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Image | Title | Summary | tags_hfilter | |
Fire Engine Driving | Let’s face it who wouldn’t want to drive a Fire Engine? It’s all about those blues and twos wailing sirens and firefighter heroics in that London’s Burning (or Fireman Sam) kind of way on this fire engine experience in Oxfordshire. And as well as sitting in the driver’s seat yourself you can also book an add-on passenger ride for that ultimate fire crew experience! There’ll be no 999 call outs or emergencies to respond to and no fires to put … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Behind the Scenes Railway Day | Immerse yourself in the golden age of the railways on this fantastic steam train day that’ll see you being shown just what goes on behind the scenes at this popular heritage railway in Kent known as the ‘Jewel in the Weald’ that covers 21 miles of the countryside from Tenterden to Bodiam. Lifting the lid on this rural light railway starts in the best way possible – with introductions to your fellow tour guests and guide along with a nice … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Tesla Model S P90D Thrill | When you go Tesla driving in Hertfordshire you won’t be driving just any old Tesla Model S – you’ll be piloting the ludicrous P90D version! Yep this Tesla model S has all the thrills being all wheel drive with an impressive launch control – perfect hooning it round the Bovingdon airfield track. And yes Ludicrous mode on this car is real. It’s an actual thing. Those automotive engineers at Tesla are certainly showing us that eco-friendly does not mean boring … | View | tesla-experiences | |
Truck vs Supercar Experience | Mixing up the big tyres with the slicks on this Supercar vs Truck Challenge! This inspired combination will see you driving both a full sized HGV truck and a glamorous supercar at your choice of five different driving grounds across the UK. Of course both drives are completely different. The truck is big bulky and a real challenge to get to grips with as you sit high above the road in your proper trucker’s seat. Then there’s the supercar that’s … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Incredible Auto Circus | Madcap motorsports and comedy cars join forces on this Incredible Auto Circus in Birmingham! Taking driving to a new altogether crazier level this four-hour car circus experience will see you tackling driving challenges that are sure to have you laughing out loud and bring out that competitive spirit too. For this experience you can forget traditional vehicle control throw out the Highway Code and totally rethink how your drive. This is motoring like you’ve never seen it before. From drifting … | View | stunt-driving-experience-course | |
Caterham Driving Experience | Take a Caterham for a drive on the track and feel the power of British motoring! We are offering three-mile Blast and six-mile Thrill experiences at a race track near you with this nationwide track day operator. The Caterham car company has been the custodian of legendary car creator Colin Chapman’s original Seven design since 1973. Caterham is as passionate about this car as those who own and drive them. Sold in kit form or built in the Dartford factory … | View | lotus-caterham-westfield | |
Off Road in Mid Kent | You see an awful lot of four wheel drive vehicles in this county but how many actually go off roading in Kent? All the vehicles at this off road diving centre in Mid Kent are more than happy to get splashed in muddy water and get covered in dirt – which is what really being off road in Kent is all about and what they were originally built for after all! This is one seriously challenging Kentish off road course … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
4×4 East Kent | Clamber into the driving seat of a 4×4 in Canterbury and get a taste of what off road driving in the heart of the Kentish countryside is all about! What’s more it’s one on one tuition to really concentrate on conquering those obstacles. Taking place in a dedicated 4×4 area at the 3 000 acre Eastwell Park Estate between Canterbury and Ashford you will soon discover the wealth of surfaces to drive on and in with chalk clay sand mud … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Super Hero Drive | When it comes to iconic superhero cars this one is up there with the very best of them. Atomic batteries to power…turbines to speed…ready to move out…this is your chance to drive a superhero car worthy of any cape-wearing crime fighter. And just like any self-respecting superhero vehicle the one that starred in the hit US TV series starring Adam West and Burt Ward was filled with gadgets. Bearing in mind this was the 1960s this car was pretty revolutionary … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Tank Driving in Northants | Go tank driving in Northampton – and enjoy lots more military madness that’s thrown in too! These half and full day experiences combine superb tank driving with a good dash of military manoeuvres in the Northamptonshire countryside. It’s time to get camo’d up and into gear on this one of IntotheBlue’s best tank driving days out! There’s also a very real motive to your missions as well as throughout the session you will be competing for the coveted title of Best … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Supercar Driving at Oulton Park | It’s destination Oulton Park for track days you build yourself! We’ve taken one of the best professional race circuits in the north west added a fine collection of supercars and we’re letting you choose how many of them you want to drive and which ones. Oulton Park track is right in the middle of what were the grounds to Oulton Hall which burnt down in the 1926. The whole area was an army camp during WW2 and after we all … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Sporting Trials in Kent | Mud or glory in the Kent countryside near Maidstone! Sporting Trials are not about speed – instead you use your skill and timing to manoeuvre the specially-built trials car over rugged hilly and often muddy terrain. Most things are allowed just don’t hit the markers defining the route! This is very much a competitive and fun sport where you aim to get as far as possible up each hill of the course before getting bogged down. To help the driver … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Audi Circuit Drive | There’s only one speed you’ll be going when you take the Audi R8 circuit experience – fast. This mid-engined two seater supercar is top of the tree at the headquarters of parent company VW in Germany. And let’s face it with the German Vorsprung durch Technik stuff in abundance and bucketloads of Italian passion behind the R8 this Audi was always going to be a great car both on and off the circuit. You might think a big low-slung sports … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Teen Drive Experience Knockhill | Where better in Scotland than Knockhill for a teen drive? As Scotland’s only MSA and FIA graded professional ran circuit this is the best (and undoubtedly most exciting) place for a youngster to get their very first experience of driving. Just watch in wonder as those usually uncommunicative teenage kids suddenly become very animated! The format of these kids driving experiences at Scotland’s finest race track has been carefully constructed to be fun and practical at the same time. The … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Kids Supercar Choice Oxfordshire | No need for a licence on these junior supercar drives! Amazing as it might sound kids who aren’t even old enough to really think about applying for a provisional licence can actually get behind the wheel of some fabulous supercars at Heyford Park in Oxfordshire. We think they’ll love it. Most of us start learning to drive in something small and modest like a Fiesta. But that first taste of stalling over revving the engine and not being able to … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Suzuki Rally Essex | Zip round the track on a Suzuki Swift rally session! The Sport version of these nippy little Japanese superminis has featured in many a rally championship world wide and even has its own race series in several countries. This is your chance to drive this Suzuki rally car in Essex. As rally driving experiences go this one in Essex is a little bit different. For a start there’s no tarmac here. A three-mile loose gravel stage has been carved out … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Ultimate Car Crush Experience | Welcome to the Ultimate Car Crush experience giving you exclusive access to the world of monster vehicles! You get to take over the whole arena on these unique and bespoke monster truck sessions with a proper car crushing experience as the finale to your own personal monster truck show. You’ll be the star driver on these ultimate experiences and you can invite up to five of your friends and family along to spectate at your monster spectacular. All roads lead … | View | monster-truck-driving-experience | |
Junior Supercar Choice Test Drive | Book your little one on a junior test drive and watch proudly from the sidelines as they whizz past in a fancy supercar! These great value experiences for kids are available at a whole host of different tracks around the UK throughout the year. The line up of cars is pretty impressive too. Which vehicles appear at each of the venues may vary but in essence they are all seriously cool motors and there’s bound to be at least one … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Drive a Train at Sherwood Forest | When it comes to cuteness the Sherwood Forest Railway wins hands down! It’s a whole world of steam all in miniature at this delightful family-owned railway that runs along the edge of the former Sherwood Forest farm park area – and this experience will see you getting to drive one of the steam locos. The SFR (as the Sherwood Forest Railway is know to locals and fans!) is Nottinghamshire’s only 15″ railway. Rolling on this narrow gauge track are 5/8th … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Silverstone Off-Road Driving Challenge | Silverstone. 4×4. Mud. Water. Surely all the essential ingredients for the perfect off road drive? This experience has been meticulously designed to be a proper challenge in a proper 4×4 vehicle. No pottering around here you’ll be seriously going for it! Your trusty steed for the drive is a Suzuki Vitara. This is no showroom dweller this is a front-line fighter complete with extended air intake winch on the front grille and full harness to keep you in the seat. … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
1:1 Off Road Driving in Bedfordshire | Get a little bit of lakeside loveliness in your life when you drive a 4×4 near Bedford! It’s destination Wyboston Lakes for these fab off roading sessions in Bedfordshire that give you the chance to power round the purpose-built track in a 4×4 vehicle. We think this venue is fab. Easy to get to off the A1 just north of Bedford it’s a proper 4×4 play park with great on-site facilities. Everything you need to have fun is here with … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Paul Swift Ultimate Stunt Driving Experience | Be part of the Ultimate Stunt Drive and experience what it’s like to be able to pull off crazy car tricks! Top precision driver Paul Swift’s team of expert drivers will be hosting this full on day on the tarmac where you learn stunt driving moves from the professionals. Remember the Audi A1 swimming pool advert where the cars are doing a graceful dance? That was Paul Swift and co. Remember those clever World Cup football adverts back in 2010? … | View | stunt-driving-experience-course | |
Drifting Training Birmingham | Enrol at Drift School and learn how to go sliding round corners at flat out speeds! This Birmingham-based drift crew certainly knows a thing or two when it comes to getting a car going sideways as it’s one of the best places to do drifting in the whole of the Midlands. Originally built by the council as a ‘driving zone’ where local youngsters could ‘let off steam’ the venue is a brilliant set up for practising high slip driving antics … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Formula 1 Driving Experience | Combine a Formula 1 driving experience that’s nearly as good as the real thing with a dose of full size fun in miniature on the Scalextric tracks and you’ve got the best indoor raceway session you could ask for. This one is destined to bring out the big kid in you that’s for sure! This unique set up near Oldham may look incongruous from the outside but inside it’s a veritable den of delights for motoring fans with the star … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Nissan 350Z Drifting Experience | This is Nissan 350Z drifting where you will be releasing your inner Drift King! Japanese drift expert Takaszhi’s weapon of choice in Fast & Furious’s Tokyo Drift was the 350z. And both driver and car certainly know how to drift. Now it’s your chance to learn how to drift in the almighty Nissan 350Z. All sessions in the 350Z take place on the specially created drift circuit at Bovingdon Airfield. It’s that classic egg-timer shape of a circuit giving you … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Digger Driving for Two | Get geared up for a bit muck shifting dozing and earth moving on these digger experience days! This is your chance to drive an actual digger in a former gravel quarry. The excavator will be right at home because it’s working in its natural environment and you’ll be deliriously happy too as everyone loves the idea of doing a bit of digger driving. These digger days take place at Sibbertoft on the Leicestershire/Northamptonshire border. Before becoming a top-notch off road … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
GTR Driving | Let us present the Nissan GT-R test drive – the Black Edition! This special version of the almighty GT-R certainly makes this driving experience stand out from the crowd. Expect high performance high revs and plenty of acceleration to boot. The GT-R name is totally and utterly synonymous with Nissan and their skill at producing the goods when it comes to creating cars that easily outstrip what we’d call the more classic supercars out there. When we first saw the … | View | nissan-gtr | |
Muddy Great Start Sussex | Three is the magic number when it comes to this wild and wacky 4×4 Sussex experience where you drive a trio of off road vehicles. Not just your ordinary off road trek this action-packed bumper selection of all-terrain vehicles sees you behind the wheel of two modified Land Rovers and a purpose-built fully-caged 4×4 trials buggy. The session starts gently with the Sussex grounds offering a ‘Meadow Meander’ in your first Landy. There are slopes mud and woodland obstacles to … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Kids 4×4 North Yorkshire | This junior off road driving experience takes place on a 40 acre site in the North Yorkshire countryside it’s specially aimed at youngsters who are keen to have a go behind the wheel of a proper 4×4 vehicle. The venue is close to the North Yorkshire Moors National Park and a few miles from the A1. The experience starts with a safety briefing and a short explanation of how 4x4s work before the juniors head off on their very own … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
Peak District Harley-Davidson® Pillion Rides | Tour the stunning Peak District on these Harley-Davidson® pillion rides! If you love American motorcycles but you haven’t got a licence these pillion experiences are for you. You get to ride out on a fabulous bike with an expert biker at the helm. We are offering half and full-day passenger rides around this lovely part of the world they call the Peak District. The routes have been specially chosen to offer some fantastic riding conditions as well as lots of … | View | motorbike-experiences-gifts | |
Junior Supercar Blast | Get ready for the junior supercar blast – where kids get the chance to drive some seriously fabulous cars! Teens will be chomping at the bit to get their hands on these experiences. They’ll get to drive one two or three supercars at their choice of equally superb track from several in the UK. There are only two rules to abide by when joining the junior supercar blast club. Keen teens need to be aged between 10 and 16 years … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Aston Martin Thrill Oxfordshire | Try an Aston Martin DB9 drive for a thrilling spin in what many are agreed is one of the finest modern day sports cars ever built! We really like this drive experience because the DB9 was the first of the Aston Martin models to be built at the new design and manufacturing headquarters of the marque in Gaydon. It’s a true delight to drive a British supercar! So where do you get to drive this magnificent Aston Martin DB9? The … | View | aston-martin | |
Off Road in Market Harborough | The individual tuition offered at this midlands 4×4 centre near Market Harborough ensures you get maximum training time in mastering the art of 4×4 off road driving. This operator is actually one of our longest-serving supplier of 4×4 experiences and this Midlands venue is always popular with IntotheBlue clients. Vince who owns and co-ordinates this centre is a font of knowledge for all things 4×4. He’s been running his Midlands-based venue for many years and has a huge depth of … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
4×4 Passenger Ride Experience | No matter where you live in the country you can enjoy a 4×4 ride! Thats because we’ve got 4×4 demos at offroad venues the length and breadth of the country with the very best in 4×4 vehicles revved up and waiting for you. These passenger rides all have the same aim: to show you just what these 4x4s can do. When we say thrill ride you might think of high speed and acceleration. In the case of a 4×4 passenger … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Junior Off Road Adventure Day | It’s a case of foot to the floor and cars galore on this junior off road day! This off roading adventure in Kent is perfect for any child wanting to launch themselves head first into a world of 4x4ing shenanigans far away from the public roads. The venue for this teen adventure is a 200 acre farm near West Malling. Youngsters can make as much noise as they like all day long as no-one will be able to hear. So … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
Monster Machines & Stunt Driving | It’s going to be a monster mash up on this Scott May Daredevil Stunt Show experience! Take part in a series of stunt sessions in different vehicles including stunt cars a monster truck and even a fully-tracked beast. It’s fun on a larger than life scale here in Cornwall! Stunt driving. Scott May and his daredevil show team knows a thing or two about this. Having performed over 2000 Scott May stunt shows around the country since 1991 they’ve kept … | View | stunt-driving-experience-course | |
Off Road Driving in the Cotswolds | It’s a day out in the countryside with a difference when you go off roading in the Cotswolds! These experiences take place at the Cotswold Water Park where there are lots of natural and man-made obstacles for you to tackle in your 4×4 vehicle. These sessions are run in small groups and each driver takes it in turn to drive. When you’re not at the wheel you’ll be in the car as a passenger. Your instructor will be hosting from … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Off Road Grass Karting Cheshire | Can you cut it in the grass kart? These funky off road go karts are great to drive on the green stuff. You’re sure to be grappling like mad with the steering on this brilliant grass karting track in Fordsham. Designed and built in the UK the Gemini Dominator kart is a right little pocket of punchiness. With a really low centre of gravity but impressive ground clearance at the same time they handle really well on this Cheshire off … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Supercar Passenger Ride | Get ready for six miles at speeds you never thought possible on a High Speed Supercar Ride In Oxfordshire! Whether you drive or not these experiences will show you a whole new side to motoring where there are no speed limits cameras of traffic lights. Hold on tight it’s going to be some ride! Taking place at the family-owned and run Heyford Park circuit you are welcome to bring along friends and family to watch the spectacle that will unfold … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Supercar Circuit Thrill | If you want extra track time go for the supercar circuit thrill. On these extended sessions you drive anything from one to five different high performance cars on the track for six miles each. These multicar driving experiences are our most flexible offerings out there – you get to choose the car you want to drive and where you want to drive it. If you’re looking for a fast car experience but don’t exactly know which car or which track … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Rally Driving Silverstone | A Silverstone rally school experience is the perfect way to the rev up the rallying spirit in motorsports fans everywhere. We are offering quick-blast taster sessions as well as longer half day workshops for you to hone your rally skills. Pick the car you want how much driving you want to do and away you go! Each Silverstone rally session calls on a fleet of rally-specification Mk II Escorts and Subaru Imprezas all maintained and prepared by a team of … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Radical Passenger Rides | Co-pilot a Radical Race Car on these high thrills passenger rides! These two seater Radical SR3 series cars really do look the business on track – low lying open cockpit and full body trim – and you’ll be a passenger in one driven by an expert racing driver. The Radical sportscar company was started by Brit racing drivers and engineers Phil Abbott and Mick Hyde who wanted to design and build a really powerful and light racer for road use … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
4×4 Off Road East Lothian | Where’s the best place in the country to drive a 4×4 Land Rover? Scotland of course! When you go on a 4×4 driving experience in Scotland you will be with a proper 4×4 in its natural habitat far away from the urban setting we are more familiar with. Set in the heart of East Lothian just a 30 minute drive from Scotland’s capital city Winton House at Pencaitland is the ideal setting to experience just what these rugged 4x4s can … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Junior Rally Thrill Northamptonshire | These sought-after vouchers offer extended junior rallying in Northamptonshire! These half and full day rally sessions are the experiences all the kids want to do. They’re by far the most popular sellers for this renowned rally centre located in a very special part of Northamptonshire. Yep this place is at the very beating heart of British motorsport. It’s right opposite Silverstone race circuit which only goes to make the kids even more excited about their rallying day. These sessions are … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
Mini Tanks Hampshire | Mini tank driving for kids might well be small but you don’t have to be little to enjoy it! Much loved by kids and adults alike driving mini tanks is an experience that will have you grinning from ear to ear and we defy you not to say ‘Want one!’ when you finish your session! Definitely miniature in stature but more than just a little bit plucky these are fully-tracked one-man machines that’ll pretty much go anywhere. Unlike their full-sized Army … | View | kids-tank-driving | |
Skid Control in Scotland | Skid pan training Scotland – don’t panic! That’s one of the first things you will learn as you take on the Knockhill skid pan. An initial interactive video and safety briefing will show you what to expect then its off to the pan to get sliding! This pan is the only free wheel skid surface in Scotland open to the public for training and has been purpose built to a good size at 60mx30m. For Scottish drivers this pan at … | View | skid-pan-training-and-driving-experience | |
