Hovercraft Wales

Whether you fly drive or ride it you are going on a hovercraft in Wales! This outdoor centre not far from Cardiff is an action-packed circuit venue with a special little part set aside just for hovercrafting shenanigans. We think you’ll love it.

This farmland within the Llandow circuit estate has been transformed into a challenging track that is perfect for these machines. It might be worth noting that the hovercrafts you’ll be using here in Wales are Marlin II versions – which happen to be the best-selling 2/3 seater sports cruiser models in the whole wide world and they are British designed and built.

They really are amazing any surface beasts. But just how do they cope with flying over different surfaces without having to stop? Well they are incredibly rugged. So much so that you can be whizzing over grass at 40mph and then plunge straight onto a bed of gravel no problem. It’s all in the construction with glass fibre kevlar (the same material used to make bullet proof vests) and carbon fibre. That means this fleet of hovercrafts sitting patiently waiting for you in Wales are tough and ready to rumble!

So now you know the craft is more than capable of cracking this Cardiff course are you up to the challenge? You might think piloting one of these things is a piece of cake. But when we tell you there are no brakes and steering is a question of getting the whole hover moving the way you want to go (there are no wheels to turn after all) it becomes a whole lot trickier than you’d imagine. But still it’s great fun learning how to hover.

The friendly team here near Cardiff know how to have fun in these hovercrafts so there will be minimal formalities and maximum time at the handlebars of the Marlin. We are offering different packages for you giving you either five 10 or 15 laps of the circuit. 

Whichever hovercraft Wales voucher you go for it’s going to be an air-raising experience that’s well-organised and brilliant fun so you won’t be getting any bother on your hover just fast-as-you-dare laps around this tricky hovercraft circuit outside Cardiff. And don’t forget to throw your weight into the corners!

Find out more and book your place today!

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