Helicopter Tour of Bristol

See bustling Bristol from a helicopter! These flights will zoom you in at just over 1000ft so you can enjoy that ultimate ‘eye in the sky’ view of all that Bristol has to offer – and there’s a lot of it to see so let’s get straight down to business and tell you what sights you might well hover over during your trip…

The one thing that everyone most wants to see and photograph from the air is the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Built by Brunel it signifies Bristol’s industrial heritage and whilst already looking pretty impressive from the ground it is amazing from your privileged position in the chopper as you look down on those fine curves and the Avon gorge below.

In fact architecture fans are spoilt for choice in Bristol with over 50 Grade I and over 4000 Grade II listed buildings around this hill-side city from medieval to ultra-modern all making the list. You might well be able to spot the likes of Cabot Tower perched on the slope at Brandon Hill Park the colourful facades of the Georgian townhouses in Clifton and the elegant Temple Meads station.

Then there’s that undeniable student vibe with Bristol boasting two Universities. If you can pick out the steep Park Street from your chopper you might be able to spot Will’s Memorial at the summit of this road where formal University ceremonies are held.

But what we love about Bristol is that it’s not totally built-up with the likes of Queen Square the lovely Bristol Park with the ruin of St Peter’s church down by the river as well as the Downs Clifton Woods and Leigh Woods too – all adding welcome greenery to the make-up of this vibrant place.

And of course water has long played a part in Bristol’s history and as you take flight from Bath Racecourse the helicopter will follow the course of the River Avon towards the city centre where the tall office block towers and shopping centres give way to the open paved areas around the Waterfront with the Aquarium boutique shops art centres galleries cafes and bars. Then there’s the SS Great Britain moored just on the opposite bank at Spike Island – if you’re lucky enough to see this from your chopper it’s a definite highlight.


Those who want to maximise their flight time can upgrade from the 25-mile Bristol helicopter trip to the extended tour that includes all those Bristolian sights and landmarks as well as the chance to see the best of neighbouring Bath too during a thrilling 50-mile aerial voyage by heli.


Find out more and book your place today!

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