Military Vehicle Driving Bournemouth | ‘Get the squaddies in the CV it’s all gone for a ball of chalk’ – driving these off road military vehicles will immerse you in British Army life albeit in a quiet corner of the Dorset countryside! You are about to be conscripted onto this military driving experience near Bournemouth. All of these off-roaders are genuine ex-Army and will have seen a fair bit of action in their careers serving with the British Forces. If these vehicles could talk we’re sure … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Dodge Hellcat Drive | The Dodge Hellcat is one seriously street-wise car. It’s got head-turner throwback looks with thoroughly modern engineering brilliance under the hood. We’re talking an incredible 707bhp from a huge 6.2l V8 engine. Yep this is all-American motoring in the biggest and baddest style! The Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat (to give this beast its full name) is a bonafide muscle car. Big heavy wide low and mean it sounds like a bit of unwieldy gangster but actually the Hellcat has handling … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Race Car Passenger Experience | Scare yourself silly on a ride in a race car! On these race cars rides you don’t just drive off from the pit lane – you get launched. Each and every one of the cars lined up for these hot rides is guaranteed to get the g-forces going as you experience the sensational acceleration of these racing cars. Passenger laps in bonafide race cars is a hard thing to describe. Unless you’ve experienced open wheel racing for yourself you just … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Drive Famous Movie Cars | Introducing this fleet of famous movie cars that are all revving their engines and are ready to rumble at race circuits around the UK! Are you up for playing a role like Michael Knight and taking these fabulous cars from the TV shows and films you know and love for a spin? It’s time to roll the open credits on these famous movie car experiences. Whilst there are loads of very swish and sleek modern cars lined up on these … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Nissan GTR Drive | Drive a Nissan GT-R and discover the real meaning of the word ‘supercar’! This amazingly fast roadster is the replacement for the much-loved Nissan Skyline GTR and when you drive it around the circuit you’ll see why it’s nicknamed ‘Godzilla’. Just like the Japanese mutant movie monster the Nissan GT-R oozes power. The interior’s luxurious and the terrific design puts the driver fully in control and at the centre of the world. Each engine and transmission is hand built while … | View | nissan-gtr | |
Iconic MK2 Escort Rally Experience | The Ford Escort Mk2 rally car needs no introduction. If you love your rallying you’ll know this was the most successful rally car ever when it dominated the motorsport during the 1970s. We are really quite excited to say this is your chance to drive this mythical rally car for yourself on a loose gravel stage in Essex! The iconic RS1800 won every single consecutive RAC rally from 1975 to 1979 and of course pulled off the WRC one-two in … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Off Roading for Two | Forget that old saying ‘horses for courses’ this is all about horsepower for off road courses when the two of you get to tackle the bumps and lumps in a 4×4 at Eastwell park! This 4×4 session for friends is all about sharing – and it’s up to you how you split the driving time. You will both be in the 4×4 for the duration of the session. Your expert instructor and host will be sitting up front in the … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Family Quad Safari Stirling | Action and adventure guaranteed on this family quad biking experience in Scotland! Kids quad bike with the grown ups on these quad biking sessions just for families in the heart of the Scottish countryside. The idea behind these experiences is that one adult (like Mum Dad or anyone responsible!) heads out with one or two youngsters on the quad bikes. Your little ones need to be aged between 10 and 16 years old whilst the grown ups can pretty much … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Formula F1000 Driving | This is Formula 1000! F1000 is one of the most popular single seater motorsport categories in the UK. This is your chance to drive one of these amazing open-wheelers on a circuit. It’s going to be fast. Very fast. Let’s see if you’ve got what it takes to be a bonafide Formula 1000 racing driver… If you’re wondering what the 1000 bit of the name Formula 1000 means it alludes to the capacity of the engines in these single seaters. … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Junior Supercar Taster | Let your car-mad little ones savour the flavour of this kids supercar taster! An impressive line up of flash cars fully qualified instructors and venues means this is a mighty fine introduction to supercars for youngsters. The kids will love it – and you’re all invited to watch too! And when it comes to the sort of cars offered on these experiences the children are spoilt for choice. Supercars galore famous ‘movie car’ lookalikes abound and even a rally car … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Junior Skyline | Turn the ignition on rev those engines and get those tyres smoking’ – this is Fast and Furious for kids! This junior Skyline drive is a dream come true for young fans of the highly successful street racing film franchise so fasten that seatbelt it’s time to see what the R34 GT-R can do kids! The Skyline has been going since way before your little driving devils were born. In fact most parents weren’t even born either when the (as … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Junior Quads Cornwall | Quad biking for kids in Cornwall – the perfect gift for every all-action kid or teen! This ATV centre (that’s All Terrain Vehicle) is in north Cornwall near Truro and offers a quad biking session that’s geared just for youngsters between the ages of six and 15. The quads they will be riding are specifically adapted to be safe and simple for children to ride. They are smaller than adult quads and less powerful but still really big on fun. … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Single Seater Track Day | Join a genuine motorsport racing team for a thrilling single seater track drive! These experiences use fully prepped cars that are being driven in the current Formula Renault and Formula Ford Championships in the UK giving you one of the most authentic days out on the circuit possible. It’s a case of ‘move over team drivers it’s time to give us amateurs a go!’ when you get your hands on the steering wheel of a genuine racing machine. The Renault … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Full Throttle Rally Driving Silverstone | A full day of full throttle rally at Silverstone! Choose which car or cars you’d like to drive buy the appropriate voucher book yourself in and get ready for a fabulous fun day learning proper rally skills in a proper rally car. It’s as simple as that! This rally school just opposite the famous race track of the same name has been operating for over three decades making in one of the oldest if not the oldest rally training school … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Supercar Collection Blast | This experience may be called the supercar blast in Hertfordshire but we’d say it’s more like a total immersion into the world of fast motors! The track day operator has chosen some great cars in order to curate a superb supercar collection that any self-respecting millionaire would be proud of. Far from just dipping your toe into the sensation of driving the supercar or cars of your choice this Hertfordshire venue gives you a superb initiation into performance driving. Each … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Bentley Continental GT Drive | The Bentley GT is a Grand Tourer with a capital G and a capital T. This is a comfy limousine-style four seater cruiser that’s ideal for chauffeuring VIPs around. But that’s only half the story. Drive the Bentley and you’ll realise that this GT has serious racing credentials as well. Who’d have thought the Bentley GT designed engineered and built in Crewe could have such an incredible international reputation? It’s slick sleek and the car of choice for rich-folk around … | View | bentley | |
Furious Eclipse Drive | You’ll be going fast and pretty furiously on your Mitsubishi Eclipse drive! Find out what it’s like to drive a car that’s just like Brian O’Connor’s first street racing whip. You’ll be taking a lime green 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS-T around a race track for three or six miles of turbocharged fun. The Eclipse was never marketed by Mitsubishi in Europe so these motors are pretty rare in the UK. What’s more this particular 2G (that’s second generation fact fans!) … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
John Deere Tractor Driving | Bring out the inner farmer in you with this brilliant John Deere tractor driving experience! Aside from their dog a tractor is a farmer’s best friend. Agile reliable powerful and always ready to roll these incredible workhorses of the agricultural world are fantastic to drive. If you think tractors are fairly rugged and basic think again. Inside the John Deere 6 series tractor it’s all totally high tech. From the mega comfy centrally-positioned swivelling driver’s seat and console to the … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Ultimate Lamborghini vs Ferrari Race Car Experience | Get set for the Lamborghini vs Ferrari race car experience! Take two of the world’s finest names in supercars transform them into true race cars put them on the track and drive them. That’s what this thrilling experience is all about and you will be the one driving in both cars. The Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo and the Ferrari 458 Challenge were both specifically built for their respective single series racing championships of the same name. That’s to say a … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Steam Footplate Ride Staffordshire | Ride upfront on a footplate experience in Staffordshire and see what the track looks like from the working end of the train! These two fabulous packages give you the chance to climb up onto a fully-restored steam-powered locomotive and ride on the footplate with the driver so you can observe just what it involves to get a historic steam train all stoked up on the move and trundling along the Staffordshire track with the plumes of steam swirling around you. … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
BMW Mini First Drive Lesson 10+ | Learn the basics of motoring on a BMW Mini first drive! These sessions operate from several different driving circuits around the country and offer kids from the age of 10 years the chance to get behind the wheel early to get a head start in driving. We are offering 30 and 60 minute junior Mini driving lessons for your little ones. Youngsters will get to sit in the driver’s seat start the engine move off and drive. Then there’s cornering … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Dukes of Hazzard Experience | Remember Bo Luke and Daisy Duke? Then you’ll love this Dukes of Hazzard experience! Jump into the authentically-styled Dodge Charger and drive – just like the boys did when Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane was on their tail! The boys’ car was known as General Lee thanks to the massive confederate battle flag that adorned the roof of their bright orange Dodge Charger. With 01 painted on each of the doors and fancy alloy wheels this big-bonneted car got the duo … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Trucks and Supercars | It’s the best of both worlds rolled into one with the truck and supercar experience! Not only do you get to drive the supercar of your choice you also get to drive the truck that brought it to the track. Rather than individually drive all the cars that are in the fleet to the track days it’s actually easier logistically to load them onto a specialist transporter lorry and drive them all there in ‘bulk’ as it were. That means … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Junior Supercar Choice | This is your junior supercar choice calling! We’ve got a serious line up of heavy-weight sporting and racing cars for your mini drivers’ delight. Taking place at a choice of tracks around the UK with weekend and weekday dates on offer throughout the year it’s the perfect way to celebrate a birthday – and all before they can legally drive! To be able to take part in these track days for kids your little ones just have to be aged … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Best of British | Meet the very best of British supercars on this quintessentially British driving experience! These sessions offer up a superlative pair of supercars that are to put it simply the epitome of Cool Britannia. Time to wave the Union Jack this is home-grown motoring at it’s best. For these drives it’s Aston vs Atom. For both manufacturers the engineering design and build skills that produce these supercars are all British-based. Indeed it’s almost enough to make you get those leather driving … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Exclusive Drifting Course | When the operators of this drifting course tell you to ‘wear your brave hat for this one’ you know it’s going to mean business! Billed as the most intense drift courses in the UK you’ll have the undivided attention of your drift instructor for the duration as these drift experiences are on an exclusive basis. The drifting courses are run like a proper training academy rather than just a taster experience. You as the student get to immerse yourself in … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Audi R8 Thrill | On these Audi R8 driving courses you’ll be driving a sports supercar that looks like it might have just arrived from the future boasting ground breaking technology and stand-out-from-the-crowds looks. It’s no wonder that all the automotive journalists were waxing lyrical about this supercar when it came out. Now here’s your chance to find out more about the fabulous R8 for yourself… This visually simply gorgeous supercar challenges the performance of traditional rivals from Porsche Aston Martin and BMW whilst offering the unrivalled levels … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Bad Boys Porsche Drive | Move over Will Smith it’s your turn to drive a Bad Boys Porsche! This explosive experience gives you three or six-miles at the helm of a lovely Porsche 911 Turbo just like the one Cop Mike Lowery drives in the 1995 hit film ‘Bad Boys.’ Who could forget the opening scene of Bad Boys? Mike Lowery and his narcotics crime fighting partner Marcus Burnett are cruising at sunset in a most glorious Porsche with some serious bants going on when … | View | porsche-experience | |
Aston Martin V8 Vantage Experience | Want a great value hassle-free Aston Martin supercar experience? Well it’s no bother at Bovingdon as this lot just love their fancy cars so get yourself down to this former airfield race way in Hertfordshire and go for a spin around the track in a lovely Aston Martin. This Hertfordshire circuit is great fun. It’s in a kind of oval shaped proving ground style so there are long sweeping bends that are just at that perfect angle so that you … | View | aston-martin | |
Ultimate Teen Drive & Rally Package | Get geared up for the ultimate Knockhill teenage driving experience! This is our most comprehensive teen driving package giving kids the chance to drive and rally at Scotland’s National Motorsport Centre. Two separate experiences rolled into one great value voucher – now that’s what we like! These teenage driving experiences take place at Knockhill the professional racing circuit just outside Dunfermline. As well as the National and International race tracks there is also a rally stage go-karting and off roading … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
Head to Head Nissan Driving | This Nissan GT-R vs Skyline experience is a true battle of the Godzillas! This brilliant Nissan GT-R challenge will pitch two Nissan GT-Rs against each other. Although they look pretty similar they’re different generations and each one has a loyal following. So which one will you crown your best in class? The Nissan Skyline first launched way back in would you believe it 1957. Still a current model today the Japanese manufacturer has made many revisions across many generations of … | View | nissan-gtr | |
10-17s Drive a Bentley | Would you let a teenager behind the wheel of your prized Bentley for their first drive? No probably not. But this driver training company does and at several venues nationwide too! Clearly they have every confidence in their instructors who will be leading these junior Bentley drive lessons… A Bentley is the epitome of luxury motoring. It’s all about road presence comfort and power and the Bentley Flying Spur that the kids will be driving has all of this. In … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Rallying in Gloucestershire | At this Gloucestershire rally school you’ll experience what it’s like to be a proper rally driver! Combining training sessions with timed rally stage laps these half and full day rally experiences teach all the rallying skills you need. The school is operated under the guidance of Andy Gwynne who has clocked up many a rally stage win during his career including being two-time European Class A6 Champion and coming first in class at the 2005 Wales Rally GB. He certainly … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Lotus Exige Drive | Get ready to meet the Lotus Exige on this experience! The Exige is the Lotus you’ll most want to buy. It’s as simple and straight-forward as that. It’s raw yet actually pretty practical for a sportscar and it drives like a dream. This Lotus Exige drive will let you discover just what a delight this car is. The Lotus Exige V6 350 is an improved version of the already brilliant Exige S. Every body panel and part of the Exige … | View | lotus-caterham-westfield | |
Steam Train Driving Yorkshire | Have you ever heard the steam engine puffing along the South Yorkshire Coalfield Line? This formidable heritage railway is steeped in history and during this special steam engine driving experience in Yorkshire you’ll be riding footplate along the Elsecar Railway Line. And make no mistake you will be driving for real so expect to get stuck in and expect to be shovelling coal but don’t worry you’ll be given overalls for the job! This wonderful little heritage railway is entirely … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Ferrari 458 Experience | Say ‘buongiorno’ to the Ferrari 458 experience coming to a race track near you! As far as exotic driving experiences go being given the chance to drive this Italian stallion around a race track has got to be up there with the very best. Get ready on the paddle shifts you’re going 458 driving! This is a stunning car. And if just looking at the 458 gives you goosebumps just imagine what the experience of driving one will do to … | View | ferrari | |
Ferrari 458 Spider Drive | Introducing you to the exquisite Ferrari 458 Spider. In Ferrari speak Spider means convertible – and that’s what makes this 458 even more special. Driving one of these superb Italian supercars is exciting enough but make it a car with the top down and you’ve got yourself one flamboyant and fabulous drive. Let’s hope the weather plays ball! Waxing lyrical about the 458 when it was launched as the successor to the F430 a certain car journalist called Jeremy Clarkson … | View | ferrari | |
F1 Pitstop Experience | Are you up for a pitstop challenge? These F1 pitstop experiences give you that classic pitstop challenge against the clock with some brilliant add-on activities to create a fantastic motorsports-themed experience that’ll test your brain cells your driving and construction skills! These experiences all based around F1 motorsport and the pit-lane are perfect for groups of friends colleagues or family. You can buy vouchers for 2 to 24 people and they’re hosted and run by a specialist motorsports event company … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Articulated Lorry Driving | Keep on trucking’ on this articulated lorry experience! If you’ve ever wanted to drive an arctic lorry this is the experience for you. What’s more this activity has a Gallic flavour as the arctic you’ll be driving is a Renault Magnum! Scania and Daf might be the the ‘big name’ brands in the arctic world but when the Magnum first came out in 1990 it changed the rulebook on lorries and was immediately awarded ‘truck of the year’. The first … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Audi R8 Driving Experience | For the ultimate sports car experience book onto our Audi R8 track day which combines the thrilling speed and power of these stunning German-built vehicles with the refined controlled atmosphere of a key UK race circuit. The perfect gift for car lovers adrenaline seekers and motorsport fans alike this track day will show you a side to Audi you never knew existed. With a choice of top-class locations across the UK it’s no wonder our track days in an Audi … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Rage Buggies Powys / Shropshire Border | Take on the wrath of the Rage buggies near Welshpool with a spot of archery or laser clays thrown in for good measure! This all-action activity centre on the edge of Powys is very proud of its star players – these very capable little off road buggies. Let’s see if you can tame the Rage. Mid Wales just near the border with Shropshire. Lots of undulating land big farm estates and plenty of space all around. This is what makes … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Train Cab Ride in Kent | If you know someone who’s mad about locos they’ll love these train cab rides! This is your chance to ride shotgun upfront in a diesel engine on the East Kent Railway. This delightful historic railway is the perfect place to experience a train ride from the cab sitting alongside the driver. The railway line runs from Shepherdswell to Eythorne Station. It might only be a fairly short section of track but there is so much to see in that time. … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Drive a Truck | ‘Take this mobile parking lot for a spin round the strawberry cornets to see just how you drive a truck!’ That’s the language of the international trucker which roughly translates as ‘Take this car transporter for a drive around traffic cones’! And that’s just what you’ll be doing. This juggernaut driving experience will certainly sort the tailboard artists (over confident lorry drivers) from the Alices in Wonderland (those who have a tendency to get lost). As you get ready to … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Bus Driving Experience | Show them who’s boss of the bus-lane on this fabulous bus driving experience! No need for your Public Service Vehicle (PSV) licence here as you will be driving a bus (or two!) around the specially coned out area at North Weald Airfield circuit in Essex. Ding ding all aboard! We have a duo of big and beautiful vehicles ready for you to drive namely the classic Routemaster and a proper bendy bus – and of course both of them are … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Adrenaline Rally Northamptonshire | Rev the engines and get ready for your adrenaline rally in Northamptonshire! The idea of this course is that you get down to the nitty-gritty of rallying by learning each individual technique in a series of mini workshops taking it in turns as part of a group. Each of your three driving sessions takes place in a different area of the rally school. Each one has been created to provide the perfect set up for learning the particular skills you’ll … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
High Speed Passenger Ride | Go for a spin on these High Speed Passenger Rides at nationwide venues! If you’ve ever fancied acting as a co-pilot or you just want to see what it’s like to be a passenger in a high speed car as you go hooning it around a race track these big thrills passenger rides are just the thing! No need to have a driving licence no need to muster up the courage to be able to steer the car yourself around … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Cake and Rail Experience for Two | It’s pretty much access all areas when you go on this Somerset railway experience! This great value railway experience for two gives you plenty to see and do at this delightful heritage railway near Shepton Mallet in Somerset. It will appeal to all ages and it’s railway day out that steam and diesel loco fans will love. Founder of the East Somerset Railway David Shepherd first set eyes on the dilapidated railway station at Cranmore in 1971 and it was … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Under 17s Off-Road Driving | Challenge the teens to some under 17s off-road driving! Test their mettle with off-road experiences just for those under 17 years of age. These sessions give your teens the chance to get behind the wheel of a 4×4 and take on the rugged terrain. The beauty of these experiences is that they are really flexible. We are offering 30 and 60-minute sessions. What’s more Mum or Dad can ride as a passenger. Mind you it might be a good idea … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
