Winter Skies Helicopter Flight

See a winter wonderland from the air on these winter sightseeing flights! These special heli tours take place during the colder days of the year so you can experience winter as its best. And yes it might be chilly outside but inside the helicopter it’s warm – and with a view to die for!

We’ve organised these seasonal helicopter flights during autumn and winter so you can make the most of those crisp clear mornings. Choppers are pretty rugged flying machines so the lower temperatures don’t hinder your hover. Icy runways don’t prevent your take off as there’s no taxiing you just gracefully lift off into the air and away you go.

Once airborne you’ll be cruising at around 1000ft. It might be tricky to visualise just how high in the hibernal sky 1000ft actually is but we can assure you at these heights you’ll have a superb bird’s eye view on the wintery scenes below. And what’s amazing is you can make out everything. And we mean everything. From horses grazing in their frosted paddock to people waiting in the cold at the bus stop.

If it’s your first time in a helicopter it can take a few minutes to get used to the sensation. You seem to move quite sedately almost as if everything is happening in slow-motion. Yet if you’re the one on the ground looking up whilst you take the dog for his morning walk in the freezing air the helicopter seems to whizz over head at a rapid rate of knots.

Putting the ponderings of helicopter flight and physics aside these short and sweet winter excursions are just great fun. As you climb into your seat imagine what it’d be like if a heli was your daily form of transport of choice. You’d deftly avoid the traffic queues of Christmas shoppers and land pretty much right where you want to be…

No matter which location you choose for your winter sightseeing flight you’ll be assured of a warm welcome from the flight crew even on the coldest of winter’s day. During your flight you’ll get a great view of the local area around the airport so bring your camera to capture those atmospheric shots of rolling mists over the countryside!

Find out more and book your place today!

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