Deluxe Chocolate Making

We love choc and we love a bargain so this latest chocolate making offer from IntotheBlue is a cocoa-filled winner of an experience for all chocoholics. Count us in!

For many of us Saturdays are spent recovering from the night before catching up on household chores going shopping and so on. Why not inject a little bit of chocolatey goodness into your weekend with this workshop that gives you the chance to pipe shape coat and create your own chocolates?

What’s more when you arrive at either the Manchester Birmingham or Leeds hotel venue you’ll be greeted by the expert chocolatier in the best possible way and you’ll start your chocolatey experience by indulging in a chocolate fountain. Literally oozing yummy warm liquid chocolate the fountain is just crying out for you to dip a marshmellow or two in. Delicious.

And as you’re dipping and tasting you’ll hear a little more about the history of chocolate that includes explaining the process from bean to bar. It’s all very fascinating and you might be surprised to hear that cocoa and chocolate is no new thing – we’ve been loving it in various forms for centuries!

After the chat it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get stuck in. You will be using good quality 65% cocoa dark chocolate to create Belgian truffles by hand. Once you’ve made the ganache it’s time to cut roll dip and decorate with desiccated coconut cocoa or icings or even just the tempered chocolate – and yes this workshop also includes a session on how to temper!

Of course you won’t be able to resist tasting the ingredients as you go and that is most definitely allowed. And don’t forget there’s always the offer of the chocolate fountain that’ll just make you love chocolate even more. Mind you even the most fervent chocoholic won’t been able to get through all the truffles you’ll have made so expect to have between 30 and 50 chocs that you can take home and offer as gifts.

And we know it sounds cheesy but this chocolate making offer won’t be around forever so if you fancy an afternoon creating coating and packaging delicious Belgian truffles grab this special deal now.

Find out more and book your place today!

Deluxe Chocolate Making
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