South Downs Harley-Davidson® Experience | A taste of the US comes to the UK with our Harley-Davidson® hire! If you know your motorcycles you’ll appreciate how special this all-American brand is. Now we are able to give licensed motorcycle riders the chance to go on a group ride out through the South Downs on a very special Harley. We are offering half and full-day experiences where you ride a genuine ex-US Police Road King bike. These motorbikes are the real deal and were imported all … | View | motorbike-experiences-gifts | |
Off Roading County Durham | You’ll driving a 4×4 in County Durham around a purpose-built area for this off roading experience! A 4×4 vehicle like a Land Rover loves tricky terrain deep in the Teesdale countryside. That’s why this 4×4 session near Barnard Castle gives you the chance to drive the almighty Defender in one of its most natural habitats. The off road course has been constructed at Deepdale (what a great name!) – a large working farm in Teesdale. Around these parts off-roaders are … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Hovercraft Adventures Leicestershire | It’s all about the hovercraft in Leicester with our one to one and shared sessions spent learning how to fly these mad machines! Once you’ve got the the hang of the basics you will be jettisoning around the purpose built course near Market Harborough whooping with delight! Cruising above the mud is great fun in a hovercraft. We definitely recommend bringing a pair of waterproofs to protect you from what the experts call ‘splash back’ caused by the air-cushion vehicle … | View | hovercraft-experience-days-and-racing | |
Prodrive Subaru Rally | A car that needs no introduction – the Subaru Impreza. Prodrive took this Japanese road and rally machine and made it even more of a beast. Now there’s one residing in Essex ready for your Subaru rally experience. We think it’s time you hot-footed it to Saffron Walden to learn some ‘sick skills’ as the boys in charge say… The Prodrive Subaru you’ll be driving is Tom’s pride and joy. Tom is lead instructor and manager at this rally school … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Maxi Monster Truck Experience | This is the ultimate maxi monster truck experience giving you the chance to drive four monstrous machines in East Grinstead. Over the two and a half hour experience you will drive a UK-style and a US-spec monster truck a big jeep and an off-road buggy too. Lots of driving and even a bit of monster truck car crushing too! Let’s do this one in height order. First up are the off roading buggies. Just when you thought everything was oversized … | View | monster-truck-driving-experience | |
Ferrari 430 in Scotland | The famous Knockhill Circuit in Fife is the venue for this fabulous Ferrari driving experience in Scotland! Motoring fans north of the border will love this experience as it combines a bit of Mediterranean glamour with the challenges of this well-known twisty and turning Knockhill track. To start your experience you drive four coaching laps in the Honda Civic Type R – not a bad whip for a quartet of training laps eh? This little pocket ninja of a car … | View | ferrari | |
Nissan GTR Nismo Thrill | You’ll be in hot pursuit mode when you drive the Fast and Furious R35! This is your chance to drive a Nissan GT-R Nismo. This the Nismo incarnation of the legendary R35 series that blasted onto the road racing scene in 2007. And in case you’re wondering Nismo is Nissan’s in house motorsport and performance division. Yep the already fast GT-R just got a little faster! Godzilla as the R35 fandom call it is a formidable motor just as it’s … | View | nissan-gtr | |
Lamborghini Huracan Experience | If a Lamborghini Huracan is driving past you on the race track make sure you don’t blink for a single second else you’ll miss this Italian beauty as it rockets past you at speed. This Lambo can clock up 201mph with ease – are you ready to take on the Huracan? As with other Lamborghini models this car is named after a famous fighting bull this time a rather successful Spanish one and Huracan as you might suspect translates as … | View | lamborghini | |
Platinum Lamborghini Thrill | Enjoy the full force of Italian performance driving with this line up that includes the best of the best (or il meglio del meglio as they say in Italian) Lamborghini cars out there today. This Platinum Lamborghini experience certainly has that full-on multimillionaire feel! With this driving thrill you hop into the driver’s seat of a very nifty Lambo and head out for six driving miles. We think there’s going to be lots of amore out there for these drives! … | View | lamborghini | |
Hovercrafts Sittingbourne | Ever fancied ripping it up in a hovercraft in Sittingbourne? Well now’s your chance when you tackle the tricky obstacle course on this farm estate in a nippy little Flying Fish Marlin II craft. So get the rotors turning some air into your skirt and go hovercrafting! This outdoor pursuits centre near Sittingbourne was established in 1988 and the hovercrafts are the latest addition to the fleet. The company motto of ‘Adrenaline is our business’ is totally apt for hovercrafting … | View | hovercraft-experience-days-and-racing | |
Porsche Driving Blast | Discover just why the 911 series is so special with this Porsche Blast from IntotheBlue.co.uk! Porsche has a reputation for producing sports cars that are the real deal. These motors need to be properly driven to get the most out of them and with these fabulous fast fun vouchers you will get to experience first hand the brilliance without having to dig very deep in your pocket at all. We think this Porsche blast package is a superb deal. Not … | View | porsche-experience | |
Monster Truck Passenger Ride | On this Monster Truck experience day you will be riding high in one of the biggest monster trucks the UK’s ever seen! You will be a passenger in a full American-spec truck that will growl its way around the arena showing you just what it’s capable of. The star of the show here at this driving ground near East Grinstead in West Sussex is Grizzly. He’s massive. Based on a Chevrolet Silverado truck this monster has been bespoke manufactured in … | View | monster-truck-driving-experience | |
Supercar Experience | Our One Supercar Experience – you choose which motor to take round the track! This burn around the tarmac circuit is very satisfying as you get to pick the car you want from a gleaming line up of superb cars. Cars available may vary from venue to venue but you can expect to be procrastinating over the likes of the Aston Martin Vantage the Audi R8 the Lamborghini the Porsches the Ferraris and the Aerial Atom …ooh decisions decisions! Once … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Lamborghini Circuit Drive | Everyone with a driving licence should have a Lamborghini Gallardo experience at some point in their motoring lifetime. Why? Because this is the ultimate ‘bold as brass’ supercar that put Lamborghini back on the automotive track and is to date the marques best ever selling model…until the LP560-4 upgrade came along. It is actually the remodelled successor the the Gallardo you’ll be driving on this experience. Billed as a facelifted Gallardo in our experience that usually means just a few design tweaks. … | View | lamborghini | |
Junior Triple American Muscle Car Blast | The junior muscle car drive – say a great big ‘howdy’ to a trio of very big American muscle cars! This is the chance for teens to get behind the wheel of three of the very best modern pony cars. Yep that’s right. The little ones will actually be driving these hulking great cars from the US of A. Forget pootling around in a teeny hatchback with the L plates on. Your car-mad teens will be revving up the V8s … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Lamborghini Thrills | Think Lamborghini… think Italian styling incredible performance and stunning looks. The Gallardo is one seriously impressive supercar so it’s not surprising the name is taken from a breed of gutsy fighting bull in Italian. That’s also why this Lamborghini driving experience really is the stuff of dreams and it’s not Jeremy Clarkson not the Stig not any other jammy motoring journalist but little old YOU who’ll be driving this beautiful Lamborghini Gallardo. The Gallardo is a simply stunning piece of Italian … | View | lamborghini | |
Early Driver Training Darlington | Calling all tenacious teens – how would you like to go on an early driver experience? This junior driving school in Darlington will get you behind the wheel and driving in a safe environment away from the public roads and all the hassle that comes with it. So what will your little devils be doing on this young driver experience? Well first up there will be a short safety briefing and then it’s out to meet the car. Junior motoring … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Supercar Passenger Thrill Rides | Take one very fast car add a professional driver with nerves of steel and you’ve got yourself a thrilling chauffeured hot lap experience! These hot laps are offered at a variety of circuits around the country so there’s always somewhere to ride near you! We all know what it’s like when you’ve got friends or family in the car with you as passengers. Whoever decides to take the hot seat to actually drive and chauffeur the others is probably letting … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Ferrari 430 Experience | Anyone fancy driving a Ferrari F430? Yes we thought you would. In fact who wouldn’t like to get their hands on one of these gorgeous Italian supercars? Each and every model is iconic and just oozes glitz and glamour and this is your chance to drive one of these head-turning F430s around a track. We must highlight that this operator’s fleet includes a F430 Spider. No that doesn’t mean it’s got lots of legs that’s the Ferrari name for a … | View | ferrari | |
Supercar Blast at Brands Hatch | Drivers start your engines the IntotheBlue Brands Hatch track days are ready to roll! Brand’s Hatch the home of motorsport will be hosting these fabulous track days that give you the chance to drive some serious supercars around this world-renowned circuit. Brands Hatch was England’s first purpose-built post-war race circuit when it opened in April 1950. Since then it has hosted pretty much every world motorsport championship series going including 12 British Formula 1 Grand Prix races between 1964 and … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Porsche Circuit Blast or Thrill | On a 911 experience you can expect German precision high performance and superb track handling! There’s something quite unique about the Porsche marque. Maybe it’s because it has always stuck to its roots and come up with ‘proper’ cars (OK apart from the Cayenne) that demand and get respect from across the motoring hierarchy. We think a Porsche is a true driver’s car. The 911 in its various guises has been the flagship model since its launch in 1963. Fans … | View | porsche-experience | |
Extreme Dodgems – Birmingham | This is your chance to go wheel-to-wheel extreme dodgem racing on the oval circuit in Birmingham in professionally prepared 1200cc saloon stock cars. With real life commentators race marshals pace cars and trophies for the winners it really is grown up dodgem cars! You will receive professional driving and safety tuition (as well as a few Dick Dastardly style racing tips) from the resident racing drivers and officials. Once you have been issued with overalls and a safety helmet you … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Hovercraft Wales | Whether you fly drive or ride it you are going on a hovercraft in Wales! This outdoor centre not far from Cardiff is an action-packed circuit venue with a special little part set aside just for hovercrafting shenanigans. We think you’ll love it. This farmland within the Llandow circuit estate has been transformed into a challenging track that is perfect for these machines. It might be worth noting that the hovercrafts you’ll be using here in Wales are Marlin II … | View | hovercraft-experience-days-and-racing | |
Lamborghini Thrill Hertfordshire | Get ready for a whopping 530bhp when you drive the Lamborghini in Hertfordshire! On this experience you’ll be honing your track skills in the amazing Gallardo with a little help from a sports saloon along the way. Let us explain how your day out at this Hertfordshire track with the Lambo will unfold. You start with a participant briefing where things like performance driving techniques and track etiquette will be explained to you. Before you can pitch the Gallardo into … | View | lamborghini | |
Skid Control Shropshire | Here’s a new twist on skid training! This well-established driving school centre in Shropshire uses a unique skid area featuring a very special surface that makes skidding easy. There are no cradles on the skid car or fancy gadgetry that way (with your expert training) it means you learn easily all about when skids happen and how to control them from speeds as gentle as 5mph. This skid car training experience is offered for one or two people and both packages … | View | skid-pan-training-and-driving-experience | |
Audi R8 Supercar Experience | If you dream of getting behind the wheel to drive an Audi R8 one of the world’s leading supercars then dream no longer – it’s about to become a reality! With our dedicated track sessions in Staffordshire Wigan York and Anglesey you can become a high-speed hero in the driving seat of this spectacular four-wheeled racing machine. The car itself is a wonder of modern engineering so it’s little surprise that driving a top of the range Audi R8 is … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Supercar Sprint Nationwide | Make a dash for our Supercar Sprint Nationwide deal! You’ve got some seriously indulgent driving ahead of you as you will have the task of taking three four or five different super cars out for a spin on some of the country’s most challenging circuits. Scanning down the fleet of available cars is like reading your very own fantasy garage list with many prestigious car manufacturers represented. So whether you’re a fan of the true British sports cars prefer the … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
4×4 Army Truck Driving | Drive a 4×4 army truck. This is your call up to drive an army truck around some rough and tough 4×4 terrain in Oxfordshire. We’ve got a genuine Leyland DAF 4×4 ready for some hefty driving duty with you at the helm. And if you fancy spending more time with this military beast you can extend your experience by adding the passenger ride option in too. You could be stationed at a former WW2 bomber airfield near Bicester for your … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Under 17s MX-5 Drive | Kids. Fun. Drive – the three key ingredients for this experience! Specially aimed at youngsters from the age of 11 to 16 years your little darlings will have their first taste of driving at the wheel of a funky little Mazda MX-5 around a circuit in Hertfordshire. How cool is that? Naturally the kids booking in for this course won’t have a driving licence and maybe not even a provisional one but that’s the whole point with these drives. They … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Junior Aston Martin | Swish and stylish – teens will just love this junior Aston Martin driving experience! This thrilling session is sure to make any youngster incredibly happy – not just the ones obsessed with motors as Aston Martins are beautiful and very classy cars to drive that not many people get the chance to drive. You might think we’re mad for letting teenaged drivers behind the wheel of such an expensive supercar but everything is set up and organised to make it … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Dodge Charger Pursuit | The Dodge Charger Pursuit – when you’re chasing a devious felon you need this car! One of the most powerful cop cars in America this souped up Charger patrols the highways of the United States of America keeping citizens safe from harm. There’s also one in Bovingdon – and you can drive it. Behind those familiar black and white police car stripes you’ll find some pretty neat gadgets.The vehicle systems interface on the Pursuit features vehicle speed output drive position … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Nissan 350z Drift Car Ride | On these thrilling drift rides you’ll discover why going sideways in a drift car is so much more fun than just going forwards! As a passenger riding shotgun in a Nissan 350Z with a pro at the wheel you’ll get to witness the first hand from inside the car just how crazy the sport of drifting is. Quite possibly one of the finest motoring imports from Japan drifting is practically an art form and not just a type of competitive … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Single Seaters – Wiltshire | Drive a single seat racing car at Castle Combe! At 1.8 miles long this historic circuit in Wiltshire is one of the longest in the country and boasts some of the UK’s most challenging corners for racing cars. Set amongst beautiful rolling Cotswold countryside this race circuit offers a fantastic place to get a taste of single seater driving in full race conditions. Sessions begin with a detailed briefing which covers all the aspects of safety and explains the secrets of racing … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Harley-Davidson® Pillion Rides | Feel the wind in your face on these Harley Davidson® rides! This is your chance to ride on the back of a legendary Harley Davidson® motorbike as you tour Hampshire and the lovely South Downs National Park. This is what this Harley Davidson® ride company based in Alton says: “Our experiences aren’t just about being a pillion on a motorcycle. They’re about being a pillion on a Harley Davidson® – the most famous iconic motorcycle on the planet!”. Quite frankly … | View | motorbike-experiences-gifts | |
Tractor Driving Wiltshire | Want to go tractor driving in Wiltshire? You’ve come to the right place. Tractors are the workhorses of the land and we salute them with these brilliant tractor driving experiences on a working farm and agricultural training centre in Wiltshire The land on and around Rowdefield has been farmed by the Butler family since 1860. Today there are around 500 acres with a trio of tractors working the land. But farmer John (the current Butler in charge!) also has a … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Kids Ferrari Drive | Kids’ Ferrari Drive – most kids would be thrilled to drive any car so just imagine the playground bragging rights when they tell their friends that they have driven a Ferrari round a proper race circuit at locations Nationwide! Now kids aged 11 upwards can imagine they are following the famous footsteps of Michael Schumacher as they get behind the wheel of a legendary Italian supercar worth well in excess of £100 000. Don’t worry though as they cruise around … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
South Downs Harley-Davidson® Pillion Rides | If you’ve always dreamed of having that Harley-Davidson® experience but don’t have your motorbike licence the answer is here with our Harley-Davidson® passenger rides! You’ll tour the Surrey countryside as a pillion rider to give you a proper flavour of what these amazing two wheelers from across the waters are all about. The great thing about these passenger rides is that everything is organised for you. An expert Harley rider will be at the helm and you will be on … | View | motorbike-experiences-gifts | |
HGV Truck Driving Thrill | Gear up for an HGV truck driving thrill when you go Scania truck driving! This experience gives you the unique chance to drive a powerful Scania tractor unit hooked up to an open-sided car transporter. This is proper trucking! When you organise and operate car driving days you need to get all your fancy cars to the track. This is exactly what this Scania truck is used for. Fully loaded this beast of an HGV transports 12 supercars at once. … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Subaru Experience | These Subaru track days in Staffordshire promise to be filled with turbocharged all-wheel drive power for your driving delight and delectation that is sure to leave you wanting more as you hurtle around this well laid out purpose built race track at high speeds. In all our days of writing about track day experiences the Subaru ones are the ones that always hit the top spot and become number one best sellers amongst motoring fans. That’s because the Subaru Impreza … | View | subaru-impreza | |
Tank Driving Oxfordshire | Test your mettle with a spot of tank driving in Oxfordshire – and a whole lot more! We are offering two different tank driving packages for you in Oxfordshire. The very wonderful Bicester Heritage is basecamp for your tank military and emergency services vehicle driving experience. Being a former RAF station packed full of original 1940s features it’s like rolling back time to World War Two days. All experiences start with a welcome onto this very special ex-RAF site. It is now … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Diesel Locomotive Driving | Rumble along the UK’s only double-track heritage mainline railway when you go diesel train driving in Leicestershire! This is your chance to step back in time to the era when steam locos were gradually being replaced by newfangled diesel-powered locomotives. Let the nostalgia of 1960s rail travel commence… As well as being famous for steam this renowned Leicestershire preserved railway does fine homage to diesel engines too. With a huge fleet of locos the Great Central Railway rolling stock includes … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Extreme 4×4 Course East Anglia | Expect maximum fun on our hugely popular East Anglia 4×4 driving experiences. Whether it’s for an outdoors enthusiast a rookie road user or just someone who loves a challenge put a smile on their face with these thrilling all-terrain expeditions. All the 4×4 sessions start with a safety briefing before you’re introduced to your two-legged driving instructor and your four-wheeled vehicular ally – a Land Rover Discovery. Specifically designed for 4x4ing these absolute machines of the off-road can handle anything … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Junior 4×4 Driving Scotland | Give those grumpy teens something to smile about with a kids 4×4 experience in Scotland! Junior off road heroes will adore this outdoor centre near the little village of Gartmore – it’s where all the serious off roading action takes place! No need to swot for a theory test and no need to impress your driving examiner to pass your test to be able to take part in one of these junior 4×4 sessions. In fact who cares about licences … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
Rally Driving Leicestershire | A whole host of fancy cars at a top-notch circuit – that’s rally driving in Leicestershire for you! The rally cars will be ready and revved up for you on these Loughborough-based driving experiences waiting for you to take to the tarmac mixed and loose gravel stages. Be prepared to have your clutch brake and throttle skills tested to the max! Rally taster sessions are perfect for those who just want to dip their toe into the heady world of … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Ariel Atom High Speed Ride | Breathe deeply and prepare yourself for one seriously fast Ariel Atom ride! With a professional driver at the helm of an Ariel Atom on a race track this Ariel Atom ride is only ever going to be a very high speed affair. After all this is the car that if you can change gear quick enough will accelerate from 0-60 in just 2.9 seconds… In the words of a certain Jeremy Clarkson: “This is the most beautiful car in the … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Off Road in Sherwood Forest | 4×4 How good is this 4×4 Sherwood Forest experience? Well if Robin Hood was still around he so would have ditched the horse for a Land Rover and we at Into the Blue think he would have signed up for this superb 4×4 off-roading session just north of Nottingham in his native Sherwood Forest. If you’re not in the area you can still find a 4×4 driving experience near to you by checking out our main off road section. Quite simply the … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Audi R8 Blast | Get into Iron Man’s Audi – and drive off! Of course this R8 isn’t Tony Stark’s actual Audi (that one’s far too busy looking shiny and polished in the Stark Industries car park with it’s Stark 4 personal numberplate). But you’ll still feel like you’ve got superhero super powers when you get your hands on this supercar. We are offering Iron Man style R8 drives at a whole host of tracks and circuits around the UK for adults and children. … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Professional Drift Car Passenger Hotlaps | If ever you’ve wanted to frighten yourself silly in a car these drift car hot laps are the way to do it! If you’re brave enough to head out on a professional drift car ride you’ll get to experience first hand the race track – sideways! Our pro-drifter hot laps are available at Birmingham Wheels Brands Hatch and Teesside Aerodrome circuits. The very best drift cars in the prodrift fleet are reserved for these rides so we’re talking competition-standard drift … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Rage Buggies Dorset | Go on a madcap Rage Buggying Experience In Dorset! Your experience will take place on farmland near Blandford that has a dirt track with hair raising bends and super fast straights alongside that’ll really challenge your buggying skills – all spread over acres of land. The buggies you’ll be driving are all single seater so it’s just you the powerful off road buggy with two engines (complete with full roll cage) out on the track. During your chosen driving time … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Porsche Track Day | Drive a Porsche Carrera on the airfield circuit at Upper Heyford near Bicester! Now this is what we call a proper Porsche. The 997 model of the legendary 911 design you’ll be driving on this experience is a Carrera S so that means distinctive red brake calipers Recaro seats and race styling coupled with blistering performance. Slide into the hot seat of the Porsche Carrera S roll into position from the pits check the way is clear and you’re off! Listen to … | View | porsche-experience | |
