Group Hyperslide Zipwire

You and your team will have to keep your wits about you and prepare yourselves for a high-level challenge when you take on the zip wire in Devon! The silence of this serene corner of the countryside is most definitely broken when plucky wire riders can’t help letting out a scream or two as they plunge over the valley.

The line itself is strung over rather a deep dip that spans around 200m of Devonshire countryside. We have to admit if we were standing on the starting platform we’d be feeling more than a little apprehensive. This is not for those with vertigo. Before you freeze with fear up there the technicians will get you kitted out with the harness and carabiners you need to be able to hook up to the wire.

Now it’s your turn. As you are attached to the line you might very well have your eyes shut and you might not even be able to look down. But before you know it you’ll be gliding off along the wire. That distinctive ‘zzzzipppp’ noise from the friction of metal on metal gets louder and louder as you accelerate faster and faster along the line before coming into land on the other side legs a-dangling to be caught be a member of this Devon team.

No doubt at this point you’ll be quite breathless and unable to speak but in a few seconds the realisation of what you’ve just done will hit and you’re likely to be itching to have another go. So if you’re up for the hike back over why not give it another run? This time you might keep your eyes open the whole way along!

If the zip wire is just a little bit too tame for you this Devonshire centre has come up with a twist for the most daring zippers amongst you. The Hyperbugs team building challenge will see you zooming down the line armed with bug-shaped bean bags that you’ll have to drop onto targets way down below you. Yes it sounds pretty easy but it takes skill and precision to release the bug bag at the right moment. And do you throw it or just let it drop? We’ll let you work out the best method…

Whether you go for the standard voucher for this zip wire in Devon or you opt for the team challenge it’s going to be a vertically thrilling task you’ll be taking on. Of course safety is paramount and the team here will be on hand to lead the way motivate you and congratulate you when you reach the other side of the valley. Happy sliding!

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