Flight Simulator Hertfordshire

Virtual meets reality on these flight simulator experiences at Elstree! The flight simulator is based at flight training school on this well-known Hertfordshire airfield. Experienced and novice pilots alike use the set-up for training and the team has opened up slots on the sim for you to have a go too.

We are offering a standalone 40-minute flight simulator voucher or a combined package that gives you a 30-minute flight in a very real aircraft plus your 40-minutes in the sim. Which means as well as virtually flying pretty much anywhere in the world you will also be literally soaring the skies in a modern closed-cockpit microlight too.

So what’s the simulator here at Elstree like? It’s fixed based and has been specially designed to replicate both single and twin-engined light aircraft. It’s most often used by the instructing team as an ideal too for introducing the technicalities and principles of flight and pilot instructors host the sessions.

As you sit down and get settled in the captain’s seat you’ll notice everything works. That’s to say the usual six-pack of instruments alongside a radio/navigation panel autopilot and of course engine control and light control panel. In front of you are three HD monitors that immerse you totally in the world of flying. What’s more everything from low visibility to engine trouble can be simulated making for some epic pilot challenges for you to tackle without ever leaving the ground.

If you do go for the combination deal after having got to grips with virtual flying on the sim you’ll then head out to the apron to the very real Flight Design CTSW microlight. This funky-designed high-wing ultralight is completely enclosed so you won’t be battling the elements. Once taken off and in straight and level flight your instructor pilot will hand the controls to you!

Whether you just fancy having go on this flight simulator at Elstree or want the thrill of adding on a real flight to your whole experience you’re going to have fun at this small and friendly Hertfordshire sim & flight school.

Find out more and book your place today!

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