Mitsubishi Thrill in Oxfordshire | The performance looks and distinctive sound of the Evo VII are a clear indication of Mitsubishi’s World Rally Driving Championship heritage. This is the seventh incarnation of the legendary flagship Evo series boasting four wheel drive 320 bhp and 0-60 mph in 4.4 seconds putting it firmly in supercar territory – and you get to drive one at our centre near Bicester in Oxon. The great thing about this car is its ability to deliver unbelievable performance even in the … | View | drive-a-mitsubishi-evo | |
Junior Supercar Experience Edinburgh | Junior supercar driving in Edinburgh – the best present you could possibly buy for car-mad teens! We are offering one or two car drives for any teenager who’s keen to get behind the wheel at this superb little circuit near Edinburgh. To qualify for this experience there’s just one requirement – that you’re aged between 12 and 16 years. So if you’re in your teens you’re in for supercar driving in Edinburgh. And when we say supercars we really do … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Movie Cars for Kids | Stars of the big screen come to the track with these movie cars for kids experiences! It’s superhero and secret agents galore just for little ones as they get to drive their choice of car around a proper race track. With these drives your kids will feel like film stars in fancy cars! We are offering this kids movie car experience at various locations around the UK. You don’t need to specify which track on buying your voucher so the … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Drifting Hertfordshire | Get the adrenaline pumping with a full-blown sideways sliding day of drifting! Bovingdon airfield circuit is our location for these thrilling drifting experiences in Hertfordshire where you’ll be taught just how to get a Mazda MX5 drifting in style. This place is a veritable drifting academy as it has been purpose-built to offer multiple drift experience circuits. Bovingdon’s tarmac runways are put to excellent use with sessions in specially prepped drifting cars. Indeed the MX5 is a little rear wheel … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Junior Off Roading at Coniston Hall | We think our junior 4×4 Skipton sessions offer up the perfect offroading experiences to keep your little dirt devils in the Dales totally entertained! It’s destination Yorkshire for all youngsters who want to give 4x4ing a go. But we have to say this Coniston venue offers a bit of a twist to the usual 4×4 activity aimed at youngsters… And that’s because the kids at his centre near Skipton will be driving a fabulous little John Deere Gator! This Coniston … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
American Muscle Three Car Blast | Roll up roll up – the American muscle car blast is in town! Book onto this muscle car driving experience and take a trio of the most iconic motors from the US of A for a spin. It’s happening at various circuits around the UK and bookings are now being taken! On the other side of the Atlantic motoring is a wee bit different to here. You’ve got those multi-lane freeways miles and miles of cross county roads and huge … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Kids Truck Driving | Mini truckers will go wild for this chance to try truck driving for kids! An ingenious experience that puts your teenage tearaways behind the wheel of a proper truck on a special private circuit well away from the public roads. The truck they will be driving is a 55ft long articulated DAF CF or DAF XF rig which when it’s not giving your darling teens an eye-opening experience spends its days pounding the roads of the UK. These standard truck … | View | kids-truck-driving | |
Extreme Rage Buggy Experience | Book an extreme Rage Buggy experience and you’ll be signing up for the School of Rage! We’ve got a full range of extreme buggy options for you each of which gives you plenty of opportunity to try and get to grips with these amazing little machines that are quite literally all the rage. Rage Motorsport is the company behind these buggies. You will be driving a Hurricane buggy which is one of the most high-performance models produced. They’re just like … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Electric Dirt Bike Experience | No gears no clutch no kickstart – that’s the electric dirt bike! These clean-running and near silent electric motocross bikes are shockingly good fun. For anyone with motorcycle or mountain biking skills they’re pretty easy to ride yet they pack a punch that would give a traditional 125cc dirt bike a run for its money. Even dirt biking dudes who dismissed these electric bikes have had to eat their words as these latest generation electric motorcycles look like and perform … | View | motorbike-experiences-gifts | |
F Type Jag Driving | Experience V8 supercharged driving on this Jaguar track day! The F Type is an amazing two seater that blissfully has no room for the kids or the dog so it’s all about the immersive driving sensations. And whilst it’s not a race car this is one seriously stylish way to get from A to B that never fails to get heads turning when you see one driving down the street. Developed under project code X152 the engineers and designers at … | View | jaguar | |
Ferrari 458 Thrill | Our Ferrari 458 Drive – take one of the world’s finest examples of 21st century motoring around the track of your choice from the six offered in Leicestershire Warwickshire Yorkshire and Surrey. The 458 is the utterly brilliant latest mid-engined Ferrari to set the super car market alight and you will fall in lust with it. The Ferrari 458 is a beautiful blend of aerodynamics downforce and general all round gorgeousness. A certain Mr Schumacher has had a hand in … | View | ferrari | |
4×4 Driving Stirlingshire | More of a lovely Lowland Lilt than a Highland Fling this 4×4 Stirlingshire experience will see you taking an off-road vehicle for a spin on one very muddy dance floor. Test your driving skills when you tackle three different tracks on this extensive off road circuit just 30 minutes’ drive from Stirling. Indeed the setting for your offroading session is very pretty. Right on the edge of the Trossachs National Park and just a couple miles away from the whitewashed … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Aston Martin DB11 Drive | The Aston Martin DB11. This is a car that has presence. It is indeed a thing of beauty and it’s the car that is taking Aston Martin into its second century of luxury sport motor cars. Here’s your chance to drive an Aston DB11 around a high speed track and get a feel for what superlative GT motoring is all about. The DB11 marks a completely new departure for Aston. Gone is the V8 and in is a twin-turbo 5.2l … | View | aston-martin | |
Nationwide Drift Hot Lap Experience | A drift car hot lap in a scorching hot Nissan 350Z! Available at tracks around the country this is your chance to experience drifting from the front passenger seat as you’re taken for a thrilling passenger ride in a brilliant car. The Nissan 350Z is a fab little motor. It’s a fine example of a Japanese rear wheel drive coupe that loves to drift. Drifting is practically a national sport in Japan and it has properly caught on here in … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Porsche 911 Turbo Drive | Go for a blast in a Porsche 911 Turbo (997)! Drive this amazing sports car at your choice of track and feel the power of this 3.6L German ubercar as you screech those tyres around the tarmac shifting the gears with a simple press of the button on the steering wheel. The six speed Tiptronic gearbox is just part of the gadgetry on this latest incarnation of the legendary 911. This Porsche 997 Turbo version has a twin-turbocharged flat six … | View | porsche-experience | |
Young Driver Experience Edinburgh | Calling all young drivers in Edinburgh! If you’re aged between 12 and 16 years this is your chance to get a head start in driving. We are offering junior first-time driving experiences for teens at Ingliston circuit. Youngsters just love the idea of being able to actually drive a real car before they can legally do so. These first-time driving experiences allow teens to do just that – in complete safety. The sessions all take place well away from public … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Junior Bumblebee | Get ready to see your car-mad youngsters grinning from ear to ear thanks to this very special Bumblebee car! Your little ones will know that Bumblebee is one of the most popular Autobots out there having starred (in various forms) in endless Transformer films animations and books over the years. But just what sort of car is Bumblebee? Once again your little darlings will know he has appeared in various guises from being a funky little yellow and black Beetle … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Jaguar F Type R Experience | Take your pick from a huge choice of tracks for this Jaguar F Type test drive! You may see the occasional F-Type out and about on the roads but these deluxe sporting motors are definitely most at home on a circuit so that’s just what we are offering with these drives. Designed developed and built in and around Castle Bromwich this car epitomises British gentlemanly motoring. Yes we know that it’s technically owned by international investors but when you commandeer … | View | jaguar | |
Porsche Under 17 Motorsport Academy Drive & Licence | Sign up for the Junior Porsche Academy! Open to children and teens aged between 11 and 16 these experiences give youngsters the chance to drive a Porsche well away from the public roads on a dedicated driving area. The car used for these Porsche Academies is the Boxster. This is the two seater convertible Porsche and it is a total blast to drive. We have to say Porsche has got that ‘fun in a small package’ thing all wrapped up … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
First Drive in Oxfordshire | Introduce youngsters to the art of car handling on this First Drive in Oxfordshire! Combining beautiful scenery with a purpose-built circuit on which to take your first steps to driving success this truly is a motoring match made in heaven. The friendly and relaxed team at the track near Bicester has plenty of experience coaching mini motorists and tailor each junior driving session to suit the individual. With a minimum age limit of just 10 this is a great first … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Hovercrafting in Essex | Some might say our Hovercraft Experience Essex is a handful we say it’s all about crazy sideways sliding on a veritable cushion of air that’ll have you grabbling with the steering! These amazing little machines come to North Weald with a choice of introductory and extended hovercrafting experiences available. As it’s highly likely that you’ve never experienced the sensation of being in a hovercraft before we asked the team in Essex how it feels when you’re in one of these … | View | hovercraft-experience-days-and-racing | |
R34 Skyline Drive | The Nissan Skyline GT-R is a legendary car that’s for sure. And when the vehicle is as prepped and primped as the one Brian O’Connor drives in 2Fast2Furious it makes driving this particular R34 pretty much out of this world! The mega successful Hollywood franchise has featured hundreds of cars but one that stands out for fans is the Nissan. Brian’s Skyline in the second movie instalment was a gleaming vision of silver sleekness complete with blue stylised coachwork detailing … | View | nissan-gtr | |
Hovercraft Lincolnshire | Get ready to step up to the challenge of hovercrafting in Lincolnshire! We often talk about hovercraft ‘flying’ and ‘piloting’ these agile machines when of course you don’t actually go really high in the air but you will be skimming just inches above the ground at speed for some seriously high thrills. We won’t bore you with the science of how hovercrafts work after all this Lincolnshire experience is all about being at the helm of your craft and wanging … | View | hovercraft-experience-days-and-racing | |
Dodge Viper Experience | Go all-American supercar on yourself with this Dodge Viper experience! If ever there was a car that epitomises the American ideal that bigger is better the Dodge Viper SRT is it. This is your chance to drive a rarely-seen-in-this-country last generation Dodge Viper VX SRT. Prepare to be blown away by this charger of a car. So back to the ‘bigger is better’ idea. Just take a look at this Viper. The bonnet (sorry hood) is gigantesque. The styling is … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Ex-Army DAF Truck Driving Milton Keynes | Stand to attention – this is army truck driving in Milton Keynes for two! You’ll be totally de-mob happy driving this genuine army truck around a very tricky off road course. It’s going to test your skills to the max but this truck takes everything in its stride. Will you? This 1993 Leyland DAF truck is ex-MoD. Having served with the Ministry of Defence who knows what tales this truck could tell if it could talk. What we can tell … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Goodwood Supercar Thrill | Steer into the heyday of motorsport on a Goodwood supercar thrill! This is your chance for some track time at one of the country’s finest heritage race tracks with our one two or three supercar thrill experiences. These experiences are all about modern supercar thrills combined with Goodwood’s original Art Deco style that harks straight back to the glitz and glamour of British motorsport in its infancy. Stirling Moss triumphed here in a Cooper on the very first day of … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Supercar Choice with Hotlap | Our great value flexible weekday supercar choice – with hotlap included! If you like fast cars you’ll love this experience. You get to choose what you drive and where you drive – and it’s all at a great price too. What’s not to love about our one to five car supercar choice drives? A fleet of luxury supercars a choice of tracks and a team of highly experienced instructors. That’s the basis of these supercar choice experiences. Add into the … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Supercar Hot Lap Rides | Stand by for super car rides that are hot hot hot! Let the professional race drivers show off their skills as you ride shotgun in a supercar with them to experience just what these ‘hot laps’ are all about. And believe us it’s certainly an eye-opening (or rather closing) experience! Let’s face it when you see a supercar sitting there looking pretty in the paddock you can’t help admire it but at the same time you wonder if you’d be … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Secret Supercar and Hotlap Experience | Expect the element of surprise on the Secret Supercar special! On these unique experiences you get the thrill of finding out which car or cars you’re going to be driving just seconds before you zoom off. It’s high thrills big smiles and low prices for this one folks! It’s all about the mystery for this experience. With your voucher in your hand you won’t know. When you book the date of secret supercar day you won’t know. And when you … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Supercar Collection Thrill Experience | Supercharged race prepped and tyres warmed this is the ultimate supercar experience! With a veritable dream line up of high performance and supercars offered at this centre in Hertfordshire. Basically you get to drive your choice of the supercar fleet on this experience. By the end of the session you will know the circuit like the back of your hand and your laps are sure to improve as your confidence grows and you are more and more at ease with … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Single Seater Track Drive | Sign up for a single seater driving experience and you can test drive a genuine Formula Renault car! These sessions out on the track are the real deal as you ride solo in your open wheeler around a circuit. Pull that full face helmet on and become that young buck Formula 1 racing driver you’ve always dreamt of being… Indeed Formula Renault has launched the careers of many a professional racing driver. The fleet of single seaters used on these … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Off Road Nationwide | Have yourself a thrilling experience off roading around the UK! We’ve got a whole host of locations all over the country just ready and waiting for you to step aboard an off road vehicle and take it for a spin. And no it doesn’t matter if you’ve never driven an off road vehicle before as sessions are geared (excuse the pun!) to your driving ability. In fact these off road half days offered at various UK locations are ideal for … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Subaru Oxfordshire | Go Subaru driving at Heyford Park race circuit! This experience near Bicester in Oxfordshire will see you getting to grips with the legendary car that is the Subaru Impreza STi. The cars at this venue are always Blue Mica colour and fully spec’d with the ProDrive style meaning that you’ll be driving a Subaru with some serious muscle power under the bonnet. Your Subaru session starts with a driver briefing and then you’ll get the chance to see the circuit from the driver’s point … | View | subaru-impreza | |
Full Day Subaru Rally Worcestershire | Get down to the nitty gritty of going sideways in a car on this rally driving experience in Worcestershire! Ex-RAF Honeybourne airfield near Evesham is the destination for a whole day of rallying where the aim is to teach you all the skills of rally driving. This full day of rallying in the heart of Worcestershire is a double delight of motoring fun. In the morning you get to grips with all the basic rally driver skills and in the … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Drifting Adrenaline Academy | If you fancy flinging an MX-5 around get enrolled at this pro-drift academy and go drifting! Going fast in a straight line is great fun but sliding sideways around a bend at serious speed is just out of the world. It takes skill concentration and maybe a bit of beginner’s luck too. Let’s see if these classes at Birmingham Wheels and Brands Hatch get you drifting in style. Pro-drift’s academy training cars are MX-5s. Upgraded bits and bobs all over … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Nissan GTR Thrill | Forget everything you ever knew about Nissan as the maker of millions of forgettable family cars and amaze yourself on our Nissan GT-R Experience! This four wheel drive twin-turbo six cylinder GT-R was first seen as a prototype in 2005 in Tokyo and is a worthy successor to the Skyline GT-Rs of the 80s and 90s – and you’ll love driving it. Whether you choose to take your GT-R supercar experience during the week or at the weekend is entirely … | View | nissan-gtr | |
Ultimate Steam Train Day | Pull on your blue locomotive driver’s coat and flat cap – this is the ultimate train driving day for any railway fan! This is real train driving with you at the helm of a beautifully restored steam loco on a mainline heritage railway pulling a train of passenger carriages. This really is the ultimate gift for train lovers who want to spend the whole day as part of the crew. This steam gift voucher allows to access places not normally … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Aston Martin Vantage | Treat yourself to a high-speed red carpet motoring experience when you drive an Aston Martin at one of our UK circuits. Get behind the wheel of one of these sleek aerodynamic and iconic motors for a track day experience unlike any other! Renowned as being the car of choice for celebrities the rich and powerful it’s no wonder that so many of us yearn for the chance to drive a gorgeous Aston Martin for real. With over a century’s experience … | View | aston-martin | |
Sierra Cosworth Rally Driving | Hark back to the classic days of Group B rallying on these Sierra Cosworth rally experiences! The Sierra rally car was a bit of an icon in the motorsport world of the mid 1980s. Hundreds of thousands of L and GL versions (remember them?) roamed the streets but on the rally track it was the Sierra Cosworth that ruled the roost. Well when we say that Ford Motorsport’s Sierra RS Cosworth never actually won a World Championship title overall – … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Mini Junior Drive Lesson & Supercar Blast | Funky cars and fast cars combine for this first drive and supercar experience! These junior Mini and supercar experiences are just for the kids. They’re great value and children love the fact that they get a driving lesson followed by the chance to drive a fancy supercar too. The first time behind the wheel of a car is always nerve wracking. That’s why these experiences start with a session in a Mini. This is where youngsters will be shown the … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Junior Rally Experience | Want the kids to have fun? Rallying for juniors comes with fun by the bucketload! As long as your child is aged 9 or over and at least 4ft 6in tall they can rally – and there’s no need to know how to drive either. Dual-controlled cars are the key to these rallying experiences specifically for kids. Young rally fans are in the driving seat but at the same time the instructor is there to guide them safely around the … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
BMW i8 Drive with Hotlap | Fancy driving the i8? This is BMW’s fancy pants electric sports car and it’s coming to a race track near you! These experiences at a selection of race circuits around the country give you the chance to feel all that electric power under your feet. You know how concept cars usually bear no resemblance to the actual production car? In this case the BMW i8 coupe is as delightfully futuristic looking in the flesh as it was back in 2008 … | View | bmw-driving-days | |
4×4 Crazy Car Driving | Whoa this is one crazy 4×4 vehicle! It might look like your standard Land Rover but as soon as you take the wheel and try to drive you’ll discover it’s all back to front! Take on the challenge of driving this reverse steer 4×4 and see if you can tame this naughty little off roader. Just when you’ve got used to this highly disobedient 4×4 when it insists on heading left when you steer right and then veering right when … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Mini Young Driver Training | A fabulous mini driving experience just for miniature drivers! Specially put together for children from the age of 12 years old these Mini Cooper driving experiences will give your youngster driver training in either a Mini One or Cooper S convertible. Not bad for a first car eh?! These driving lessons in a Mini take place at a entirely private facility in Essex. It’s a former airfield at Gosfield not far from Braintree and Halstead. It’s now agricultural land but … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Porsche Test Drive | This is a Porsche test drive that’ll be testing your motoring skills to the max! We’ve lined up a stunning Porsche 997 series for you to take for a drive. This version of the iconic 911 has been widely hailed as one of the best yet – and you’re about to find out why. To put it simply this is a great car. Being German there are more three letter acronyms than you can shake a frankfurter at with the … | View | porsche-experience | |
