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Snowdrops at Walsingham Abbey in Norfolk

Snowdrops at Walsingham Abbey in Norfolk

Explore the Enchanting Walsingham Abbey Snowdrops in Norfolk

Discover the Beauty of Walsingham Abbey Snowdrops in Norfolk

Back last year when I wrote a post about why you should visit Norfolk there’s something I missed off the list completely by accident. That something was Walsingham Abbey in February. Why in February? Because, my friends, February, being in early spring, is the time of year when the grounds of Walsingham Abbey are covered in a “The White Company” styled blanket of snowdrops. Here’s how you can visit the Walsingham Abbey snowdrops.

About Walsingham Abbey

Walsingham Abbey snowdrops

Walsingham Abbey is famous for the ruins of the Priory and has become a place of huge religious significance due to its long history as a place of pilgrimage. Since 11th Century, and arguably even earlier, pilgrims have been coming to Walsingham Abbey for its spiritual significance.

Walsingham Abbey has 18 acres of grounds to walk through, there’s a pretty river running through, picturesque bridges and ruins throughout.

Myself? Well I visited just for the snowdrops, but when you catch the sun shining through the ruins there’s no doubting it’s a special place.

About Walsingham

Walsingham, in Norfolk near Wells, is actually formed of two villages; Greater Walsingham and (yep, you guessed it), Little Walsingham.

Whilst there’s not a huge amount to see asides from the snowdrops Wells is definitely worth stopping off at on your way to, of from, the Abbey grounds.

How much does it cost to see the Walsingham Abbey snowdrops?

The entrance to the grounds will set you back £5 (£2.50 for under 16s & babies free).

How long would you recommend to see Walsingham Abbey and the snowdrops?

Walsingham Abbey snowdrops

You’ll probably want at least a couple of hours. This way you can fully wander around the ground, check out the abbey and perhaps stop for some tea and cake at the onsite cafe.

When is the best time to see the Walsingham Abbey snowdrops?

Walsingham Abbey snowdrops

Snowdrop season at Walsingham Abbey is usually from late January to early March. The Abbey is open daily from 10am – 4pm.

How to get to Walsingham Abbey

Take the A148 eastbound from King’s Lynn and follow signs to Walsingham. The entrance to the abbey is at the Shirehall Museum in Common Place. You can park at the Old Mill Car Park which is pay & display. It’s just a 2-minute walk from there.

hannah author bio

Hannah started That Adventurer after graduating back in 2013 and has documented all of her adventures since then. From backpacking South America to city breaks in Europe, a 3 month road trip across the USA in a self-converted van and 6 years living in Canada, you’ll find posts on all of this.

Hannah specialises in active travel, and on That Adventurer, you’ll find hiking, walking, biking, skiing, and all sorts of active travel guides to allow you to see a destination in an adventurous way.

Now back in Europe, you’ll find new guides as Hannah and her husband spend the next year ‘digital nomading’ from Norway to Portugal, Switzerland to Scotland, and places in between.

Read the original full article

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