Fear of Flying Course Northampton or Sussex

Overcome your worries about getting on a plane with this fear of flying course! These sessions are all offered on a one to one basis so you can talk through your worries and lift the lid on what happens on the flight deck in a bid to help calm those nerves and dispel those fears you may have about boarding an aeroplane and flying off.

It has to be said with such stringent security at airports the waiting around and the hustle and bustle of these busy places it isn’t the best atmosphere for those who have pre-flight fears to allay. Once onboard and seated you might be to the one gripping both armrest so tightly that your finger nails dig in as you accelerate along the runway for take off.

And the fears often don’t end there. The whirring grinding noise as the undercarriage retracts and the very steep climb rate that pushes you back into your seat makes the first five or ten minutes of a flight a very anxious time for anyone who isn’t fearless when it comes to flying. And all that’s before we start talking about the final approach into landing…

The idea of this session is to show you just what these pilots do day in day out in their ‘flying office’ at the sharp end of the aircraft. After being introduced to your Captain (all pilots have hours and hours of commercial airline experience) you will be shown round the flight deck and invited to sit in the very best seat in the house – the jump seat. This is the fold-down seat just inside the cockpit and it allows you to see just what the pilots are doing – and this is where the unravelling of your irrational fear of flying begins.

Your Captain will run through all the procedures that are carried out explaining what they are doing as they go along and the rigorous safety steps and checks at each stage of the flight. By understanding what the crew does as you ‘fly’ from Gatwick to Belfast International you start to eliminate the nervousness.

As each fear of flying course is tailored completely to you you can cure that fear of turbulence with rational explanations hear what happens when the flight is in a holding stack or whatever else about flying that makes you apprehensive. You can even ask all the questions you’ve wanted to ask but always been afraid to.

Find out more and book your place today!

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