Lessons for 5-10 Year Olds | Move over adults and bigger kids this is the under 10 driving experience! Time to leave the driving to the very youngest motoring fans with these lessons for under 10s. And don’t worry there’s no panic about reaching the pedals these are electric cars specially designed for younger children to drive. And when we say these are electric cars for kids they are nothing like the toy cars you can buy everywhere. The Firefly has been designed by a proper … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Ferrari California Circuit Drive | What a fab Ferrari driving day this promises to be! There’s something about each and every Ferrari ever produced that just captures the hearts of motoring fans around the world. And these circuit experiences certainly celebrate that with a very special Ferrari lined up for you to drive. Let us introduce you the California. This motor is definitely the lesser-spotted Ferrari in the driving day stable. They build just 27 of these a day in a special production facility in … | View | ferrari | |
Audi R8 Hertfordshire | Fancy a bit of Audi driving in Hertfordshire? Head down to Bovingdon Airfield for a high-speed Audi R8 drive that’ll knock your socks off in that very precise German way. This is the amazing R8 and you are going to be in charge of it for 10 fabulous laps… Bovingdon is a great place to test drive a car. Any car in fact. So imagine our delight when we heard a gleaming Audi R8 has joined the line up of … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Ferrari 458 Challenge Experience | Get your hands on a genuine Ferrari 458 Challenge! This is your chance to drive an actual Ferrari 458 race car that has competed in and won races in the single-marque Ferrari Challenge championship. This high-spec beauty has come straight from Italy to Hertfordshire and boy does this car rock around this former airfield’s smooth tarmac surface. Are you up for the Ferrari 458 challenge? One look at this 458 and you’ll agree it’s no ‘ordinary’ Ferrari. The Challenge is … | View | ferrari | |
Diesel Footplate Experience Yorkshire | Book your place on this coveted diesel experience at Elsecar Railway and you will find yourself trying a hill-start in a diesel locomotive! We didn’t know you could even do a start on a steep hill in a diesel engine so we can only imagine the exhilaration of conquering the train line here in South Yorkshire. What’s more you can invite a friend or loved one to watch you in your quest as there’s room in the cab for an … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Apache Rally in Kent | The Apache Off Road Rally Experience drives you to the extreme edge and provides the ultimate in motorised thrills at the track near Maidstone in Kent. Suitable for adults and youngsters these mean lean machines are designed to drift and you will have an 1 ½ hour to master the skill. Akin to driving a rally car on ice (even though you’re in the heart of Kent) the Apache is seriously exciting! Custom designed the Apache takes you into a … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Junior Quadbiking North Yorkshire | Do you want to give your kids an unforgettable experience? Well Into The Blue is offering you that chance. This superb venue in North Yorkshire is the perfect location for thrill seeking youngsters aged between twelve and 16 years old to try their hand at riding on a quad bike. The exciting course is run by expertly trained drivers who will keep a watchful eye over your youngster as they hit the beaten path in groups of a maximum of … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Rally Driving Scotland | One thing’s for sure you can’t knock the Knockhill rally experience for overall slide-sliding and grit flinging fun! This high-revs experience at the foot of the Scottish hills north of Dunfermline is a true rallying delight combining great cars with superb tuition and that professional set up too. Knockhill is Scotland’s national motor sport centre and hosts many races including stops of the touring car and super bike championships. For this experience though is all about the rally driving and … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Porsche Boxster S Racing Experience | Discover this Martini-styled pocket rocket on this Porsche Boxster race car experience! The Boxster is the brilliant little rear-wheel drive convertible from Porsche that packs a serious punch out on the race track. It’s a two-door two-seater convertible Porsche with that legendary flat 6 engine all finished off with classic Martini racing stripes…what more could you ask for? Yep this Porsche harks back to the halcyon days of Porsche racing in the iconic Martini colours. The cars were always sparkling … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Buggy Rally Experience Birmingham | Join the revolution when you go buggy rallying in Birmingham! Driving the very latest Revolution buggies by Walker-Adams you’ll experience extreme acceleration sharp handling and precision engineering which all combines to give you a fantastic session out on the track. This is one crazy rally buggy. So much so that you’ll need to train beforehand in a much tamer single seater Rebel buggy. Getting used to this buggy driving lark in a practice area of this Birmingham circuit will put … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Harley-Davidson® Peak District Experience | A truly exhilarating ride out when you take a Harley-Davidson® around the Peak District! These self-drive fully hosted tours around Derbyshire’s stunning Peak District are the business. Amazing scenery a fabulous American motorbike and like-minded people to ride with. What more could you ask for! Actually there is more. You won’t just be riding any old Harley-Davidson®. You will be the officer in charge of a genuine ex-US Police Harley-Davidson®. Not only that these Police Road Kings were bought in … | View | motorbike-experiences-gifts | |
Extreme Rally Challenge | Put your oversteer and understeer skills to the limit on an extreme rally challenge! This full day of rallying will see you getting to grips with the power and torque of one or two of the world’s finest Group N rally cars – the Subaru Impreza and the Mitsubishi Lancer. Having a driving licence to be able drive on the public roads is a very different set of skills to being able to rally. The challenges are much more extreme … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Family Quad Experience Oxfordshire | If you’re looking for a four-wheeled family outing with a difference give quad biking in Oxfordshire a spin! Specially put together to create a family activity session that’ll surely get the kids and the oldies whooping with delight you will be tackling the some seriously tricky terrain on your very own quad. This all-action driving activity centre is in the heart of Oxfordshire. Quad biking here isn’t just for adults as there is a fleet of mini 50cc Suzuki quads … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Junior Rally Driving Silverstone | Take a Ford Ka for a spin at this Junior Rally School at Silverstone! Open to any rally-mad youngster between the ages of 10 and 16 teenage petrol heads will love the chance to get behind the wheel of a proper rally car and get those wheels spinning on the gravel. On the ‘Rally Experience’ and ‘Adrenaline Rally’ budding junior rallyers will be part of a group of six taking it in turns to drive the front wheel drive rally … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
Car Crush in Northamptonshire | Most of us have seen car crushing scenes in the movies or on TV and have always wanted to get behind the controls of a tank and drive it relentlessly over a car well now is your chance to make your dream a once in a lifetime reality with this Car Crush Tank Experience near Brackley in Northamptonshire. Rev up ‘The Daddy’ of all military vehicles the Chieftain main battle tank and crush a complete car under the tracks of this 56 … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Young Driver Lesson Nationwide | Young driver lessons are the genius solution to end teenage nagging once and for all as this Into the Blue voucher will see youngsters enjoying 30 or 60 minute lessons behind the wheel. This means that from the age of 10 they can gain essential practical driving experience that will be invaluable once they come of age and begin driving on the public roads for real. Specially designed for young drivers all lessons take place at driving centres where realistic … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Off Road in Wiltshire | Release the driving demon inside you with our torque-tingling experience behind the wheel of a 4×4 in Wiltshire. Aimed at drivers new to the thrill of handling a four-wheel drive this stunning off-road route simulates all the hazards you might expect on open ground – and some that you wouldn’t – making this is a great way to explore the full possibilities that 4×4 driving offers. Set in the beautiful Wiltshire countryside at the Castle Combe Circuit our half-day 4×4 … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
1970 Dodge Charger Drive | It’s like you’re driving Dom’s signature car on this Dodge Charger driving experience! The street racing leader’s 1970 Dodge Charger R/T was a car very much close to his heart. These brilliant experiences will see you driving a 1970 Charger that’s been done up to look just like Dominic Toretto’s pride and joy. We learnt in the first Fast and The Furious film that Dom and his Dad built this impressive customised Charger complete with supercharger attached to the bonnet. … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Bentley Continental GT Thrill | The rich and famous might cruise along the highways in their Bentley Continental GT cars but you will be driving the Bentley Continental GT on the track making it much more fun. No speed limits no average speed cameras and no traffic cops. The only problem is of course that you have to give it back after your go. In the not too distant past Bentleys were known for being large elegant and rather stately motor vehicles. Since Volkswagen got … | View | bentley | |
Movie Stars Cars | You know how it’s often the cars from the movies that are the real stars of the on-screen action? Well prepare yourself to drive some very memorable movie cars on these brilliant experiences. Of course they aren’t the actual vehicles that appeared in the films but these motors are very convincing tributes to those fine motors that drive straight out of Hollywood. As you arrive at the track for your experience you’ll be keen to spot which cars are associated with … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Toyota Supra Driving | Drive the Fast and Furious Supra and you’ll be driving a lookalike of one of Brian’s best cars! The bold and brash Toyota Supra turbo that played a major role in the original ‘The Fast and The Furious’ film is an absolute classic of a Japanese supercar and you get to take it for a spin out on the track. Of course it’s not the actual Supra that Brian O’Conner drove (that ninja beauty was actually sold at auction in … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Drive a Huracan | Dice with the God of wind storm and fire on a Huracan test drive! Lamborghini certainly chose the perfect name (Huracan is indeed a deity) for this impressive supercar and this is your chance to see if you can tame that Italian flamboyancy with a touch of German precision included as you take the Huracan for a spin in Staffordshire. It has to be said Lamborghini cars certainly appeal to a certain type of driver. If you want discrete high-powered … | View | lamborghini | |
Skid Control Suffolk | Experience front and rear wheel drive action on this Skid Pan Day in Suffolk! This low-grip skid pan at the driving facility near Bury St Edmunds gives you the opportunity to get skidding and sliding in total safety for half a day’s fun as part of a small group experience. Throughout the course of these thrilling days you will take out two different vehicles onto the pan for skids and slides – a front wheel drive hatchback and a larger … | View | skid-pan-training-and-driving-experience | |
Performance Car Choice | High thrills high speeds and big smiles on this fast car driving experience! Offered at several track locations around the UK you will find yourself at the wheel of some much lusted-after speed demons with a whole host of options for you to choose from. First off the starting grid – the venues for these experiences. You could be driving very fast in the car or cars of your choice at North Weald in Essex or East Lothian which are … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Junior Race Car Experience | Mini racers get ready to go on a brilliant junior race car experience! Aimed purely at car-mad kids this racing car session gives little ones the chance to drive a Porsche race car around a track. What’s more we’ve got venues around the UK so you won’t have to drive far for your little darlings to have some junior track day fun. The Porsche Boxster Martini racing car is a fab little roadster sports car. It’s a proper two seater … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
4×4 Dorset | Dig deep climb high and grip that 4×4 Land Rover steering wheel tight – that’s what this Dorset Off Road experience is all about! Driving around some of the toughest off roading terrain you can find in Dorset this place has all the ingredients for a great session of 4x4ing. This 4×4 centre is located in between Dorchester and Weymouth on a site that’s easily accessible from the A354 and the A35. But once you’ve left that smooth-running tarmac of … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Little and Large Driving | It’s big thrills no matter what size the vehicle on this Little and Large driving experience! As you can probably tell from the name you will be driving one of the biggest biggest trucks you’ve ever seen and then one of the smallest rally karts out there. This duo might seem mismatched in terms of size but there’s no denying they both pack a serious punch when it comes to torque and power. Grizzly is the American monster truck who … | View | monster-truck-driving-experience | |
Aston Martin DB5 Drive | At last! Your chance to drive an Aston Martin DB5! This unique tribute to Mr James Bond’s most famous Aston has been built on a modern chassis with all the style and refinement of the original DB5. It looks truly sensational and we’re very excited to offer this thrilling Aston Martin DB5 experience. This is a masterpiece of a car. Aston Martin was persuaded to let James Bond producers use their prototype DB5 in Goldfinger and that was the start … | View | aston-martin | |
Supercar Blast Choice | This is your supercar blast choice – hosted by one of the biggest track day operators at some of the best circuits in the country! If you love your cars you will adore these experiences. You’ll be practically salivating at the choice of supercars and be chomping at the bit to have a blast on some very well-known tracks. These fabulous driving sessions are offered at Blyton Park Elvington Three Sisters Bruntingthorpe The Arena Circuit at The NEC Birmingham and … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Tarmac Rally Staffordshire | Go go go rally driving in Staffordshire! A clutch of rallying superstars are revved up and ready to be driven on these fantastic rally driving experiences at this highly popular driving day venue just outside Stone near Stafford. You get to choose whether you drive the Subaru Impreza STi or the Ford Focus RS on the fast tarmac track. Then there’s a front wheel drive hatchback prepped for a handbrake turn session all rounded off with a high speed passenger … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Young Driver Training Bundles | Buy your great value young driver lesson packages here and get six lessons for the price of five! When your teens come bounding in after school and say: ‘When can I start driving pleeaasseee!’ we’ve got the perfect solution for you. These multi-lesson packages give your little ones the chance to get a serious head start in driving. Available at up to 60 venues nationwide there’s bound to be a centre near you offering these driver lesson packages. They’re specifically … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Typhoon Turbo 2-Seater Passenger Ride | Here’s an experience with a difference – it’s a two seater version of a current single seater racing car and you’ll be in as a passenger! Get ready to see the world at a very different speed as you hurtle around the track with an expert driver at the helm so you can feel what it’s like to be a proper racing driver. The new generation of Formula Ford that this motorsport team runs is the EcoBoost 200 making it … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Weekday Supercar Blast | If you’re looking for a bargain our latest supercar offer gives you the chance to drive a very expensive car for not much money! The Anglesey Wigan York and Staffordshire venues have a whole roster of fancy cars good onsite facilities and a friendly team – what more could you ask for? This is the Supercar Blast. It’s offered to you at either the Staffordshire Driving Centre Three Sisters track Tockwith Motorsports Centre York or Anglesey Race Circuit in Wales. … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Kids Quads Staffordshire | Kids quad biking in Staffordshire – a surefire way to see bored teens burst with excitement as they get to pilot their very own quad for a half hour of quadrilicious fantasticalness! Aimed at young quad bike riders aged between 12 and 15 years this centre in Staffordshire specialising in junior experiences has all the right gear so your little daredevils can have the time of their lives on an All Terrain Vehicle. Ready and waiting for them is a … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Brands Hatch Drift Training | If you fancy flinging an MX5 around head to Brands Hatch and go drifting! Going fast in a straight line is great fun but sliding sideways around a bend at serious speed is just out of this world. It takes skill concentration and maybe a bit of beginner’s luck for this amazing experience in Kent. First up we must mention the instructing team at this Brands Hatch school. Head honcho Rich Newton has many many years of experience judging drifting … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Dads and Lads Tank Experience | We salute you on our Dads and Lads Tank Experience in Leicestershire! Of course Mums and Daughters or any combination of the above are welcome too on this mud-filled driving and shooting extravaganza – the only prerequisite is that one person aged 16 years or over drives and one is the passenger (can be an adult or a child aged at least eight). Lads and lasses alike will love this centre located just outside Market Harborough in south Leicestershire as … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Supercar Thrill & Hotlap | It’s petrolhead paradise on this Supercar Thrill! Available at different venues around the UK this experience is all about you. You get to pick which of the fine sporting cars you want to drive and you will choose which circuit you want to fling it around too. Time to get revved up for your day out… Awesome is word that is overused these days. But many of our customers who have been on this blast experience come back and tell … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Extreme Stunt Driving | Rev the engines and pull off some classic motoring tricks when you learn to stunt drive in the UK! You’ll be taught all the classic moves you can perform in a stunt car by expert instructors at your choice between two specialist stunt schools in the UK. When it comes to doing stunts in a car who hasn’t wanted to be a stuntman or stuntwoman at some point? All those thrilling car chases the screeching tyres and the spinning – … | View | stunt-driving-experience-course | |
Junior Platinum Supercar Choice | A multitude of revving engines all around – that’s the ultimate in kids’ driving for you! Let us introduce you to the Platinum driving experience for your little fans of all things supercar. These session give them the chance to get behind the wheel of one or two fancy cars even though they’re not even old enough to apply for a licence let alone actually drive officially. Whilst the thought of being behind the wheel of a vehicle that’s worth … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Loughborough Steam Train Day | This is where signals stations and steam all combine on the famous Loughborough steam train! You will be invited to spend the day at the Great Central Railway – the UK’s only double track heritage railway – and take up your position as driver for a thrilling round trip at the helm of one of the beautifully restored steam engines. Loughborough station is where your steam train experience starts. You’ll meet your crew for the day and chat over a … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Dirt Buggies for Two Cheshire | Introducing the Blitzworld Vigilante dirt buggies in Cheshire! These machines are in a completely different league to your typical off road kart. The Vigilante buggy has a car engine and a manual gear box so they go like the clappers. Fancy taking one on as a duo? Here’s all the pair of you need to know on this buggy experience for two. The team who design and make these mad little buggies have come up with a winner in the … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Kent & East Sussex Railway Experience | A great value hands-on steam locomotive experience! Become part of the train operating team at the Kent and East Sussex Railway as you prepare to accompany and work with the crew on a return trip at this wonderful heritage railway – one of the finest in the South East. These steam locomotive taster sessions are a bit like work experience albeit the best one you’ll probably ever do! You will discover what each role in getting a steam train running … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Nissan Circuit Drive | It all goes very Land of the Rising Sun on this Nissan GTR driving day with a car that gives the prestige marques a serious run for their money – at less than half the price! That’s not to say the Nissan is cheap it’ll still set you back 75 000 of your finest pounds… During this day of high speed driving you’ll discover that the GT-R from Nissan is the ‘young buck’ of the supercar world. Actually let’s be … | View | nissan-gtr | |
Junior Rally Driving Essex | If you know a teen who’s keen on cars this junior rally in Essex is just the ticket! There’s expert tuition a fleet of fun rally-prepped vehicles and plenty of space for proud family and friends to watch the action as little ones learn the art of rallying. The kids will love this young and dynamic instructing team here in Essex. They all started rally driving from a really young age – even to the point of heading out onto … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
Tank Driving in Hampshire | It’s time to get fully tracked when you go tank driving in Hampshire! This half day experience near Winchester includes lots of tanks and other classic military hardware for you to get to grips with as you spend several hours at the venue test driving some of the best war zone paraphernalia out there. You will have the run of this huge private estate so there’s plenty of room to go rumbling around in a variety of genuine military equipment … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Camaro Thrill | This is not an ordinary Chevrolet Camaro drive. This is a high-end high-performance version of the Fifth Generation Chevrolet Camaro and you are going to be taking it for a spin around the track! You don’t see many of them in the UK perhaps because these cars are big and have a very thirsty 6.2l V8 engine but you don’t need to worry about fuel economy on these experiences as it’s not you who’ll be filling up! It might be a … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Diesel Engine Cab Experience | Enjoy a diesel train experience that’ll see you riding up front with the driver on one of Britain’s finest light railways through the historic countryside of Kent. You will be a very privileged passenger on a Diesel Mechanical Multiple Unit with the rare chance to see everything on the railway from the driver’s perspective. Learning all about the heritage of this lovely little light railway as you go you’ll leave the main station at Tenterden and head through Northiam to … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
