UK Cities from the Air

Tour the very best of the UK from the air with these thrilling city helicopter tours from IntotheBlue! Don’t get us wrong as one of the UK’s biggest providers of aviation experiences we love planes but there’s just something about looking down on the world below from a helicopter that just takes your breath away every single time.

What’s utterly brilliant about helicopters is that they are agile and you get superb views from every seat. The chopper used for these UK-wide heli tours is the Bell 206 Jet Ranger with its compact cockpit that affords the very best in views for all passengers onboard.

It’s quite an impressive machine too. It has been said that the hardest part about flying one of these things is the engine start-up. Boasting a single turbine engine it’s a fairly long process but as the whirring starts the noise is really quite spectacular and makes the pre-flight build-up all the more palpable.

Once everything is up to the correct temperature it’s time to lift off. What never ceases to amaze us about helicopters is how quickly and gracefully they move in the skies. Before you’ve even switched your camera on you’ll be soaring over the city. What’s more being able to hover means you can linger over the very best sights to see from the air to capture great photos.

Of course depending on which airport farm or helipad from our countrywide range you chose to take off from your flight path could include touring your local city centre to look down on the most iconic buildings and streets you might be hovering around some famous football stadia or it could be a case of checking out those ancient castles from up in the air.

One thing’s for sure no matter which UK city you are hovering over in your heli you’ll see it in a completely different light. Even the time of day you take your tour can mean a big difference in what you see. Head off in the early morning and follow the snaking lines of commuter traffic crawling into the cities for work go in the early evening and watch the sunset over those city spires to name just two perspectives you could be lapping up from your privileged viewpoint.

It may sound a little bit cliche but we think seeing the UK from the air is pure ‘bucket list’ stuff – especially if you’re cruising over a city that has played a part in your life be it where you work where your childhood home is where you were a student or where you got married. Whatever the story behind why you want to tour that city in a helicopter you’re sure to adore the day you saw it all from 1500ft in the comfort of your Bell 206 Jet Ranger chopper.

Find out more and book your place today!

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