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Average Cost of Food in Rome per Day

Average Cost of Food in Rome per Day

In a culinary capital like Rome, you’re sure to spend a great deal of your time tucking into tasty dishes in trattorias and osterias across the city. We all know dining experiences can significantly affect our budget for a trip, so you’re probably wondering what the average cost of food in Rome per day is.

As a long-time Roman resident who’s run Rome food tours for many years, I’m confident I can provide some insight into this question. Like any European city, prices vary wildly in the Eternal City depending on the neighborhood, the type of restaurant you dine in, and whether tourist attractions are nearby.

So that you’re all set when you get to Rome, I’ve detailed the average price for food across the Italian capital in this guide. I’ve made sure to give you a better idea of what you can expect to spend on each meal during your visit, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and drinks!

Average Cost of Breakfast in Rome

It might be the most important meal of the day in some parts of the world, but breakfast in Rome is rather informal. Over the years, I’ve gotten used to Italian-style breakfasts, which tend to differ from where I’m from in the USA.

As the sun starts to rise, the combination on every Roman’s mind is coffee and a pastry, which tends to be a cappuccino and a cornetto for most.

One of these frothy cups of joe will usually set you back between €1.20 (~$1.30) and €1.50 (~$1.60), while an espresso costs around €1 (~$1.10). On average, pastries cost €1.50 (~$1.60), meaning the average cost of a classic Roman breakfast is around €3 (~$3.20).

This figure can easily double or even triple if you opt for a breakfast with larger portions and international-inspired dishes. A morning time meal in a more upmarket cafe will likely be in the region of €10 (~$10.70) to €15 (~$16) per person.

Average Cost of Lunch in Rome


The average cost of food in Rome for lunch varies as much as the breakfast prices. Depending on what I’m craving and how much time I have on my hands, I usually reach for street foods or the occasional sit-down meal.

Grab-and-go bites are unsurprisingly cheaper and a more practical option if you’re looking for something quick and easy to keep you fueled while you’re sightseeing. A panini or slice of pizza, known locally as pizza al taglio, is always a safe bet.

You’re bound to find a pizzeria nearby whether you’re tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain or marveling at the Colosseum. Though they’re usually a little overpriced if they’re super close to major attractions, venture a few streets back, and you’ll snag two slices of pizza for around €5-€6 (~$5.30 to~$6.40).

Lunch hour is also ideal for securing a more substantial meal at a wallet-friendly price. More often than not, I’ve found pasta dishes for approximately €10 (~$10.70) or €12 (~$12.80) and a second course of meat or fish for an additional €15 (~$16.20).

Of course, these prices can be substantially higher in more centrally located areas. Although the average cost of a two-course lunch with a drink is no less than €30 (~$32), I’ve found that tourist-centered establishments can be a whole lot more expensive.

The average cost of lunch in Rome is between €13 (​​~$14) and €17 (~$18.40).

Average Cost of Dinner in Rome


When visiting Rome, be prepared to spend more on dinner on average than any other meal. This doesn’t mean that all restaurants are exorbitant by the evening, but I try to account for slightly inflated prices and service charges in my food budget.

Traditional spots like trattorias are generally fairly priced. In Trastevere, a one-course meal for €11 (~$11.80) with a glass of wine for €4 (~$4.30) can total just €15 (~$16.20). These prices have almost doubled whenever I’ve chosen a more upscale eatery near the Roman Forum or the Vatican.

Mid-range spots can charge between €30 (~$32) and €40 (~$42.70) for a two-course meal. It’s possible to add a bottle of house wine for less than €20 (~$21.40), but naturally, the price of wine ranges a lot depending on the bottle you choose.

Be aware that the prices tend to surge at gourmet or fine-dining restaurants. I don’t venture to high-end spots too often, but when I do, I’ve found the average costs to range from €50 (~$53) to upwards of €100 (~$107).

The average cost of dinner in Rome is between €20 (~$22) and €25 (~$27).

Average Cost of Aperitivo and Drinks in Rome


Aperitivos are a way of life in Italy, and these pre-dinner drinks can be found everywhere, from the best wine bars in Rome to the cozy hole-in-the-wall haunts.

Even if your drinks are on the pricier side, each aperitivo usually comes with a snack, meaning you can save some money in the long run if you’re feeling peckish. Anyone who’s ever been on my Rome drinks tour will know that these complimentary treats usually include potato chips, olives, and nuts.

In my experience, the average price for an aperitivo is between €3.50 (~$3.80) and €5 (~$5.30) for a drink like a glass of wine, and cocktails range between €6 (~$6.50) and €8 (~$8.50), but it depends mainly on the setting and location. 

On the other hand, a drink in a bar in a tourist area or one with a rooftop deck may cost between €10 (~$10.70) and €20 (~$21.40). Beer is also pricier than I initially expected, with local brews going for around €5 (~$5.30) on draught and imported alternatives coming in at €7 (~$7.50).

Anyone more inclined to go for non-alcoholic drinks in a restaurant will likely spend between €2 (~$2.10) to €3 (~$3.20) on a bottle of water or soda. As with anything, this price can be noticeably higher if you’re particularly close to somewhere like the Pantheon or Spanish Steps.

On average, the cost of an apertivo and drinks in Rome is between €4 (~$4.30) and €8 (~$8.60).


While sticking to supermarkets and grocery stores is a failsafe way to keep your costs low in Italy’s capital, if you saw the average cost of food in Rome per day, you may think twice about how you’d like to enjoy your meals.

By keeping these average food prices in mind and following my tried-and-tested travel tips, you can plan your foodie experiences according to your own budget and eat in Rome cheaper than you’d expect.

The post Average Cost of Food in Rome per Day appeared first on Eating Europe.

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