Kite Sports Camber Sands

The wind will literally carry you when you give kite sports at Camber Sands a go! Taking advantage of the vastness and flatness of the Dungeness Peninsula and the great thermal winds this land and watersports centre is superbly placed for power kites and kite surfing on the beaches around Camber Sands.

Learning how to control a power or traction kite is the basis for all kite sports and this Camber Sands set up offers specific two hour courses in this to get you a sound basis for progressing to other kite-based activities afterwards. Of course it’s great fun in itself and it’s nothing like the kites you might’ve flown as a kid these are proper flying machines that have some serious pull.

The other two hour intro session offered is in kite buggying. Once again basic kite skills are taught before you can zoom off in a three wheel cart along Camber’s long and flat stretches of sand. Your feet do all the steering whilst you control the kite that powers you along with your arms so co-ordination skills will be tested to the max but it’s one of the easiest kite sports to get the hang of and as you’ll soon find out you can hit up speeds of up to 50mph along Camber Sands!

Blending snowboarding and kiting skills the next session our Camber Sands team offers requires a certain sense of balance. You’ll be on a specially built board that looks a bit like an off road skateboard with fat wheels and the kite will provide your motricity thanks to the wind and your new found wind ‘reading’ prowess of course. All this is done over the course of four hours combining a class room theory session with plenty of time on the beachfront whizzing up and down.

If you’ve always wanted to try kite surfing there’s the full day course that gives beginners a good sound basis for progressing in the sport. It has to be said it’s only a foolhardy kite surfer who launches themselves out on the water without any training so this intensive session gives you the basics of what being in the open waters of the sea is like with a kite.

Once again Camber Sands is an ideal location to learn about kite surfing as winds are not too strong and waves not too extreme. After an initial classroom session to get your head round some of the most important theory and those essential kite handling skills it’s off out into waist deep water with a foil and a harness to feel the incredible sensation of body drag – the first step to kite surfing proper.

All of these courses include those initial skills needed for controlling power kites. And if you get hooked on any of these kite sports at Camber Sands there are further courses and sessions offered to really hone your skills and get you using that ‘wind window’ like a pro. If you’re set on kite surfing the initial one day Camber Sands course must be successfully completed before you can go on to adding the actual kite board into the mix. 

Find out more and book your place today!

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