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Weather alert: it could snow in London next week!

Weather alert: it could snow in London next week!

Winter is coming – and no, we are not referring to the new season of ‘Game of Thrones’. You may have heard whispers of a wintry storm brewing, and the chances of snow in the capital are indeed starting to rise. Forecasters have even warned that last year’s Beast from the East could be making a chilly return.

An unusually mild start to the year is about to end, bringing colder weather to the UK (lucky us!). Next Wednesday is set to be the last day your thermometers will hit double digits for a couple of weeks. The likelihood of a storm of the same strength as February 2018’s remains low but it’s there – and there’s even a chance of snow as early as next Thursday. While the usual London rain will continue to fall, sub-zero temperatures could easily turn it into the white stuff.

So while some apocalyptic online reports may end up looking a little overblown, you’ll want to prepare yourself for a very cold end to January. For now, chill out (not literally) and enjoy your last week of non-minus-degree temperatures.

Be extra-prepared with our ultimate guide to London in the snow.

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