F1 Race Simulator | Put yourself in the hot seat with this F1 Grand Prix Simulator experience! This full simulation driving experience is so realistic you’re sure to be leaning into the corners as you race through the chicanes and hairpins in a Formula One race car on a pick of the world’s most famous motor racing circuits. The Grand Prix experience starts with a full driver briefing where you’ll learn about the race pods and controls characteristics of the cars timing equipment racing etiquette … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Juggernaut Experience | Climb up to the trucker’s cab on this juggernaut experience and find out what it’s like being King or Queen of the road! Get ready to drive a very fancy-looking Volvo truck around a private circuit to give you a flavour of life on the road as a haulier. The FH series from Volvo has been a best-selling truck for over two decades now. The trucks are powered by some of the most powerful engines on the market and they’re … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Exclusive 4×4 Driver Training | Find out what you’re capable of on these 4×4 training days! This off road training is exclusive and bespoke to you. That means one-to-one 4×4 tuition so you will be taught what you want to know about off roading. Whether you’re a 4×4 owner or not these courses offer an invaluable insight into four wheel drive motoring. Highly informative – that’s what these 4×4 driver training sessions are. All tutors have attained a high level of expertise when it comes … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Truck Driving Experience | Realise a dream with this exhilarating lorry driving experience at your choice of venue! No need for a special LGV driving licence to drive one of these fab DAF lorries with automatic transmission – just climb aboard the cab grab that Yorkie bar and get truckin’! If you’ve seen the Stig’s lorry driving cousin the Rig Stig on Top Gear you’ll know just how powerful these articulated lorries such as the DAF CF and DAF XF are. The DAF XF … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Porsche Thrill Nationwide | Choose from different top-notch race circuits on these thrilling Porsche track days! Take one very iconic car one excited driver (yes that’s you!) add a very experienced expert and a smooth tarmac track and you’ve got yourself one seriously thrilling Porsche day out on the track! All of our Porsche track day venues are professionally run and offer challenging technical racing lines that will require total concentration. Before you hit the throttle for your four laps you will be driven … | View | porsche-experience | |
Lamborghini Oxfordshire | Experience the thrill of Lamborghini Gallardo driving in Oxfordshire! You’ll be driving one of the sleekest Italian sports cars ever built at this airfield circuit near Upper Heyford for three or six laps which means three or six miles of the Gallardo greatness. It has to be said the Gallardo certainly knows how to turn heads. The engine noise alone is colossal – and as you rev the engine on the start line you can’t help but break out in … | View | lamborghini | |
Junior Movie Car Choice | Kids cars and films – that’s what this junior move car drive is all about! Let the children decide which motoring superheroes they’d like to drive and we’re pretty sure you’re going to be guaranteed there will be big smiles all around on the faces of these little drivers. Getting to have a go at driving before reaching the grand old age of 17 is always a bit of a thrill but imagine if you got your first taste of … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Police Pursuit Driving Experience | It’ll be blues and twos all the way on this Police Chase experience! Having committed an aggravated robbery and vehicle hijacking you’re the getaway driver. With the cops on your tail you’ll have to use your speed precision and skill to out-drive them. This is a live moving escape game and it’s all going down at Bovingdon Airfield! In your briefcase is your contraband. Pop the loot in the boot and get a wriggle on. As any self-respecting baddie will … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Classic vs Modern Aston Martin Drive Oxfordshire | Twice the power and style with the double Aston drive! This Aston Martin head-to-head experience puts the modern DB9 up against a classic Vantage. Both are head-turning cars so which one will you prefer after driving the two on the track? This modern and classic Aston Martin combination is inspired. You’ve got the stunning DB9 alongside the old school charm of the 1970s Vantage. The DB9 was the first Aston model to be built at the marque’s Gaydon facility and … | View | aston-martin | |
Kids Quads Newcastle | A fast and furious adrenaline fuelled quad biking experience is waiting for you at this all purpose built centre just outside the centre of Newcastle. Intotheblue offers an unforgettable day out for kids set in 1000 acres of picturesque Northumberland countryside. This exciting quad session is totally geared towards kids aged six to 15 years old giving little ones the chance to feel the need for speed as they whiz around the dirt track at exhilarating speeds. The course offers … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Supercar Circuit Blast | Get sporty in the automotive kind of way when you do a few supercar circuits! Yes there’s a track but you won’t be running around it you’ll be at the helm of your choice from a rather fine range of high performing dream cars. Actually this experience is like a well-stocked buffet of driving delights as you can take your pick of one two three four of five different cars to drive. There’s also a special high-speed topping available too … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Junior Toyota Supra Driving | Get ready for the revs with Fast and Furious for kids! Who cares if you’re not actually old enough to have a licence and legally drive this is all about ‘street racing’ on a private circuit. It’s legal and it’s great fun but it’s just for juniors! Of course technically the film franchise is rated 12 or 14 years but who hasn’t heard of the antics of Brian O’Conner and Dominic Toretto in the crazy carburettor-filled world of street racing? … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Ferrari Thrill | Ferrari driving in Wales Wigan York or Staffordshire? Yes please! This experience is all about knife-sharp steering and pure power as you hit the circuit at either Anglesey Three Sisters Tockwith or Seighford in a swanky Ferrari California that just loves being driven fast. It’s all very emotive stuff with the prancing horse; the roar of that aggressive engine and the 186 mph top speed. If this Ferrari could talk it would most definitely be smooth talking. But let’s be … | View | ferrari | |
Aston Martin On Road Adventure | Miles and miles of open road a full tank of petrol your driving buddy and a convoy of four gorgeous cars – that’s what this very special Aston Martin driving day is all about! Leave the realms of the enclosed track circuits with cones and braking points behind for a ‘wind in the hair’ experience driving on the public roads on this very luxurious and comprehensive package. We love the way this drive out is organised with all the hallmarks … | View | aston-martin | |
Lamborghini Huracan Track Drive | Whip up a bit of a storm with a Lamborghini Huracan track drive! You’ll need all the skills to get the Huracan driving thrills as this is some beast. Lamborghini has certainly hit the nail on the head once again when it comes to big brash and bold supercars. It’s time to meet the Huracan at a track near you! As you might suspect Huracan in Spanish (pronounced ‘ooh-ra-can’) means Hurricane. And driving this thing is certainly going to be … | View | lamborghini | |
Sports Car Experience | A sportscar experience full of superlatives! There’s quite a line up of motors waiting for you to take you pick on these sessions at a variety of tracks around the UK. Let’s see which car you choose for your drive Great things come in small packages as they say and this is certainly true of the Lotus Elise. A smashing little car in all its versions the one lined up for these sporting experiences is the series 2 111R. This … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Le Mans 66 Driving Experience | Drive a GT40 and get into the ‘Le Mans 66’ endurance motor racing spirit! This wonderful car is a faithful replica of the Ford GT40s that won the Le Mans 24 hour race in 1966 1967 1968 and 1969 – and this is your chance to drive it. The story of this formidable car is told in the hit 2019 film ‘Le Mans 66’ starring Matt Damon as Carroll Shelby and Christian Bale as Ken Miles. The plot is based … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Amphibious Driving Leicestershire | When it comes to Argocat driving you’ll certainly need your wits about you to be able to control this 8×8 vehicle! On this particular model there’s no steering wheel and not even a set of handlebars it’s all about the levers but with a bit of crunching and lot of concentration you should get the knack pretty quickly. This amphibious vehicle is a mind blowing little thing that really packs a punch. When you first catch sight of the Argocat … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Mad Max Truck Driving | This is a 4×4 in Oxfordshire but not as you know it! Off roading most definitely steps up a gear when you drive this Mad Max 4×4. Inspired by the spectacular vehicular beasts from the Mad Max films over the years this is maxed out 4x4ing that’ll really test your mettle and see if you’re as brave as police officer of the future Max Rockatansky. This Mad Max-style 4×4 is actually a Land Rover. But it’s like a Land Rover … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Transformers ‘Bumblebee’ Experience | It’s time to sing ‘Transformers – robots in disguise’ when you meet Bumblebee the Chevrolet Camaro! Bumblebee may have transformed from a Beetle to a 1970s Camara and then to this modern Camaro as he starred in the books cartoon and film versions but he has remained Sam Witwicky’s best friend throughout and you’re about to drive him! As we all know Transformers are alien robots who disguise themselves by transforming into ‘normal’ things like cars. Bumblebee is something of … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Teen Land Rover Driving Newcastle | This is teen driving in Newcastle – and it’s in a very special vehicle! If you know a youngster who’s mad about motoring this junior offroading session is brilliant fun because they’ll be at the wheel of a fab Land Rover Defender. There’s no denying that Land Rovers are cool. Land Rover Defenders in particular are very cool. A classic Landy that has a very special job as an escort vehicle is pretty much the pinnacle of coolness in our … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
Ultimate Truck Driving Duo | Bringing you the ultimate truck driving session to a venue near you! These double trucking experiences are offered at locations around the country and they give you the chance to drive a duo of trucks; one American and one European. It’s going to be a brilliant transatlantic truck fest for you! This truck experience combines the best of the trucking world. There’s the all-American Peterbilt which is rarely-seen sight in the UK but one of the most popular trucks in … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Kids Supercar Choice | Kids supercar driving is now a reality in Staffordshire and Yorkshire! Forget driving that small hatchback with ‘L’ plates all over it these driving experiences just for youngsters aged between 12 and 18 are all about high performance saloon and race prepped rally cars. It’s the perfect present for car mad boys and girls! There’s no need for a driving licence as centres are on private land. These sessions will be run on top notch track layouts that are made … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Skid Pan Castle Combe | Try out the Castle Combe Skid Pan for sliding fun in the Cotswolds! On arrival at this skid control venue near Chippenham in Wiltshire you’ll meet the highly experienced team – most of whom like chief instructors Jeff and Dave are ex-Police fast response driver/trainers or ADI instructors – and listen to a short safety briefing before heading out to the pan. This venue uses completely standard vehicles with normal road tyres. A non-toxic solution is mixed with water to … | View | skid-pan-training-and-driving-experience | |
Atom Race Ride | Seeing an Atom racing on the track is quite a thrill. Seeing two of them racing is pretty exciting. Being actually sitting in one whilst a pro-driver is racing head to head with another Atom is just beyond exhilarating. And that’s exactly what you’ll be experiencing on this Ariel Atom race ride. As you might suspect this is not going to be a gentle Sunday drive where you can pick out the sights as you cruise along. This is all … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Ferrari 348 TS Drive | Ferrari. The most powerful brand in the world synonymous with speed luxury and wealth. When you say Ferrari think of some of the most beautiful cars ever designed by legends such as Sergio Scaglietti and Pininfarina cars like the 250 GTO 250GT California and the 288 GTO to name just a few. Every Ferrari drive is special but this Ferrari 348 experience is legendary! This is your chance to drive one of the most iconic Ferraris there is. It holds … | View | ferrari | |
Aston Martin Bond Experience | When you think of a James Bond car you immediately think of Aston Martin. These Aston Martin Bond experiences bring a trio of the finest Bond cars ever produced to a race track near you for you to have your very own 007 driving moment. The DB5 was the first Aston Martin to appear in a Bond film. As James drove his stunning silver birch DB5 in the 1964 release ‘Goldfinger’ it hailed the start of a beautiful relationship between … | View | aston-martin | |
Supercar Driving Experience Edinburgh | Supercar driving near Edinburgh at Ingliston is now available to book online! Drive one two three four or even five high-powered supercars around this small but perfectly formed track just west of Edinburgh city centre. Ingliston is a great little circuit. In its heyday the track held many a high-thrills race meeting with many a high-profile driver taking to the challenging circuit. Established in 1965 it’s actually Scotland’s oldest circuit. Whilst the chequered flag went down on competitive motor racing … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Subaru Rally Experience | Sign up for a Subaru rally session and slip ‘n’ slide your way around a special stage in this seminal rally car! The Impreza is pretty legendary when it comes to rallying and is often top of the list on any would-be rally drivers wish list of most coveted drives and this experience makes that a reality for you. Back in the glory days of the World Rally Championship the Subaru Impreza was unbeatable. Thanks to a partnership with ProDrive … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Jaguar F Type R Drive | Book a Jaguar F-Type driving experience and discover how a drive in this F-Type is pure theatre. This isn’t just any old F-Type from Jaguar it’s the F-Type R coupe. And just look at it – it’s gorgeous. And it sounds the total business too thanks to a little bit of what the Jaguar boffins call ‘controlled misfire’ – allegedly. Let us tell you more about this F-Type you’ll be driving… We think this Jaguar’s ‘best side’ is the rear. … | View | jaguar | |
Huracan Spyder Circuit Drive | See if you can tame the whirlwind that is the Huracan convertible! Officially known as the Huracan Spyder LP610-4 this is one seriously awesome car from Lamborghini. It boasts impeccable performance and handling those head-turning looks and all the prestige that famous Lamborghini taurus logo brings with it. You’re going to love this drive. The Huracan convertible is packed full of on-board gadgetry. The ANIMA (Adaptive Network Intelligence Management) technology ensures the car’s character is adapted to you the driver … | View | lamborghini | |
Lamborghini Driving Days | These wheel-spinning tyre-squealing Lamborghini driving days are the perfect experience for anyone who has ever yearned to get behind the wheel of one of the world’s most iconic supercars. Named after a famous breed of Spanish fighting bull meaning gallant (and striking in Italian!) this fierce motor has been driven by many yet tamed by few… With six key circuit venues across the UK you’re closer to realising your Lamborghini driving day dream than you think! Relish the twists and … | View | lamborghini | |
Junior Audi R8 Experience | For the mini madcap motorsport lovers in your family this junior Audi R8 driving experience is a great way to give them quality time behind the wheel before they even think about getting a provisional. Young wannabe racers can get a first-hand feel for speed and power on a specially-designed circuit and take their first steps towards driving success in this top German sports car. Perfect for motoring youngsters of all ages the only requirement for junior drivers on this … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Ariel Atom Hot Laps | How do you make Ariel Atom hot laps even hotter? When they’re in a supercharged Atom that’s how! These passenger rides will get your eyes popping out of their sockets with the acceleration. It’ll be like no other passenger car ride you’ve ever been on so hold on tight out there! A supercharged Atom has 300bhp. Now that might not sound that much in the horsepower-heavy world of supercars but when a car is so light that combination makes for … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Junior Rally Driving in Gloucestershire | Ditch the video driving games and treat them to a junior rally driving day in Gloucestershire – much more fun for them and you! They’ll get to drive a real rally car at this professional rally school for kids aged from ten years upwards. All instruction is tailored to the child so they don’t even have to have been behind the wheel of a car before in their life to enjoy this rally driving experience for kids. Young petrolheads will be jumping up … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
4×4 Shropshire for Two | Take the road less travelled in a 4×4 in Shropshire! With the choice of testing your own motor’s capabilities or using one of the company’s fleet of all terrain vehicles this is a memorable way to pit human skill against Mother Nature in an unforgettable off-road driving experience. Stuart who owns and manages this friendly off road driving school has been 4×4 driving for a very long time and has access to around 20 different sites in and around Shropshire. … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Mini Cooper S Prodrive Rally | Get ready to drive a small but perfectly formed Mini Cooper rally car! OK the minis aren’t actually as little as they used to be in Charlie Croker’s time but these modern Cooper S versions certainly pack a serious punch. There’s even a wee bit of rally spirit to these Mini cars so looks like you’ll be having serious fun out there. The Mini Cooper S Prodrive is an all wheel drive version of the Mini that was developed in … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
4×4 BORDA Training | If you’re looking for proper 4×4 driver training this BORDA accredited centre is the place to go! BORDA is the British Off Road Driving Association and these 4×4 training experiences follow their ‘Standard’ Level course itinerary to get you a certificated pass at the end of it all. Set in the North Nottinghamshire countryside this BORDA training centre is well-placed to offer official off road tuition. The site is pretty impressive with over 40 acres of terrain much of which … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Rally Driving Powys | Don’t settle for anything less than the real deal for your rally driving experience in Wales! These are genuine rally stages in the Welsh forest. Enjoy rallying with the experts in the famous forests of Powys synonymous with the Wales Rally GB World Rally Championship. Used by top rally teams for testing and driver instruction this professional rally school boasts seven miles of loose surface forest stage in one of the most exciting and authentic settings in the UK. All … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Military Driving Leicestershire | Get kitted up and ready for madcap military driving experiences in Leicestershire! Your mission if you choose to accept it is to trundle around the countryside near Husband’s Bosworth just south of Leicester in your pick of heavyweight and medium weight military tanks and vehicles. At this venue there’s always a full fleet of armoured military vehicles ready and waiting to be driven. And one of them will catch your eye straight away as it’s only available at this Leicestershire venue. Meet … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Steam Train Driving Staffordshire | Steam train driving Staffordshire that’ll see you conquering the valleys and embankments of the Churnet Valley railway line. This is one of those things that everyone would love to do. If driving a steam train is on your ‘bucket list’ we can highly recommend these experiences in Staffordshire – the crews are friendly the scenery is stunning and the whole day out is great fun for all the family. The ‘Regulator’ steam train experience offers one to one tuition driving … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
4×4 Off Road Driving Cardiff | Prepare yourself for proper offroading in Wales! This part of South Wales was pretty much made for 4×4 experiences like these. You’ll be on Ty Rhiw Farm in Taff Wells which has the perfect mix of trees farmland and hills to show off these trials 4x4s to the very best of their capabilities. The terrain at this centre in-land from Cardiff is as tough as the vehicles you’ll be in. We’re talking fully-prepped off roaders that started life as standard … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Caterham in Oxfordshire | If you have ever wondered what a Caterham 7 driving experience is like let us enlighten you on this legendary car before you decide whether or not to take it for a spin around this compact circuit in Oxfordshire. Yes it has what can only be described as retro looks but that’s because the design is decades old but boy is it a good one (thanks to a Mr Colin Chapman) that has won many a motor race too. And … | View | lotus-caterham-westfield | |
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Rally | Grab yourself a bit of Mitsubishi rally madness and take a fully rally prepped Evo for a spin on some of the most authentic special stages going! If you like your wheel spinning and handbrake turns you’ll love this activity. Time to grapple for some grip! Available at three different venues around the UK the stages might all be different but there’s one thing that’s not going to change and that’s the car. You will be driving a Mitsubishi Lancer … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Aston Martin Drive | Get revved up with this special Aston Martin drive mission! The V8 Vantage is so good even 007 is back behind the wheel of this great British supercar – so why not take one for a spin yourself around the tarmac circuits at Staffordshire Wigan York or Anglesey? The Vantage is frequently described as like sitting in a five-star hotel that is capable of reaching almost 200mph. The luxury and power of this gleaming V8 model is unrivalled and the … | View | aston-martin | |
Junior 4×4 Driving Experience | Can children drive 4×4 cars? They certainly can on these junior offroad driving experiences that are available at venues nationwide! Give your little ones the chance to rip it up on the rough terrain with these experiences aimed just at the kids. Mud. Water. Banked turns. Steep hills and sharp descents. We’ve got it all for the lucky kids who will be getting their hands on these impressive four wheel drive off roading vehicles. And with a fine portfolio of … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
Ultimate American Truck Driving Experience | Get behind the wheel of ‘Big Rig’ on an American truck driving experience! Clive Shaw has been trucking in his Kenworths for years now and these showcase rigs are perennial favourites at truck fests and shows around the country. This is your chance to actually drive one! Clive first came up with the crazy idea of importing an actual American truck from the United States in 2011. After many many hours of work (and a lot of stainless steel polishing) … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Junior Off Road Kent | Our kids 4×4 in Kent – forget skateboards scooters and in-lines this is the way to roll! They’ll make all their school friends well jealous when they tell them that they took a big fat 4×4 vehicle out for a drive – taking on the slopes and winning! It’s the eager youngsters who’ll be in the driving seat of a fancy off road vehicle on this experience in Kent. Taking place at the lovely Eastwell Manor park estate there’s plenty … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
