Microlighting Perth

As this club’s motto goes you will ‘fly it love it live it’ when you go microlighting in Perth! You will be cloud surfing with Scotland’s beautiful Cairngorms National Park as your backdrop and you have the choice between  a fixed-wing or a flex wing microlight for your departure from Perth airport.

The club is a fully registered and a greatly respected flight training school for those who want to become microlight pilots. Their Perth aerodrome home boasts the full set of aviation facilities from fully operational control tower to large hangar with experienced maintenance engineers. The team here is fun friendly and has a great sense of humour along with a serious enthusiasm for their beloved aerial sport of microlighting.

All the pre-flight formalities out of the way (which might well include a model of a microlight to demonstrate how these things get into and stay in the air!) you will head out to meet the microlight that’ll be propelling you high above the skies of Perth. For the flex-wings this school uses the P&M GT450 renowned for being lightweight sporty well-equipped and easy to fly. For the fixed wing microlighting it’s the fully enclosed and very sporty Eurostar SL.

Perth has three runways to choose from so microlights will take off from whichever is in use at the time of your flight depending on weather and other General Aviation traffic. If you’re game for getting hands-on with this ultra light aviation lark you will be able to on these Perth-based microlighting lessons. We think you’ll be surprised how simple the controls are and how re-active they are.

Of course if you prefer to just enjoy the ride that’s fine too – and you’ll see things like the River Tay as it widens out at Dundee the gorgeous lochs around Pitlochry and Friarton Bridge on the southern outskirts of Perth – all from the privileged viewpoint of your microlight.

What we love about microlighting at Perth Airport is that flights are offered year round. That means you can choose to fly over the snow-capped mountains on a crisp and clear winter’s morning or maybe soak up the last of the summer sun on an evening flight in July. We can feel freedom in the air!

Find out more and book your place today!

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