Two Hour New Forest Horse Riding

Get ready for some fun in the saddle when you go horse riding in Hampshire! Imagine riding on horseback across acres of New Forest heathland and woodlands with just the sound of your horse clip-clopping along. With your mount’s mane flowing freely in the gentle breeze immerse yourself in the local flora and fauna of this lovely area of Hampshire on these gentle horse riding lessons. 

New recruits fear not beginners are welcome. This New Forest horse riding experience includes a session in the arena to settle and help you with basic riding skills before you head off into the wilds of Hampshire. Once you are comfortable on horseback you will be heading across the grasslands and heaths  riding amongst the New Forest’s native ponies and foals.

The ponies are the most famous residents of this very touristy area of Hampshire. And  although they appear to be wild they are all actually owned by people whose properties give them historic rights to graze the animals. Riding through the New Forest enclosures you may even be lucky enough to spot one of the many herds of wild deer (even though they are pretty shy animals!).

This part of Hampshire is one of the largest regions in the country where you can ride horses freely boasting endless horseback tours of pure scenic beauty that are hard to beat. These forests were the hunting grounds of kings and queens as far back as the days of William the Conqueror. Even nowadays getting on your horse is still the best way to explore.

This friendly Hampshire horse riding school is BHS (British Horse Society) approved so you can be sure of expert instruction and guidance from the team of instructors.  With their relaxed coaching methods you will learn how to ride your horse or pony safely and comfortably whilst taking in the breathtaking New Forest views.  

You will then ride back to the stables where there is tea coffee and soft drinks so you can then rest your limbs and look back on a morning spent riding in the ancient woodlands of the New Forest. And believe us if this is your first time horse riding in the Hampshire area you’re in for an amazing riding experience from beginning to end!

Find out more and book your place today!

Two Hour New Forest Horse Riding
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