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Overheard in London: this week’s #wordonthestreet

Overheard in London: this week’s #wordonthestreet

‘Nobody in a polar bear sweater gets laid.’

‘There must be a scientific word for the gravity that pulls you down bus stairs.’

‘This is how you end up having three kids and a dog!’

‘Nah, man, the DLR takes you right into east London. I mean knee deep.’

‘I’m part Scottish but I just hate kilts.’

‘You have a kimchi drawer but you don’t know what a JCB is?’

‘I feel like my nostrils are more slutty than my throat.’

‘Poppadoms: I like them more than the average person.’

‘I was in McDonald’s and someone walked into the McToilet.’

‘I just need a kebab and someone to go down on me.’

‘Oh, I know a good yarn when I feel one.’

Every week you share the weird things you’ve overheard in London. Above, a few perplexing snippets from the past seven days – don’t forget to tweet us your own!

Overheard last week

Like Word on the Street? We’ve made a book of these little beauties! ‘Word on the Street: Ridiculous Things We’ve Overheard in London’ is out now, £6.99. To buy a copy, visit timeout.com/wotsbook. 

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