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Learn to dance like no one's watching

Learn to dance like no one's watching

The Royal Academy of Dance is London’s elite marine corp of quick-stepping jive daddies. They are, quite simply, the best at boogying. This year they want to help you. They’ve seen you ‘dancing’, thrashing around like a terrified chimpanzee in a coal mine. And they’ve said: ‘enough’. It’s time to teach you how to get down.

RAD@Home is a new and entirely free service, established to rid the capital of its lumbering, rhythm-free groovers. Aimed at cooped-up school students, but open to anyone, the high-energy ‘Step It Up‘ classes will be beamed out across the internet every Tuesday and Thursday at 12.30pm, starting today. Sound a bit too frenetic? Maybe the ‘Silver Swans‘ session, every Wednesday at 1pm, is more your tempo?

People taking part will also get the chance to ‘ask a dancer anything’, with famous groovers offering themselves up for interrogation after classes. They say ‘anything’, but keep it dance-related, yeah? You probably can’t ask who they voted for in the last election, for example.

‘The Royal Academy of Dance is committed to promoting a love of dance in everyone, of any age and of any ability, wherever you are across the globe,’ said Dame Darcey Bussell, who you might recognise from the telly. ‘Dance is such a creative, artistic activity that helps us all express our emotions while boosting positivity, wellbeing and keeping us fit.’

The whole thing is part of RAD’s very admirable ‘Step Into Dance’ programme, a city-wide attempt to provide better access to dance for a diverse range of young people. Great stuff. For more information about the classes look no further than here.

The best courses to sign up for, on the internet, to make you way more clever.

A playlist of lovely uplifting bangers to get yourself all jazzed and hyped.

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