Group Activities Manchester

Girls boys stags hens colleagues and mates – the gauntlet has most definitely been laid down when you take on these outdoor group activities near Manchester! Get your group together and get ready for some classic challenges down on the farm taking on two or three activities of your choice.

One of the most popular activity choices at this Manchester venue is Segways. They’re for solo riders only but there’s an element of team work needed as it’s a relay. Hop on lean and steer your way around the rally trail hop off and let your partner do the same. When it’s your turn again zip off to the obstacle track with bumpy bits lumpy bits a wobbly see-saw and even a tricky rope bridge that’s been built right in the middle of it all. Which team of two will win this one?

If you choose archery team spirit goes out of the window as it’s everyone shooting for themselves to battle it out to be crowned best archer. This is a classic sport and this lot near Manchester gives it a bit of spice with a load of games to play too. Will your arrows be swift and true or a little askew and off-course?

Same with air guns. If you go for this each of you will be wanting to be the hot-shot of the shooting range as you aim to pop the pellets in the targets. Then there’s axe throwing. It’s pretty mad to think you can lob axes into big lumps of wood (once you know how) and again that competitive spirit is sure to come out.

For a completely new twist (in the summer months only) how about picking Sky Bow? This is proper Katniss Everdeen stuff. Use conventional recurve bows and arrows to aim at rather unconventional foam discs that are fired off automatically. Get it right and your arrow implants itself with a satisfying ‘thud’ into the disc causing it to plummet to the ground.

Ideal for groups from all walks of life all the outdoor activities in Manchester are ideal for getting a bit of team bonding going having a laugh or getting ever-so-slightly-competitive. An ‘L’ plate or two whilst you’re Segwaying a silly hat for the groom to be or some heckling for the worst shooter in the whole company and we think you’ve got everything you need for a fab few hours down at this farm.

Find out more and book your place today!

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