Land Rover Driving Leicestershire | Take a 4×4 on this Leicestershire trail and you’ll be testing your driving skills to the max – because this experience takes place at a disused quarry near Husband’s Bosworth! Creating the perfect testing ground for 4x4s you’ll need the best vehicle there is for the job and you have it in the classic Land Rover Defender 90. Much-loved by everyone who needs to drive off road including everyone from farmers to mountain rescue services the Defender is a true … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Stunt Driving Hertfordshire | If you fancy pulling massive motoring moves like they do in films then go on a stunt drive in Hertfordshire! These taster and pro stunt driving classes take place at a private proving ground just outside Hemel Hempstead and combine spinning thrills with excellent tuition. You could say the team here is totally dedicated to stunt driving and motorsport or you might just say each one of them is totally nutty about busting out crazy car moves. Either way this … | View | stunt-driving-experience-course | |
Junior Quads West London | If you want to get the kids quad biking near London this specialist off road centre at Northolt is the perfect choice! Renowned for excellent tuition and a challenging course layout the kids will just adore the chance to go quad biking in the wild yet so close to London. Just minutes from the A40 Westway between Uxbridge and Watford in London you’ll find this kids quad biking venue. It’s a little corner of paradise for all-action children who want … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Ferrari Thrill in Oxfordshire | Six reasons why everyone should have a go in a Ferrari 360 at some point in their life: 400bhp top speed 191 mph 0-60 in 4.3 seconds 3.6 litre water cooled V8 6 speed manual and or F1 paddle shift gearbox! All this at a high speed airfield track near Bicester in Oxon. With the instructor beside you as you drive you are encouraged to get a feel for the awesome performance of the 360 as you drive three or … | View | ferrari | |
Speed Shelby Mustang Drive | On this fantastic Shelby Mustang drive experience you’re going to be feeling the need for speed! Liveried up just like the star of the 2014 film ‘Need for Speed’ this 2013 Shelby Mustang GT500 has got power and charisma in bucketloads. Let’s see if you can handle this all-American brute of a car on the track. The stats for this Shelby Mustang speak for themselves. A 5.8l supercharged V8 engine 662bhp 0-60mph in 3.5 seconds and a near warp-speed maximum … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Ultimate Teen Supercar Party | There ain’t no party like a supercar party! This day out at the race track has to be the ultimate birthday party for car-mad teens with a tasty mix of motors and birthday cake. Get the invites out to the kids and wait for the rev counters to leap as the little ones get to drive some dream cars. When you’ve got a celebration to organise for your teenage sons or daughters it can be a daunting task but we’ve … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Learn 2 Drift Academy | This drift academy experience school reckons it can teach anyone how to drift in that fast and furious style. That might be fighting talk from this well-known slide school with several venues around the UK. The team here will tell you that you simply need to take everything you thought you knew about driving throw it out of the window and learn how to pull donuts figure of eights and drive fine lines – sideways. Simple. What’s great about this academy is … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Rally Driving Yorkshire | Get set for this superb RS rally driving experience in Yorkshire! At this Yorkshire rally driving school it’s minimal talking and maximum driving time. What’s more you’ll drive one of the all-time classic rally cars that won every RAC Rally between 1975 and 1979; the rear wheel drive RS2000 Ford Escort. Opting for the taster session will see you jumping into the Mark II Escort for an initial session to nail those handbrake turns. Then you’re off for a four laps … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Tank Driving Northumbria | Fun laughter. mud and dirt – what more could you want when you go tank driving near Newcastle? A great bunch of people is behind this friendly firm. They love anything military (and preferably turbocharged) and seem to actually enjoy taking engines out of tanks in their workshop almost as much as they do taking guests out to drive them! We are offering a taster and an extended tank drive for you hosted by this Newcastle team. Locations are rotated … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Extreme Rage Buggy Passenger Ride | Standby for extreme Rage Buggy rides! Have you got the bottle to sit next to a pro driver and go for a blisteringly-fast passenger ride in a Rage Buggy? It’s going to be exhilarating to the max so hold on tight. The Rage Motorsport Hurricane certainly lives up to its name. This buggy is a bit of a whirlwind out on the track. It’s small agile and fast. It’s been built to handle like a rally car and accelerate like … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Ferrari 360 Modena Driving | Our Ferrari Modena Driving Experience give you the chance to try out that quintessential ‘prancing horse’ supercar on a race track at nationwide locations – and it’s totally up to you which venue you’d like to go to. Elvington in Yorkshire and Blyton Park in Lincolnshire are both ex-airfield venues so you’ll be weaving around the cones strategically placed on the track. There is also the famous Castle Combe circuit in Wiltshire and Bruntingthorpe Proving Ground near Lutterworth to opt for. Whichever … | View | ferrari | |
Aston Martin Vantage Drive | All the ingredients you need for a fabulous Aston Martin gift experience right here! We’ve got the fancy cars a good variety of airfield tracks and race circuits around the UK superb in-car tutoring and last but not least you as the driver in charge of these beautiful machines. From North Weald in Essex to East Fortune in Scotland we’ve got driving experiences in Aston Martins that’ll make any car fan very happy indeed. If you’re looking for fast car … | View | aston-martin | |
Off Roading in Nottingham | There’s room for everyone in this 4×4 in Nottinghamshire! The beauty of these 4×4 off roading sessions at this north Nottingham venue is that you can fill the car. Be it a 30-minute taster or a much longer mission into the off-road world you can have up to three friends or family members with you as passengers. What’s great is that you’re effectively booking the whole car so you can hog the steering wheel for the total duration yourself or … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
4×4 Jeep Driving Fife | It’s all a bit Braveheart when you head to Knockhill for 4×4 driving! This is rugged Scotland at its absolute best and this off road course near Dunfermline certainly makes the most of the naturally hilly terrain. Let’s see if you’re brave enough to do battle in your off road vehicle… This 4×4 session takes place at the famous Scottish motoring venue Knockhill. Having said that you won’t be on the smooth tarmac of the track this experience is all … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Supercar Blast Offer | You’ll get that Friday feeling with this supercar blast offer! Ditch work and disappear off for the day at the end of the week to go on a supercar blast. These deals are valid for Friday supercar driving sessions at Heyford Park in Oxfordshire and offer our best value supercar blast deal going. We can’t go as far as writing a sick note for you or creating a spoof meeting that’ll take you out of the office all day Friday … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Steam Train Driving Kent | Time to go all nostalgic when you get to meet and work on a lovely steam train in Kent as part of the loco’s hands-on crew for the day. But first things first; at Tenterden Town station proceedings are kicked off in a very civilised fashion with all guests meeting over a breakfast bap and copious amounts of hot steaming tea. Your hosts will then lead a safety briefing to let you know the ‘dos and don’ts’ of being around … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Drift Lap Rides | Just one drift lap and you’ll be hooked! Get ready to ride shotgun as a passenger in a competition-spec drift car with a pro at the wheel. We’re offering drifting hot laps for those who want sideways high thrills for 3 6 or even 12 speed-filled laps of the drift circuit. Plonk yourself down in the low-slung bucket seat. Get your harness on and get ready for a wild track mission. If we’re honest with you it’s not actually the … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Drive Knight Rider | KITT the legendary Knight Rider car certainly needs no introduction. This revved up retro experience gives you the chance to play the role of Michael Knight as you step into the cockpit of a Pontiac Trans Am similar to Knight Industries Two Thousand. That’s to say KITT the enigmatic car with a voice (and a very dry wit) from that famous TV show starring David Hasselhoff. And of course everyone knows that despite the Hoff’s attempts to hog the limelight … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Platinum Supercar Choice | Let us introduce you to our Platinum experience featuring a plethora of top spec supercars! This is the creme de la creme the best of the best with the world’s finest and most-coveted cars all lined up in the pit lane ready to be driven by you. Each and every one of these vehicles is resolutely top of the range. In each case horsepower is well into triple figures torque is touching on ridiculous proportions and as for acceleration well … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Skids for Kids | Track-based drifting fun for teens with this brilliant Skids for Kids experience! It’s destination Birmingham for a day out with a team of very skilled drifters who love nothing better than to show young ones skills that most adults will never get the chance to try. And make no mistake this may well be the junior version of the drifting experience but your little ones will be using the same vehicles that are used on the adult drifting experience except … | View | junior-drift-and-skid | |
Subaru VS Supercar Experience | Mix and match the best of the best with this Subaru and Supercar Combo in Staffordshire! If you want to drive two rather fine motors these thrilling combination choice experiences will certainly hit the automotive spot any day of the week giving you two goes on the track in a duo of cars. It’s a bit like East meets West with a rather fine line up of European supercars mingling and combining with one much-loved Subaru from Japan the land … | View | subaru-impreza | |
Tank Driving Leicestershire | Get behind the controls of a serious piece of military machinery when you go tank driving around Leicestershire! You’ll develop a new found respect for our boys and girls in the army as you learn how to get to grips with this battle behemoth and explore the ultra-high tech gadgetry that makes tank driving such a skilled activity. Both the one to one and the small group tank driving sessions in Leicestershire start with a full kit-out including the battle … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Teen Rally Stafford | Sign the kids up for a junior road rallying experience and the little darlings will be hooning it around the tarmac in pro-rally style in no time! Take a top-notch rally car add patient driving instructors and this is the stuff of kids’ driving dreams. Chances are your car mad teen is one of the many millions who have watched those crazy stunt and performance driving videos that are all over YouTube. They might even have watched in amazement as … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
Ultimate Supercar Oxfordshire | Drive five or four of the very best supercars on these Ultimate Supercar Experiences in Oxfordshire! A finely-tuned quartet or quintet of cars awaits you at the airfield track in Upper Heyford with a Ferrari a Lamborghini an Aston Martin an Audi and a Porsche all on the bill – but which one will take top place in your heart? If you go for the Awesome Foursome you choose four of the cars to drive whilst those on the Supercar … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
M3 Hotlap or Drifting Passenger Thrill | Prepare yourself and be brave on these BMW M3 rides! The term ‘hotlap’ was invented for the M3. It’s long been one of the motoring world’s favourite performance saloons and these passenger rides show off the BMW at its sporty best. Equally at home street racing as it is on the race track it’s little wonder we’re offering both track hot laps and drifting laps in the BMW. It’s going to be a difficult choice to make. Do you go … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Junior Rally Driving in Leicestershire | Youngsters will love this fantastic Rally Driving For Kids in Leicestershire! Imagine your innocent little angel behind the wheel of an authentic Group N Rally Car whizzing around the track in Loughborough like a proper young rally driver – and being suitable for all kids aged from 11 to 17 years old junior is guaranteed to be in driving heaven Leicestershire style. Conveniently situated between Nottingham and Leicester kids rally driving takes place at this driving centre at the Prestwold … | View | junior-rally-driving | |
BMW i8 Driving Thrill | Your BMWi8 driving thrill is going to be thoroughly electrifying! These very unique super driving experiences available at North Weald Llandow and Blyton Park will see you driving BMW’s big plug-in hybrid car the i8. This is your chance to taste the future of motoring. Indeed electric cars of tomorrow are right here right now. They’re making a serious impression on the tracks at the likes of North Weald in Essex Blyton in Lincolnshire and Llandow race circuit in South … | View | bmw-driving-days | |
4×4 Coniston Hall | We have to say this Coniston 4×4 experience is really rather swanky as they have the smartest fleet of off-roading vehicles ever seen this side of Skipton! At the start of the session these 4x4s are all in show-room condition with freshly polished gleaming paintwork so let’s see if you can get the mud splashes up to the windows… This Coniston estate between Settle and Skipton is the perfect place for a spot of 4x4ing in the Dales. Well away … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
First Drive in Essex | Take your first drive in Essex with this fantastic junior car handling session! Under the expert tuition of the driving team you’ll combine four-wheeled frolics with learning all there is to know about practical road-going skills. It’s a fun safe introduction to learning to drive. The two hour course starts with a short safety briefing for participants and parents after which you’ll move out onto the airfield site to take your first drive in one of the Essex school’s VW … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Drift Car Passenger Thrill | This is your invite to head to a professional driving academy to experience a drift car passenger thrill! Drift rides in one of the training cars will show you just how gnarly even a more modest drift car can be at the hands of a pro drifter. Get ready to be taken on a serious drift car thrill in the missile that is the Mazda MX-5. The MX-5 is classic drift trainer car. It’s short wheel based compact and light … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Off Road in North Yorkshire | If you love driving and love the countryside then you’re sure to enjoy our 4×4 North Yorkshire off-roading experience! What better way to improve your driver reflexes and wheel control – and have tons of fun while you’re at it – than by bouncing over boulders dashing down gullies and blasting through gushing moorland becks in your very own all-terrain adventure? Specifically designed to suit beginner or refresher 4×4 drivers this windswept trek on the edge of the North York … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
AC Cobra Driving Experience | This is the AC Cobra driving experience – probably one of the best-sounding cars ever produced! Only 998 of the original Cobras were built but faithful replicas like this one keep the fans’ dreams of driving an AC Cobra very much alive and kicking. Prepare to be wowed by this beautifully replicated AC Cobra. Originally the Cobra was an Anglo-American project of the 1960s. Known as the AC Cobra in the UK and the Shelby Cobra across the pond the … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
1969 Camaro SS Driving Experience | Say a big hearty ‘howdy’ to the Camaro SS. This is the car Chevrolet finally came up with to compete against Ford’s massively successful Mustang. We’re giving you then chance to drive a genuine 1969 Chevvy Camaro in all its SS (that’s Super Sport) finery. And we reckon you’ll love it. Built on Pepsi Cola and hot dogs (or something like that) this quintessential muscle car from the other side of the Atlantic is certainly eye-catching. First Generation Camaros were … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Supercar vs Ford Focus RS | Take on a sports car and a souped up Ford in this Supercar vs Focus RS choice experience. This head to head car driving session gives you the chance to test the best of the slick sporting cruisers and compare it against the sheer grit of the fully rally-prepared Ford on a race track. You’ll be driving two very different cars then as you get to grips with the handling on the circuit. What’s more with this voucher you can … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Subaru vs Evo Hertfordshire | We think things could get very competitive on this Subaru vs Evo experience when you line up an Impreza WRX STi and a Mitsubishi Evolution side by side trackside to see which of these racing beasts is best. We absolutely love this head to head style experience format. Both cars have seen considerable rally and racing success both are held in high esteem by motoring fans and both have sold bucket loads during their many years of production but which … | View | subaru-impreza | |
Kids Nissan GTR | Give your teen the ride of their life on a junior Nissan GTR racing day and watch them light up the track like a driving professional! Teens will be jumping into the driver’s seat and taking control of this gnarly Japanese sports car at one of three UK centres so let your little one go wild on all four wheels. Designed to give kids as young as 11 the opportunity to take to the tarmac and discover the wonderful world … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Supercar Select Oxfordshire | Sign up for our Heyford Park driving experience! The method behind these Supercar Select sessions Oxford is simple – you select the number of laps you want to drive and then how many cars you want to try and you’ve got yourself one brilliant experience at Heyford Park that anyone remotely interested in cars will get very excited about. Looking like they’ve rolled straight out of the showroom the impressive line up of head-turning vehicles includes the Ferrari 360 (probably … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Big Toys Driving Experience | The Big Toys experience in West Sussex – it’s going to be pretty wild! For many childhood days are halcyon days – especially when they involved playing outside getting a bit muddy and having fun with those play trucks. Well here’s your chance to re-create those days for real at this off-road centre near East Grinstead in West Sussex with three different big toys for big girls and boys to drive. Let’s start this big boys’ toys session with a taste of the ‘high … | View | monster-truck-driving-experience | |
BMWi8 Experience | What makes a BMW i8 drive so different to all the other sports car experiences we have on offer? Well to put it simply the i8 is an electric car. But make no mistake this is not a teeny car that pootles around to the supermarket this is an eco-car that has serious sports car looks! Undoubtedly BMW has pushed the technology boat well and truly out with the i8. Originally appearing on the scene as the Vision Efficient Dynamics’ … | View | bmw-driving-days | |
Supercar Sensation | A Supercar Sensation – that’s what’s going down in Staffordshire Wigan York and Wales! These superlative supercar sessions are a symphony of purring engines and burbling exhausts in Seighford Three Sisters or Anglesey. The only decision you have to make is which of these gorgeous cars you want to drive. These sensational experiences are offered with up to five car drives. If you go for the full monty five supercar drive that’s a huge amount of tyre screeching to be … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Westfield Driving Experience | On this thrilling Westfield experience you’ll be taking one nippy little sports roadster and driving it around a track! These Westfield driving experience days take place at various circuit venues so take your pick and get ready to take a Westfield Sport for a spin. The Westfield is a true pocket rocket. It has the distinct advantage of being light. Very light in fact. Given their tubular space frame technology and glass fibre body they weight in at well under … | View | lotus-caterham-westfield | |
Kids Supercars | Supercar driving for kids – yes car mad teenagers can drive these fabulous cars for real! No need for a driving licence to experience the thrill of being behind the wheel of a supercar as any youngster can actually drive these supercars as long as they’re tall enough. If your child is at least 5’0″ tall (or 4’10” for the Ferrari) and between the ages of 10 and 16 years they qualify for these supercar driving days for kids. And … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Supercar Adventure Day | A full nine and a half hours of motoring fun with six hours on the open roads with some of the best high performance vehicles ever built – that’s our fabulous Supercar day! If you love cars you will feel like all your birthdays have come at once when you get to drive your way through a superb collection of very flash supercars. The key to these luxury experiences is the road. We are talking the everyday streets A-roads and … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Rally in Oxfordshire | Once upon a time there was a rally driving experience in Oxfordshire where you step back into motorsport history to drive the good and the great Ford Escort! A good serving of 1970s nostalgia most definitely on the menu with these fabulous and funky half and full day rallying sessions at this school near Bicester. One of our most popular venues in the UK it’s your chance to drive a rally legend. The original and still the best. The Ford … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Nissan GTR R35 Oxfordshire | The Nissan GT-R R35 comes to Upper Heyford! The blisteringly quick Nissan GT-R is a true revelation. It is just SO fast. Despite being a fraction of the cost this car can give those fancy Italian supercars a serious run for their money. For the spectator it’s a case of blink and you’ll miss it – even though you’ll most certainly hear it for a while before and after it passes you on this Oxfordshire track. Driving the Nissan GT-R … | View | nissan-gtr | |
Single Seaters – Scotland | Here’s your chance to experience the thrills of sports car driving and single seater racing on this professional circuit in Scotland on either weekday or weekend sessions. Your experience starts with a trackcraft talk with professional drivers explaining the art of how to drive the cars around the circuit – it’s nothing like negotiating normal roads! Once kitted out and ready to go you will drive four laps in a sporty saloon car. This session offers you one to one instruction … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Tank Driving Northumberland | How about a bit of tank driving in the wilds of Northumberland? If you’ve ever wondered where you can drive a tank around these parts the answer is right here right now near Morpeth! Roll up the sleeves and get ready to get stuck in for a frenzy of full-tracked antics at Eshott Airfield. The guys behind this project know a thing or two when it comes to adventurous activities as they also own and run the airfield. They decided … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Tank Battles in Leicestershire | Attention – take part in our Tank Battles in Leicestershire! Tank driving in itself is good fun but with this battle experience you’ll actually take part in full on combat kicking off in the heart of Leicestershire as your team of three crews a tank to attack the enemy – too much fun! That’s right you’ll be going into a military warzone (albeit with paintball gear!) using 17 tonne FV432 armoured personnel carriers to battle against one another. This venue has … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Gulf War Driving Experience | When you’re going to war you need serious mechanical back up – which is where the CVRT Spartan and the T244 Leyland DAF 4×4 truck come in! They’re both classic Gulf War military vehicles and we’ve got a pair of them ready for service in the more tranquil setting of Bicester Heritage. If you’re a fan of military vehicles you’ll love this duo of Gulf War veteran vehicles. And we have to say both did actually see active service in … | View | tank-driving-experience-military-vehicle-fun-days-across-the-uk | |
