Wing Walking Devon

Wing walking Devon – fly over the Blackdown Hills strapped to the top wing of a Stearman biplane! Despite how crazy it sounds you can ‘walk the wing’ with no skills or experience needed. This is how you become a wing walker in Devon…

If you meet the criteria for doing a wing walk (see the full details blurb for all the ins and outs) you can do a wing walk. It’s as simple as that. On the ground briefings are kept as short and clear as possible and before you know it you’ll be in the ‘rig’ securely strapped into the five-point harness.

With the propellor turning and engine gurgling it might well be the moment you ask yourself what on earth you’re doing. You (yes you!) are about to take off in a splendid vintage Boeing Stearman biplane. But you’re not in a seat you’re actually atop 10ft above the ground strapped to the top wing. As the throttle opens and the plane moves off at a pace this is the moment you realise this is actually happening and there’s no going back!

The first thing that hits you is the onrush of wind. It’ll hit you right in the face until your cheeks wobble. Wing walking is open cockpit flying at its most extreme so expect to feel the full force of the elements as you fly. See if you can battle the wind resistance to do a little to your crowd of gathered friends and family below – it’s not as easy as sounds!

Once you’ve got used to the rather extraordinary sensation of flying on the wing of a Stearman your pilot will start the routine. You’ll find yourself zooming past the flight line in a series of fly pasts that’ll take you so low you could seemingly pluck daisies from the grass below. It’s thrilling it’s noisy it’s windy but it’s brilliant.

Now you’re feeling like a confident wing walker it’s time to take this Devonshire display up a notch for the final manoeuvres. Hold on tight as you dive from 500ft whoop with delight as you execute a daring zoom climb and holler with excitement as you perform a final ‘run and break’ before coming in to land.

Hair – windblown
Legs – jelly
Nose – snotty
But you loved it and we bet your bottom dollar you’d do it all over again. Go on be a daredevil and go wing walking in Devon!

Find out more and book your place today!

Wing Walking Devon
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