Stonehenge Inner Circle Tour

Gain access to the stones on these exclusive Stonehenge inner circle tours! These day trips by coach from London include a guided tour around the actual Stonehenge stones an area that is normally out of bounds for the visiting public.

Usually when you visit Stonehenge you can’t get anywhere near the famous mystical stones. And you can see why. It’s a really really popular tourist spot and with hundreds of visitors descending on the ancient site every day the landscape was getting damaged. For these inner circle tours your hosts have forged a special partnership with English Heritage who manage Stonehenge.

After the daytime crowds have died away you will be setting off on a fully guided tour of the inner circle. Hosted by a Stonehenge expert you’ll hear all about the theories of how this circle of stones was built what it may have been used for and why it is so famous today. Each tour has a designated time slot and you’ll spend up to an hour in amongst this amazing stone circle.

Your day trip also includes stop offs on the way to Stonehenge at other World Heritage Sites. Avebury is a lovely Wiltshire village with three stone circles making it the largest collection of megalithic stone circles in the world. You’ll be treated to a guided tour of the site so you can understand the history and the relevance of this ancient spot. You’ll also have free time to explore the village including the thatched-roof Red Lion pub which is supposed to be haunted!

There’s also a chance to visit the West Kennet Long Barrow on your way to your special Stonehenge inner circle tour. After you climb up Silbury Hill you’ll arrive at this ancient tomb. Dating back to 3600BC the long barrow pre-dates Stonehenge by some 400 years. Once again an expert host is on hand to guide you through the burial chambers on a tour.

But of course the main event is the Stonehenge inner circle tour. Just to reiterate you get special access to the restricted area of the stones that’s normally closed to visitors. The tour is accompanied by a guide at a specific time after the site has closed to the general public making this day out really rather special!

Find out more and book your place today!

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Stonehenge Inner Circle Tour
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