Nationwide Nissan 350Z Drifting | Looking for a thrilling drifting experience near you? We’ve got the answer with a full range of drift sessions at a multitude of tracks around the UK. If you’ve seen the slides these cars do you know it’s going to be a lot of fun out there. You will be driving a Nissan 350Z. It might not be one of the most legendary sports cars out there but when it comes to a good solid drifter the 350Z is ideal. … | View | drifting-experience-days-lessons | |
Lamborghini Drive for Kids | The drivers might be mini but there’s nothing small about this junior Lamborghini driving experience! This is as full throttle as the adult track day but with one major difference – you have to be aged between 10 and 16 years to be able to take part! There’s also a height restriction (it’s useful to be able to see over the steering wheel at least even if the long sleek bonnet falls out of view!) so kids will need to … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
BMW i8 Circuit Drive | Take the BMW i8 for a blast and get a taste of the future of motoring! This incredible new hybrid car from BMW sets the standard for ‘green’ driving into the next decade even though it looks nothing like what you might think an environmentally-friendly would be like… Let’s face it you wouldn’t think the words hybrid and BMW would ever be seen together but since showing off the concept car in 2009 the i8 has grown into a full … | View | bmw-driving-days | |
Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo Race Car | Drive a Lamborghini Huracan Super Trofeo around the track! This is a genuine Lamborghini race car that was bespoke built for competing in the Huracan race series – the fastest one-mark racing series in the world! Let’s face it the Lamborghini Huracan has always been a bit of an over-the-top kind of car. One that definitely gets heads turning with that loud exhaust burbling engine and bright bodywork. This Super Trofeo version takes that bold brashness up a yet another … | View | lamborghini | |
Audi R8 V10 Plus | The Audi R8 V10 plus vs the Audi R8 – which one will you prefer? That’s the million dollar question on this experience that’ll see you driving both if you go for the Audi Battle voucher. If you prefer to go solo you can do too with an Audi Thrill experience to test drive the V10 only. So you’ve got two Audi R8s. Are they really that different that us non-professional drivers would even notice the variations on driving them? … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Drive a Train at the East Kent Railway | The next departure from platform one on the East Kent railway is the train driver day! These experiences are totally hands-on. Not only will you be driving the ex-MOD diesel train you’ll be carrying out a whole roster of crew duties making it an all encompassing multitasking train driver experience. The East Kent Railway Trust has worked hard over the years to create a fabulous railway. And before they set up their preservation society in 1985 there hadn’t been a … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Single Seaters – Leicestershire | Nothing beats driving solo around a track and on this single seater driving experience you’ll be doing just that around a challenging purpose-built circuit in Leicestershire countryside. So pop your racing helmet on get ready on the start grid and follow those chequered flag dreams! The day you get to drive a single seater starts with familiarisation laps in a performance training car to give you valuable experience of the track so you can drive every corner and curve of … | View | racing-car-experiences | |
Junior Quads Birmingham | Let those tearaway teens channel their energy on these junior quads in Birmingham! Kids are most welcome at this fab quad biking venue that has a fleet of Kymco 90cc youth sport quads ready and waiting to be ridden by your little monsters! Basecamp for this hour-long kids quad biking session is in the middle of ancient woodland just 15 minutes from Birmingham city centre. It’s a proper outdoor adventure centre so the children won’t just be pootling around a … | View | junior-quad-biking | |
Skid Control in Essex | This Essex skid control centre at North Weald Airfield near Epping has been instructing drivers for well over 20 years. Under their expert tuition you will have fun but most importantly you’ll learn valuable skills in a car that could save lives once you’re back out driving on the public roads. The two hour course is in the heart of Essex (but well away from all the cars on the roads) and will teach you all about skidding. All sessions … | View | skid-pan-training-and-driving-experience | |
Own Car Track Day at Three Sisters Circuit | Experience the thrill of driving your own car on a Three Sisters track day! This famous professional race circuit near Wigan opens its doors so you can take part in a track day in your own car. This is your chance to really test the capabilities of your car and your driving. The idea of these own car track days at Three Sisters is to open up driving your road car or track car around a circuit with separate groups … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
Street Life Young Driver | This multi-award winning young driver programme is a scheme by the Street Life driving school to give youngsters not yet old enough for their provisional licence top-notch driving tuition. So if you know a teen who is mega keen to get behind the wheel in a safe environment in Essex this is the perfect choice. Taking place at Colchester Football ground in Essex it means the young ‘uns are well away from the public roads and other road users too. … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Off Road in Scotland | Get your tyres spinning with some wild and wonderful off road driving in Scotland. This experience will see you brave some of the most breathtaking terrain the Scottish Highlands have to offer with pools troughs gullies and mountains all waiting to be tackled. With four wheels shed loads of torque and traction combined with a hearty dose of courage to help can you defeat our off roading challenge? For this bracing driving session in Perthshire you’ll be behind the wheel … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Under 17 Motorsport Academy Drive & Licence | Welcome to the Under 17 Motorsport Academy! On this experience youngsters are able to have a go at driving an MX-5 in a safe controlled environment. It’s all about building up confidence in a relaxed and fun way away from the public roads to give your kids a head start in motoring. These sessions are open to children aged between 11 and 16 years old with a minimum height of 4ft 8” (so they can reach the pedals). The car … | View | your-first-under-17-driving-experience | |
Aston Martin Thrill | Put your foot to the floor and feel the raw power of a well-honed modern day motoring legend with these Aston Martin race days around the UK! Seize the wheel of this sleek sporty automobile and show the world how fast and furious you can race around some of the country’s top circuits. Your motorsport experience begins with a welcome introduction to your chosen venue and a safety briefing on track driving techniques. For these fabulous Aston sessions you’ll be … | View | aston-martin | |
Extreme 4×4 in Somerset | Try your hand at some extreme off-road driving with our 4×4 Somerset activity; a specially-designed safari course guaranteed to get your blood pumping and a trials circuit to get your heart racing – and both will get your nerves buzzing! Whether you’re new to off-roading or you’ve been handling these powerhouse machines for years there is something to challenge everyone at this amazing Somerset venue which is actually on the Bath and West showground site. At this centre you can … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Off Road Rebel Buggies Birmingham | Go drive an off road buggy in Birmingham and find yourself out on the track racing with multiple buggies! This Birmingham Wheels track is the only one in the country where you can race in the impressive 931cc WA Rebel buggy on a purpose-built gravel rally stage. Experience all the thrills of off road racing in a right little Rebel! Indeed these Walker Adams built Rebels certainly pack a punch. They’re side-by-side racers with Cobra bucket seats full racing harness … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Ferrari Thrill Choice | Get ready to feel the awesome acceleration in an unmistakable Italian-style when you drive a Ferrari! On these ‘Choice Experiences’ it’s all about this achingly cool supercar you in the driving seat and a circuit where there are no speed limits traffic lights or anything else to get in the way of your bonding session with the Ferrari. Head straight out to the Ferrari of their choice for some ‘on the job’ training as you drive three or six miles … | View | ferrari | |
4×4 Milton Keynes Experience | Take a 4×4 Offroading In Milton Keynes and see just what these cars (and you) are capable of! The beauty of this venue is the location. Only 10 minutes from the centre of Milton Keynes with all the facilities yet this 4×4 circuit is in the heart of the Buckinghamshire countryside being based on a working farm and business estate. The complete site covers over 800 acres and the track you’ll be tackling is 3.5 miles long making it one … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Drive a Lamborghini | Drive a Lamborghini and get a real taste of the motoring high life! The Gallardo from Italian manufacturer Lamborghini kick-started the marque back into the upper echelons of the car world with this quite simply stunning car. First produced in 2003 the Gallardo was an instant hit and thousands have rolled off Lamborghini’s production line (despite the £130 000+ price tag) and this experience lets you actually drive one. A rare opportunity indeed and what’s more we’ve got different circuits … | View | lamborghini | |
4×4 Off Road Newcastle | Discover the might of the 4×4 Land Rover Discovery when you take the plunge and go off road in Newcastle! Put simply this vehicle is one of the most renowned 4x4s in the world for agility endurance and sturdiness. You can pretty much go anywhere in a trusty Disco II and a few rocks; water troughs and tree trunks certainly won’t get in your way. We think you will love driving it around the Northumbrian countryside. The setting for this … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Lamborghini Test Drive | The great thing about this Lamborghini test drive is that you don’t have to have over £180 000 burning a hole in your pocket! Yep that’s how much an all-singing all-dancing Gallardo would have cost you new so our drives are considerably better value for money we think you’ll agree. We say would have cost you as the very last Gallardo rolled off the production line in Sant’Agata Bolognese on the 25th November 2013. Retiring after a decade of loyal … | View | lamborghini | |
Hovercraft Racing in Cheshire | Your hovercraft experience in Cheshire is all about no brakes bags of thrust and an inflatable skirt! Hovercrafts offering passenger services might be a distant memory but the racing spirit lives on with these fantastic sports models. Here’s your chance to get your hands on one and see what it feels like to hover just centimetres off the ground at speed. We are offering a trio of hovercrafting sessions for you. The Taster is perfect for a first go as … | View | hovercraft-experience-days-and-racing | |
Big Grizzly Monster Truck Drive | When is a truck a US Monster Truck? When it’s around 12ft tall that’s when! If you’re looking for the ultimate supersized driving gift this could be the one. When you meet this full-size American monster truck you’ll be in awe. And when you try and climb aboard you will literally have to get the ladder out. Your experience starts with an introduction to ‘Grizzly’ the ginormous one from the States complete with 6ft tyres custom paintwork and full-on American … | View | monster-truck-driving-experience | |
Junior 4×4 Explorer Dorset | Introducing kids 4×4 in Dorset – let your little ones rip it up in an off-roader! Hard-to-please teens will be kept seriously entertained on these fabulous offroad driving sessions just for youngsters. There’s no need for a driving licence (not even a provisional one) as the land is all private. There’s no need to risk your own family car either as the school has their own 4x4s that they are totally prepared to let the young ones drive – and … | View | junior-4x4-off-roading | |
Escort RS2000 and Impreza WRX Gravel Rally | Sign up for this London rally school and rally like you’ve been entered into the Acropolis or Monte Carlo rallies! This has to be the ultimate rally double combining the classic Mk II Ford Escort RS2000 with the superb Subaru Impreza WRX Sti. Both cars love kicking up the gravel on the rally stages yet both drive quite differently making this rally double header utterly thrilling. The county’s capital might be London but the Mecca of rallying and motorsport in … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Diesel Driving Staffordshire | Drive a diesel train along the wonderful Churnet Valley Railway line! British Railways started building cleaner and more economical diesel-powered trains in the 1950s. Lightweight and adaptable the diesel rail cars you can drive on these experiences were all built by the Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Company not far from this heritage line’s base in Staffordshire. A true labour of love the wagons and trains you will climb aboard at the Cheddleton base have been restored by the army … | View | steam-train-driving-experiences | |
Kids Supercar Thrill | This Kids’ Supercar Thrill is a fantastic way to give young racers who haven’t even yet passed their driving tests the chance to get behind the wheel of some seriously flashy supercars and experience the mind-blowing excitement of driving in one or two of these beautiful high-performance vehicles. Specially designed for teens with a taste for acceleration speed and expensive vehicles these tyre-screeching sessions cater for 11-17 year olds who dream of taking their turn in the driving seat. At … | View | supercars-for-kids | |
Double Supercar Experience | Try a double supercar experience and double-up on the supercar driving fun! This operator is one of the largest and most renowned in the country when it comes to laying on driving events which means you benefit from having the pick of a very fine and wide selection of cars as well as which venue to take your experience at. There are several different tracks ready to welcome you. Prestwold Hall in Leicestershire is the spiritual home of this supercar … | View | multicar-driving-days | |
HGV Driving in Devon | Your chance to drive a proper HGV in an Eddie Stobart style with just a normal driving licence at the off-road training centre near Exeter in Devon. Make no mistake these are powerful giants: 44 tonnes 55 ft long three-axle trailer with 460 bhp and a 12 speed automatic gearbox! Your experience starts with you meeting the truck you’ll be driving and your expert instructor. After being shown round the artic lorry you’ll then climb aboard for a commentated passenger ride in the … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
Supersprint Rally Experience | Your choice of rally driving experience UK-wide comes accelerating headfirst towards you with gusto at these three fast furious and highly authentic rally venues around the country. You also get to pick which top-notch rally car you want to take for a sprint around the track too. What could be better than that? First things first: the cars. There’s the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX or the Subaru Impreza WRX STi. Both are highly experienced rally driving machines and have had … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Traction Engine Driving in Cumbria | Driving a steam traction engine near beautiful Lake Windermere in Cumbria. This nostalgic driving experience can be shared with a friend/partner as the second driver on the footplate. Each steam traction engine course is tailored to the individual to ensure all drivers have a great experience whether they are knowledgeable enthusiasts or have never set foot on a steam traction engine before. This half day steam traction engine experience starts at Old Hall Farm which is a Victorian Woking Farm Museum … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Rage Buggy Rally Driving | Spend a half or full day getting to grips with the speed and agility of our Rage Buggies in Chichester West Sussex or let someone else show you how it’s done with a rage buggy passenger ride! It’s all about the quality of the instructors here as the school is owned and run by Leo Forster who learnt to race at the tender age of five. Tip top tuition for those who opt to drive is on the cards for all day … | View | off-road-buggy-racing | |
Hovercraft Bedfordshire | Watch out there’ll be some serious flying fun on water with our hovercrafting in Bedfordshire! Situated on the Wyboston Lakes its enjoyment factor 10 as you cruise over the lake on these one to one sessions. Being at the helm of a racing hovercraft as you skim the water is guaranteed to give the wow factor and miles of smiles! What’s more there’s no hanging around waiting your turn at this Bedfordshire centre as the hovercrafting time is allotted just … | View | hovercraft-experience-days-and-racing | |
Roush Mustang Driving Experience | Feel the full force of the Roush Mustang! The sixth generation Ford Mustang GT is impressive. Throw in the Roush performance enhancements and you’ve got yourself a seriously cool modern day muscle car. Here’s your chance to drive this Roush’d up Ford around the race track of your choice. Yeehaa! The logo on the front grille gives you the iconic image by Phillip Thomas Clark of the free roaming Mustang horse. This represented both the name of the car but … | View | muscle-and-movie-cars | |
Tractor Driving Nottinghamshire | Go tractor driving in Nottinghamshire! Between Worksop and Doncaster not far from Blyth you’ll be at the tournament ground where you can drive proper tractors just like a real farmer. It’s great fun and these agricultural machines are certainly impressive. We are offering a trio of tractor drives for you here in Notts. Each one involves you climbing into the cab and taking on tractor challenges. On the taster session you will tackle the tractor course. This is a purpose-built … | View | unusual-driving-days-out | |
Ferrari Test Drive | Let’s get straight to the point – this experience gives you the chance to take a Ferrari on a test drive. Now there are many different Ferraris out there but the one you’ll be driving is an F430. This is the car that re-launched Ferrari after the 360 and marks a whole new design period for the iconic Italian marque. Indeed the 430 has a completely new power plant; a 4308cc that gives it’s numbers to the name. This is … | View | ferrari | |
Battle of the Throroughbreds | Subaru vs Evo – which of the great rallying stalwarts will you prefer when you get to sling both of them around a proper rally track? This is the classic and all time best head to head line up with this duo of of delights from Japan’s top-notch automotive engineers getting on down in the dirt and the dust – and all with you at the wheel. Ask anyone with even just a remote interest in rallying to name a … | View | rally-driving-experiences | |
Rally Car Rides Essex | If you want to go fast in a car our rally rides in Essex are for you! All rally drivers have a co-pilot. They sit in the front passenger seat trying to read pace notes whilst the rally car is hurtling along jostling and jolting you all over the shop. You’ll get a little taste of this when you go on your rally passenger laps in Essex. Luckily you won’t be given a notebook and be expected to read out … | View | passenger-rides-driving-experiences | |
Stunt Driving Course | Get ready to pull some serious motoring manoeuvres when you go stunt driving in West Sussex! This is your chance to learn to be a stunt driver at this centre in Chichester – but this is no ordinary stunt driving course as you’re about to find out… What makes this session unique is that you’ll learning those fancy tyre screeching moves in a Ford RST. These mad little cars are like a mix of rage buggies and rally cars all … | View | stunt-driving-experience-course | |
Nationwide 4×4 Driving Thrill | Our 4×4 thrill nationwide is offered at no less than 11 different off-road locations around the country. That means wherever you are there’s bound to be a venue near you offering fabulous 4×4 thrill drives. Time to get booked and get 4x4ing across those bumps and lumps! You’ve got a choice of experiences that are available at all of these nationwide venues. You can opt for a classic 30 or 60-minute 4×4 thrill or make it a family affair with our … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
Aston Martin Circuit Drive | Nine venues eight cylinders of dream machine motor and you’ve got yourself one serious Aston Martin circuit drive! If you’re not sure which supercar experience to buy let’s face it choosing an Aston Martin V8 Vantage to drive has got to be a winner as we don’t know anyone who doesn’t adore the Astons. They are truly superlative cars both on and off the circuit. We could tell you all about the various accolades and awards these motors have won … | View | aston-martin | |
Audi R8 Thrill in Oxfordshire | This Audi R8 driving experience in Oxfordshire is our best value R8 product crossing the finish line at from just £49 per person. You’ll be at the airfield-style circuit in Upper Heyford for around two hours giving you and your friends and family plenty of time to soak up the motoring atmosphere. Your Audi R8 driving experience starts with a classroom briefing where you’ll learn all about racing lines cornering and braking techniques in this V8 engined powerhouse of a … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Audi R8 Driving | The best of Italian meets the best of German on this Audi R8 test drive! Based on the Gallardo the Audi R8 has catapulted VW parent company of both brands into the supercar stratosphere. Hailed a serious success by racing drivers motoring journalists and those mere mortals lucky enough to have the case to splash to actually buy one we think you’ll love giving it a whirl too. The first generation R8 road car was first presented at the Paris … | View | audi-driving-experiences | |
Jaguar F-Type Thrill | The Jaguar F-Type thrill – bringing you one seriously striking sports car to a selection of circuits around the country! There’s no denying the F-Type is a stunning looking car but how does it drive? Will the Jag let out a big cat roar round the track or will it behave like a naughty little pussycat? This is your chance to find out. But before you do let’s wax lyrical a little longer about the car. With those stylish fastback … | View | jaguar | |
Optimus Prime Truck Driving | ‘Autobots…Roll out!’ the Optimus Prime truck driving experience is now here! This Transformers truck driving extravaganza takes place at a race track near you and gives you the chance to pilot a behemoth of an American truck that has an uncanny resemblance to Optimus Prime when he’s in vehicle mode. Optimus Prime is the enigmatic and inspirational leader of the Autobots. He’s a brilliant tactician and a shrewd decision-maker as well as possessing superb leadership qualifies and displaying incredible martial … | View | truck-lorry-driving-experiences | |
4×4 Gloucestershire | Combine gears with a ratio of fun when you drive a 4×4 in Gloucestershire on these Wye Valley off roading sessions! A fleet of Land Rovers and Range Rovers is lined up and ready to tackle the unique tracks and trails of this quarry-based training centre. Let’s see if you can make the grade behind the wheel… Whitecliff 4×4 is headed up by Borda and Lantra qualified Geraldine alongside Bryn and a team of instructor drivers all ready and waiting … | View | off-road-4x4-driving-experience-days | |
1200HP* Nissan GTR Driving Experience | Introducing the Sumo Power Nissan – a 1200bhp Nissan GT-R! This very special experience is ready for blast off at Bovingdon Circuit in Hertfordshire. If you like your fast exotic cars this experience takes that to a whole new level. The standard Nissan R35 GT-R is an awesome car. It goes fast. It looks fantastic and it handles really well. This Sumo Power GT-R is simply out of this world. Check your wing mirrors £1-millon Bugattis there’s another 1200bhp motor … | View | nissan-gtr |