorgeous finery. These gyrocopters really are rather distinctive with that open cockpit tandem seating configuration and tricycle undercarriage with the propellor on the rear of the machine with the rudder and horizontal stabilizer just behind.

Now you’ve seen her up close it’s time to taxi along one of Perth’s three runways (there are two tarmac and one grass one) ready for take off. Before you know it you’ll be gaining height over the airport and heading gracefully over some of Perthshire’s finest countryside. At this point we should add that your gyrocopter flight is actually a lesson and with these gyros being dual control you will have the chance to have a go at flying Nellie. You’ll be amazed how light they feel and how easy they are to manoeuvre around the sky – could this be the start of an amazing new aerial hobby?

Modern gyroplanes are incredibly safe and meet all the latest regulations so despite looking very open and exposed you will be safely strapped in with your harness and ready to reach for the skies of Scotland. Will you land back at Perth Airport with your first official Gyrocopter Grin?

Find out more and book your place today!

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